I was 280 lbs back in May and down to 260 as of November and still. I managed to not fall completely off my weight loss wagon because lessons I've learned from r/loseit talking about maintenance. Truly to make it through the holidays and four weeks of low energy illness. It's totally interrupted my meal planning. I have a lot of issues around binge eating and when I'm feeling unwell physically or mentally, it's a trigger to stuff that "void" with "nutrients" in a desperate overcompensation type of way. I had to keep reminding myself, I don't need an ENTIRE box of crackers and it's ok that I'm not following a meal plan. Just because I stopped meal planning for these weeks doesn't mean my weight loss journey is over. While I still did eat an entire box of crackers in one sitting, I'm pretty sure that was my only binge session, I managed to control my other binges by spreading then out and eating smaller portions. Force myself to ask my body whether or not I really need that food and acknowledge I don't really need it, but I'm still going to eat a little and to forgive myself for my little failures.
While all of that might sound like a failure to weight loss journey it's the best failure I've ever had and I'm incredibly proud. Successful people don't avoid failure, they learn from it. I am not just climbing a mountain, this is not a peak to be conquered and moved on from. I am a mountain woman; I will navigate the mountain range and climb many mountains.
I know I can do this, little success by little success. Better (but not great) is still better and the proof is in the pudding (or my weight chart in this case).
I love you all.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36NRLOI
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