Monday, February 10, 2020

Started training with a Personal Trainer and have a nutrition question

I recently started learning to work out and strength training with a personal trainer. I like them and think they do a good job with the work outs and explaining the training itself.

However, they told me that since I'm so obese that my maintenance for calories is between 2000-2700 calories a day. This seems so high for me! They explained this takes into consideration gym 3 times a week with 30 min strength training and 30 minutes of cardio with an estimate of 1.5lbs of loss a week. This was told to me so that I could not lose any lean muscle mass and to prevent any loose skin.

I just don't know what to think... I've always subscribed to my TDEE being around 1700 (5'2" and 230lbs) and that for weight loss a caloric deficit of 500 calories but they shut that thinking down hard. Said I'm starving myself and that I'l have loose skin everywhere if I do it that way.

I guess I'm trying to see if anyone went through this and has any help or advice.

submitted by /u/BriennexTormund
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I realised how much lbs vs. kg fucks with my head

So I'm from Germany, and we use the metric system, so kg. I track and see my progress in kg. But when I scroll through here, and watch weightloss videos on youtube, all I ever see is lbs.

Today a video got recommended to me, with the title 'How I lost 18 lbs in 12 weeks'. I scrolled past and thought, oh man, I wish that could be me. Until I realised, I did that exact same thing. 18 lbs = 8 kg, 12 weeks = 3 months. I lost 8 kg in 3 months, but I don't feel as good about it bc to my brain, 18 is just a more impressive number than 8, no matter what is behind it.

I still find myself thinking of the weight that people on here talk about in kg, even though it's in pounds. If someone goes from 200 lbs to 140 lbs, in my head it's like omg you lost 60 kg, even tho it's only like 30 (still very impressive, but not the same, you know what I mean?).

I realised in the past three months I've been consistently losing 1.5 lbs a week, which sounds insane to me bc my brain unconsciously sees it as 1.5 kg, even though it's more like 0.7 kg.

These different meanings of numbers really fuck with my head, and make me appreciate my weight loss not as much bc I simply think I didn't achieve much.

I understand that most people on here are american and don't use the metric system, and I'm not asking anyone to do so, I just thought that his is an important reminder to anyone using the metric system (so basically everyone outside the US lol) that you should really stop once in a while and think about what these numbers really mean.

submitted by /u/lisa471
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling a little isolated and lonely while losing weight but it will be worth it in the end.

I know this is a temporary feeling but I just wanted to share.

I'm in my late 20s and most of my friends have settled down. We used to see each other 4/5 times a week but now it's down to once every 2 weeks or so which makes sense, we are growing up. As a teenager I was slim and considered attractive but I never really wanted a relationship, I was always more interested in spending time with my friends. I guess I was a late bloomer? I never really became interested in guys until I reached my 20s.

In my mid 20s I gained a lot of weight... a huge amount. I went from 130 to 250 at 5'4. Ironically, this is when I first started longing for a companionship outside of my friends. In fact, dating was one of the major reasons why I started losing weight. I felt so uncomfortable in my body at 250 that I would have never dated, I was way too self conscious.

I met someone when I got down to 190, I liked him but he wouldn't commit to me. He is super athletic, goes to the gym 4 times a week and hikes every weekend. I kinda understood but it was hard to deal with. We ended up falling out and haven't spoke in months. I tried to date again but a similar situation happened, they like spending time with me but I'm just not someone they want to take things further thing. I understand physical attraction is important, I rather date someone at a healthy weight. I think another major issue is my confidence though, I would flinch when guys touched me and would always mention my weight, almost like I had to justify it which just made things awkward as hell. I also tolerated a LOT of crap from guys because of my lack of confidence.

I decided to stop dating until I feel confident and I'm down to a healthy weight. I need to remove the weight related anxiety. Every date I went on I was consumed with the idea they would not like me because of my body. I know it is nerve wrecking anyway but it would be nice to eliminate that one fear and worry about the normal stuff like if it will be awkward or not.

I'm at 160 now and I decided I will start dating once I reach 140, though 125-130 is my goal. I have really got back on track but it is a lonely process in itself. Losing weight at 160 is much harder than what it was at 250. I have to go to the gym and meal prep everyday. My life is wake up, work, home briefly, gym, sleep. I almost feel like my life is revolving around weight loss. I don't have much else going on outside of it at the moment and I'm okay with that for now. It's difficult but I have decided to dedicate myself to it for the next few months, it will be worth it to get the 20lbs off. I don't mind slowing things down after that and taking my time to get to 125. I am aiming for a 1.5-2lb week loss which means I will be at my goal for the summer.

No pain, no gain!

submitted by /u/NearbyThought6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why Do People Take *MY* Weight Loss Personally?

I don't know about y'all, but I HATE telling people that I calorie count. what ensues is question after question, all annoying, all vaguely condescending ( you're STARVING? yourself?! no, I am certainty the f**k not, I had pizza for lunch ). However, lately I've noticed a specific ideology a lot of people share; they believe because I'm choosing to lose weight, I will judge you if you *aren't* losing weight. I never say this, never act like this- I actually try to talk about CICO as little as possible with people outside of my immediate circle. But still, as soon as 'I calorie count' leaves my lips, the theatrics ensue. It happened when I went grocery shopping with a friend yesterday and had to explain to her why I didn't want to get McDonald's after. Every time she would pick up something even vaguely unhealthy, she would justify it to me. You know how it goes, "I know I'm sooo bad for this, but I don't care!" Great, neither do I. Do you see the Gushers in my cart? I'm here for a deficit, not a triathlon. She would also harp on me when I would go to pick up whatever conflicted with her idea of 'healthy'. I tried to get a bag of croutons and she made me put them back because those are 'sooo bad for you'. ffs, it's bread. BREAD. it's not poison. But the worst, the absolute worst of it was the ignorance. The pointing out gluten and fat free options to me, like that means anything to my goals. The telling me I need to make sure I eat enough so I don't 'hold onto the fat'. The entire altercation was so exhausting and made me feel guilty. This is mostly just a rant, but I'd love to hear anyone else's experience with people like this!

submitted by /u/DeepMess9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Statement of Intent/Accountability

Simply for the purposes of accountability, I want to publicly state that I'm aiming to lose 30 lbs by 01 August 2020. Currently, I'm at 180 lbs - at 43 and 5’9”, that has me at about 10 lbs over a healthy weight.

Challenges? My thyroid. I was discharged from the care of my oncology team at Christmas after a year of treatment for thyroid cancer. My medication is still in flux, which has me suffering from fatigue. I'm also aware that if my thyroid hormones aren't as they should be, it'll make weight loss an uphill challenge.

What's my 'why'? Well, I need to stop thinking like a cancer patient, and start living like a survivor. (Not to mention the family wedding in August!) How'm I going to do it? CICO, light exercise, and taking the long view and not beating myself up.

Goal one: lose those 10 lbs to get down to a healthy weight. We'll go on to goals to and three from there.

Alright, interwebs: consider yourself notified. 🤘

submitted by /u/ElleEh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for weight loss with antidepressants

For a little background I’ve been on antidepressants from a pretty young age, both my doctor and I believe the medication is what’s caused me to gain weight somewhat rapidly over the years. Going off medication isn’t an option for me, it took so long to get it right and I know I wouldn’t be healthy without it. I’ve been going to the gym 5x a week and eating a lot healthier for the past 6+ months, while I am feeling better my weight loss seems to be very slow and up and down. I’ll be bringing this up to my doctor this week but I just wanted to know if anyone else has struggled with this and has any advice.

submitted by /u/basscov
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice? Low intake and still gaining weight.

I’m a 5’4” female who’s is currently around 145 lbs. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been with the exception of my first pregnancy; before having kids I weighed between 110 and 115 consistently for like 15 years. After kids I have been more like 125-130, but I slowly gain about 20lbs this past year. I posted recently that I’m doing 16:8 IF without weight loss. I’ve started tracking calories after my last post. I’m eating a lot of prepackaged stuff right now so I can be relatively certain of my calorie counts. So for the past two weeks I’ve been eating three meals that are between 300 and 400 calories a day with a 100 calorie “snack” that is always raw produce. My typical total daily intake is 1150-1250. I am still not losing weight and have actually gained another pound since I started a month ago. The last time I tracked calories a couple of years ago I was losing weight slowly and consistently on a 2,000 calorie diet. I am not hungry on my current diet except for right before bedtime and usually before dinner. I’m a little older now (36) so wonder if my metabolism is changing. Is there anything I can do to jumpstart stuff? Or should I just cut more?

submitted by /u/classic-jennifer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat