Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Valentines Day Concerns

Hi all,

TLDR: My partner is coming over to mine for takeaway and dessert on valentines day but I'm worried this will just push me back into my old habits.

I've been a long time lurker and firstly I want to thank everyone for the advice and interesting posts.

I've officially been on a weight loss journey of sorts for about 2 years but struggled with my weight my whole life. After rebounding towards the end of last year, since new years I've been really committed (gym 5/6 times a week, meal prep, reducing alcohol, no takeaways) and I've seen some really good results (I'm down 7.5kg so far).

This has been done through force of habit trying to not let myself get into old routines, making sure I have food in the house to stop me from buying crap when I go home, not having cheat days etc. And although I'm happy with my progress it's been relatively easy as I haven't had any big temptations/ stress points which could throw me back into my old habits.

That is until Valentines day. My partner and I are in a long distance relationship and he's coming up to visit me for valentines day. When I got back on the wagon in January I proposed the idea that we just get takeaway, make our own dessert and chill for the whole weekend. When I suggested it I was just starting up again and really fancied a takeaway and thought that after a month and half I'd be ready to give myself a break but as it gets closer I'm worried that I'm not ready to stop the cold turkey approach just yet. To add to this concern I know he's been super patient with my weight loss chat and I think that I'm kind of taking the piss if I change plans this close to valentines day.

He loves food as much as I do but he's able to eat a small amount and then just leave it. His flat in London is filled with half finished share snack bags and digestive biscuits. He's far slimmer than I am (BMI of 20). He's already picked the restaurant and knows what he wants to eat. He's picked out the dessert he wants to make and we're already getting the ingredients. I tried to test the water and suggest some alternative ingredients for the dessert to make it a little less calorific (swapping out clotted cream for mascarpone) but he just sounded defeated and suggested we do another recipe. I feel bad because he's already put up with so much and I don't want to ruin his valentines day just because I'm lacking self control.

I guess I want to know if any of you have dealt with issues like this or if you have any suggestions/advice?

submitted by /u/The_Lad_is_a_tramp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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