Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How do you reward yourself? And is there an app for that?

While I know that, yes, being healthy is its own reward, I feel like I'm gonna need some treats. Used to be that I rewarded myself with food, but obviously that needs to change. I'd love to hear how you all treat yourselves now.

What I'd love even more is a way to track that, using an app. I'd like to plan rewards for weight loss milestones, and/or fitness achievements/progress/consistency/whatever, and I've found printable paper versions, where you can mark off your progress and maybe write in what your reward will be, but I'd much rather have something on my phone. My Google-fu is failing me. The closest I can find is a gold star reward app for kids and I suppose that would work but... meh.

Thoughts? Ideas? Treats?

submitted by /u/2BNamedLater
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling depresed after gaining 10 lbs that I struggled so long to lose

I was doing quite well for a while, then came Christmas and I gained 5lbs but figured I'd lose it in the New Year. This didn't happen. Then we went on vacation for a few days last week - I felt tired all the time and ate lots of chocolate and pizza. Now we are back and I have gained another 5lbs. This might not seem a big deal, but I am still a long way from my weight loss goal, and I can't afford to be moving in the wrong direction. I feel so depressed about it, and of course that makes me want to eat more.

I apparently have quite severe insulin resistance, which maybe explains why I can put on weight so easily but struggle to lose it. Any tips anyone?

submitted by /u/dolphinbutterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I know where to start?

Up until I was about 25 I had always been extremely skinny (125 was my average weight) - now I’m 30(F) and weigh about 160 (5’6’’) and I’m looking to make a change after going through adjusting to an office/relatively sedentary lifestyle and dealing with depression.

How do I start? I get the CICO concept but I realized how out of shape I am when I was getting super out of breath just going a steady pace on an elliptical for 10 minutes. I live in a city so I walk a lot but I now get out of breath/feel my heart pounding when I walk up three flights of stairs. Regardless of weight loss I’d also like to just physically be in better shape and think cardio could help with my mental health.

I have some apps I could hypothetically use and my office gym is free. If anyone has a guide on how to start when you’re pretty out of shape that would be helpful!

submitted by /u/scrivenerserror
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my mum?

My mother is 44, 170cm and currently 165kgs. I am 21 years old and she has been obese for majority of my life. About 10 years ago I’d say she lost well over 50kgs. Her weight was double digits and she was looking great. This weight loss only lasted about a year or two.

Since then she’s taken on destructive forms of weight loss. She’s always using slim teas, pills, powders, whatever gimmick you can name she uses it. These products give her violent diarrhoea.

I am concerned for her wellbeing. She has been in the process of getting weight loss surgery but I don’t see the need for such an extreme. In my eyes she does not make a genuine effort to lose weight. She will join a gym and go for about a week or two and then just not go for months. She hasn’t changed her eating habits either.

When I was on a fitness journey she was very critical of me and rude. I hoped it would be something we could have done together, however she put me down constantly. She’d call me fat (I’m about 65-70kgs) and make fun of me for eating healthy. Ever since I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in late 2019 I have tried to make a real effort to be more active. I’ve asked her to join me but she declines. She says it is too hard. I can barely walk up a flight of stares without being in pain so I do understand how it is hard for her. But I am just sad she doesn’t at least give it a go

I am just not sure if there’s a way I can tell her how concerned I am. My youngest sibling is 5 and I am afraid my mum won’t be around to see her grow up. I fear that even if she gets weight loss surgery nothing will change. I wanted to suggest that she goes to counselling because I think her poor mental health is a major factor in obesity. Sometimes it just seems like she doesn’t really want to change. I understand it is probably extremely difficult but the first time she lost the weight by consistently eating healthy and exercising

submitted by /u/yellowstarrynight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Valentines Day Concerns

Hi all,

TLDR: My partner is coming over to mine for takeaway and dessert on valentines day but I'm worried this will just push me back into my old habits.

I've been a long time lurker and firstly I want to thank everyone for the advice and interesting posts.

I've officially been on a weight loss journey of sorts for about 2 years but struggled with my weight my whole life. After rebounding towards the end of last year, since new years I've been really committed (gym 5/6 times a week, meal prep, reducing alcohol, no takeaways) and I've seen some really good results (I'm down 7.5kg so far).

This has been done through force of habit trying to not let myself get into old routines, making sure I have food in the house to stop me from buying crap when I go home, not having cheat days etc. And although I'm happy with my progress it's been relatively easy as I haven't had any big temptations/ stress points which could throw me back into my old habits.

That is until Valentines day. My partner and I are in a long distance relationship and he's coming up to visit me for valentines day. When I got back on the wagon in January I proposed the idea that we just get takeaway, make our own dessert and chill for the whole weekend. When I suggested it I was just starting up again and really fancied a takeaway and thought that after a month and half I'd be ready to give myself a break but as it gets closer I'm worried that I'm not ready to stop the cold turkey approach just yet. To add to this concern I know he's been super patient with my weight loss chat and I think that I'm kind of taking the piss if I change plans this close to valentines day.

He loves food as much as I do but he's able to eat a small amount and then just leave it. His flat in London is filled with half finished share snack bags and digestive biscuits. He's far slimmer than I am (BMI of 20). He's already picked the restaurant and knows what he wants to eat. He's picked out the dessert he wants to make and we're already getting the ingredients. I tried to test the water and suggest some alternative ingredients for the dessert to make it a little less calorific (swapping out clotted cream for mascarpone) but he just sounded defeated and suggested we do another recipe. I feel bad because he's already put up with so much and I don't want to ruin his valentines day just because I'm lacking self control.

I guess I want to know if any of you have dealt with issues like this or if you have any suggestions/advice?

submitted by /u/The_Lad_is_a_tramp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Woah-woah, we're halfway there! 78 to 74 in 2020

Hello brothers and sisters,

I realise my weight loss is nothing compared to what some of you lot manage to accomplish, but I'm happy about it anyway.

After a couple of years of being borderline overweight (BMI between 24 and 26), I managed to get back into a healthy BMI range. My goal for this year was getting back to 70 kilos, and I'm already half way there!

And it wasn't even that hard. 1400 calories a day, mostly plant based, no food between 18:00 and 12:00, and going to a forest gym twice a week. Now that I'm at the half way point, I'll increase to 1600 and take it slow. Once spring is in full swing, I'll bike to work again.

Sorry for the rambling, I'm just in a good mood today.

Later skaters, keep on shedding!

submitted by /u/MultipleStreetsAhead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting weight loss and um I am literally SO hungry at night!? Advice!?

Hello all!

First of all would like to say I LOVE this community and am so happy to have found it (I just joined Reddit) — thank you all for contributing. :)

I am trying to slowly lose like ~5-10 pounds and maintain balanced eating habits (have struggled with on-and-off binging for 10+ years). However, I keep getting SO hungry at night and it is difficult to fall asleep. I am not even remotely starving myself, but any caloric deficit makes me soo hungry. For example, even after 1902 calories today (110g protein, 137g carbs, 108g fat) I am currently laying in bed with my tummy rumbling and wanting a full additional meal.

For reference, I am 5’8 and 155 pounds and I usually eat 1600-2100 calories a day with 2-4 hour-long cardio/lifting workout classes a week. I am muscular (former athlete) but not enough to necessitate so much extra food intake.

Anyways...has anyone struggled with this? Does the hunger go away?? What are some tips and tricks for dealing with it? Really appreciate any advice, especially on losing the first 5 pounds. Thank you!!

submitted by /u/ribbit_reddit_girl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat