Monday, February 10, 2020

Why Do People Take *MY* Weight Loss Personally?

I don't know about y'all, but I HATE telling people that I calorie count. what ensues is question after question, all annoying, all vaguely condescending ( you're STARVING? yourself?! no, I am certainty the f**k not, I had pizza for lunch ). However, lately I've noticed a specific ideology a lot of people share; they believe because I'm choosing to lose weight, I will judge you if you *aren't* losing weight. I never say this, never act like this- I actually try to talk about CICO as little as possible with people outside of my immediate circle. But still, as soon as 'I calorie count' leaves my lips, the theatrics ensue. It happened when I went grocery shopping with a friend yesterday and had to explain to her why I didn't want to get McDonald's after. Every time she would pick up something even vaguely unhealthy, she would justify it to me. You know how it goes, "I know I'm sooo bad for this, but I don't care!" Great, neither do I. Do you see the Gushers in my cart? I'm here for a deficit, not a triathlon. She would also harp on me when I would go to pick up whatever conflicted with her idea of 'healthy'. I tried to get a bag of croutons and she made me put them back because those are 'sooo bad for you'. ffs, it's bread. BREAD. it's not poison. But the worst, the absolute worst of it was the ignorance. The pointing out gluten and fat free options to me, like that means anything to my goals. The telling me I need to make sure I eat enough so I don't 'hold onto the fat'. The entire altercation was so exhausting and made me feel guilty. This is mostly just a rant, but I'd love to hear anyone else's experience with people like this!

submitted by /u/DeepMess9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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