Saturday, April 11, 2020

Can I lose weight with a calorie deficit alone?

I’ve been feeling discouraged lately.

I lost 14 pounds in November to December. I was eating roughly 1600 calories a day and weight training 3 time’s a week. I discovered I loved weight training and it’s super enjoyable for me. New Years and Christmas came and I got thrown off track a bit, but I didn’t gain any weight back; I maintained the weight but when I went back, I had health complications. I have ovarian cysts. Mine can be really disruptive. Some days I would have to stop weight training because my cyst gets too painful and sometimes I would have to stop a week. I went back to the gym and as soon as I got back in the groove, this virus stuff came into my country fast and my gym got closed February and basically, I stopped for a bit. Two weeks ago, I decided this is it, I need to continue my journey. I’m still 195(I started at 208 and went to 195) which is the great news (I maintained my weight!), so I started calorie counting again. I have it set at 1600. I go for nature walks everyday. Not too long. Slow, enjoyable walks with the dogs for about 20-40 minutes.

I tried to do at home workouts and my cyst is really bad. It hurt so bad after I was done and the entire night I felt uncomfortable and couldn’t sleep. My doctor called and told me it’s two inches big now and if it causes disruptions in my life, they will drain it but I don’t feel comfortable going in public now because of the pandemic. I’ve been feeling discouraged because it’s been two weeks and I feel like I should be seeing weight loss results. I’m also worried I won’t lose much weight if I’m only dieting and taking short walks. I might start going for morning jogs (if my cyst allows it ._.) but basically, is this even worth it? I’m not going to just give up but I really need advice... not being able to weight train is really putting me down. Eating 1600 calories a day feels like nothing is being done.

submitted by /u/hskxidi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss from 69kg to 65kg, boob loss too(small boobs again)

Ok I am really uncomfortable with my body right now...I gained a lot of weight on antipsychotics and I was physically inactive, so I gained like 10 kg or something. I was 69kg, 163cm but some guys would call me fat and tell me to lose weight, some guys actually ogled at me cause I gained some massive boobs. But some people didn't believe I was 69kg, but I put on weight the way rihanna did so maybe it wasn't that bad. Like gaining on my tummy, boobs and thighs. But now I thought I lost a lot of weight, I thought I would be below 60kg, but clearly not. People said that I lost a lot of weight, but I felt that I lost a lot of boob along with that weight. Now I am 65kg and I can feel my chest getting a lot flatter and becoming less endowed. Some asshole even dm-ed me to say that the world likes women with big boobs etc, small WHR and its time to accept it. I don't know if the fact that I am on my period counts, when your boobs actually shrink. But maybe my band size has gotten smaller as I feel my bralettes getting looser around the band area, making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I am losing band volume not so much of boob volume? I don't know where to post this, whether in body acceptance or smallboobproblems.

submitted by /u/Duffylover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Was on Keto for 2 weeks and have lost 15 lbs. Need help!

A great start but I think I’m going to change to a more lower carb, calories in calories out model. I’m scared I’ll revert back to old bad habits. Has anyone had success with CICO model to enjoy a broader range of food? Did you stick to it and continue your weight loss? Thoughts from anyone welcome! I started at 239lbs and I’m at 224lbs today. This coming Tuesday will be 3 weeks. I want to get to 190lbs in time. Really struggling with the desire to open up my selection, have a piece of fruit or a treat. Maybe I’m having a weak moment and I just need to jump on YouTube for success stories to inspire me through this tough time. I was watching Jillian Michaels last night on YouTube and she really was convincing about just doing a 2lbs per week loss and achieving that through CICO and finding the calorie deficit you need to achieve each day to make it happen. Help!

submitted by /u/WestonWinnie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't let the Easter Bunny bring your kids a bunch of candy that you like.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculously obvious revelations I have ever made, but I wanted to share just in case anyone else had never thought of this. Normally when doing Easter baskets, my husband and I buy candy that we enjoy too so that we can enjoy our kids' Easter baskets just as much as they do. This year, due to COVID-19, the grocery store was pretty bare when my husband tried to pick up things for our children's baskets along with our groceries, so he just grabbed some of what they had left. At first I was pretty sad that he wasn't able to grab some of my absolute favorites (Reese's eggs of course!), but as I'm sitting here setting up these Easter baskets, I'm realizing how nice it is to not be tempted by any of this stuff at all. I have no desire to grab a few pieces while I make the baskets, and I know that tomorrow I'm not going to end up snacking on candy all day.

I feel silly to make an entire post about this, but if there's one thing I've learned from this sub, it's that if I never thought of something before, chances are that someone else never did either. What so-obvious-you-didn't-see-it revelations have you had about weight loss lately?

submitted by /u/TheVillageOxymoron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with being afraid of dieting?

I'm an 18 yr old girl whos always struggled with body image and weight loss. Making this post is very scary, especially since it's my first post on Reddit!

Anyways, I'm currently 265 lbs. and due to the quarantine where I live, school and work have both been canceled until further notice. I had a big mental breakdown and decided to go on Keto (a low-carb, high-fat diet for those that don't know). I've done my research but I still feel weird about it. I've been on it for about 3 days now and because no one else in my family is, I feel out of place.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to deal with being insecure about going on a diet? Also, it would be helpful to have Keto "hacks" if anyone has them! Thank you so much!

TL;DR: I'm the only one in my family dieting and I feel insecure and scared. How do you deal with that?

submitted by /u/CloudBaby713
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Why Eggs Are So Egg-cellent

Surprised that eggs are considered a superfood? It wasn’t too long ago that eggs picked up a reputation as an unhealthy food to avoid because they could contribute to serious health problems. Now we know that just the opposite is true: Eggs are a concentrated source of potent nutrients and provide many health benefits. They can play a vital role in our diets, especially when we’re trying to shed excess pounds.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the many benefits of eggs… and a few tasty ways to prepare them:

Nutrition Highlights

Eggs are PowerFuels on the Nutrisystem program because they are a source of high-quality protein with only about 80 calories per serving. One large egg (one serving) comes with five grams of fat, including 1.6 grams of saturated fat. The concerns about egg consumption were based on the 187 milligrams of cholesterol in an average egg.  High blood cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease, but recent research has determined that eating foods high in cholesterol does not directly increase the levels stored in your body. (Foods loaded with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, are more likely to lead to high blood cholesterol.)

7 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein

Read More

A typical large egg provides you with about seven grams of complete protein (yet another one the superfood benefits of eggs), contained in both the yolk (yellow) and the albumen (white) parts. The yolk is a rich source of vitamin A and D, B vitamins, zinc and iron. It also delivers two important antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients protect your eyes from aging related conditions, such as macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the United States that affects over 10 million people. They also support healthy brain functioning.

Eggs supply you with choline, a nutrient that is especially important for pregnant women, as it plays a key role in fetal brain development. For everybody, choline helps our bodies maintain and replenish all kinds of cells, transmit nerve impulses and process fat and cholesterol in our diets. Only beef liver gives you more choline than eggs do.

For all of us on a weight loss journey, eggs may be most valuable because they help stave off hunger. People who ate an egg breakfast felt fuller afterwards and consumed significantly fewer calories at lunch and over the next 24 hours than those who ate a bagel-based breakfast with the same number of calories, according to study published in the journal Nutrition Research.

RELATED: The Benefits of Almonds >

Buyer’s Guide

If you buy eggs in the supermarket, they most likely have white shells. You may also see eggs with brown shells in grocery stores and if you shop at farmer’s markets or other sources, you may come across bluish and even speckled eggs. The color of the shells is directly related to the breed of chickens that laid them—there are no significant nutritional differences between eggs of different colors.

Many stores and farmers now offer “free-range” or “pasture-raised” eggs, which come from hens that feed themselves on their natural diet—insects and seeds—while roaming around outside. Chickens raised in standard conditions are kept inside and they get feed that’s pre-formulated for them, mostly from corn and soybeans. Egg yolks from free-range chickens tend to be brighter yellow or more orange than standard. Some research has found that free-range eggs are lower in saturated fat and higher in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Fresh Ideas

The many benefits of eggs make this superfood a healthy way to fuel up for your day, but breakfast isn’t the only time to enjoy them. Separating the yolk from the white greatly expands the kinds of dishes you can make with eggs. To learn how to do it without making a mess, check out this video >

RELATED: Why You Need More Ginger in Your Diet >

Now check out these six delicious and egg-cellent superfood recipes to reap the many benefits of eggs:

1. Cloud Eggs >


For a light and fluffy egg dish, whip up the albumen (the white part!) and then cook the yolk within the foamy cloud of white.

2. Veggie Omelet Muffins >


Take your eggs to go with these simple muffins, loaded with cheese and veggies, along with the nutritional punch of eggs.

3. Thanksgiving Breakfast Cups >

thanksgiving cup

What to make on the morning after a big holiday? Use leftover turkey and potatoes (white or sweet) along with fresh eggs to make a handy breakfast that will nourish the whole gang.

4. Skinny Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich >

benefits of eggs

You can make a filling flex lunch with all of the creaminess and flavor you love, but with more healthy fats and plenty of protein to keep you energized all afternoon.

5. Not So Devilish Deviled Eggs >

benefits of eggs

The party-time favorite gets a healthy makeover, so you and your guests can enjoy it during the holiday season or whenever you all get together.

6. 5-Ingredient Veggie Frittata >

benefits of eggs

Eggs are the foundation of this filling and nutritious meal that comes with rich mozzarella and cottage cheese.

The post Superfood Saturday: Why Eggs Are So Egg-cellent appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How to stay on track when nearly at goal weight?

I started dieting at the beginning of February and have gone from 80ish kg to 71 kg. I am 5"9, 32f with a fairly muscular frame. I feel great and am enjoying fitting into old clothes. I used My Fitness Pal and calorie counting, with a bit of an increase in exercise but I was already pretty active.

My goal weight is 69kg (I want to weigh myself and go "nice") and I'm having conflicting feelings as I near my goal weight. It's definitely getting harder to eat the correct calories and I haven't quite figured out if I'm taking the right approach.

I stopped tracking exercise calories as I think it overestimates but also realised recently, after going down to 1300 from the recommended 1380 to get over a plateau, that my net calories was below 1000. I took them back up to 1400 and feel more energetic for it. But I am also finding it hard to stick to calorie count 'so close' to goal. The last 6 or so days I have been about 100 calories over each day, possibly more.

Part of it is being in the house more, but I am feeling a weird mix of emotions. It's hard to keep the motivation for losing the last few kgs but I am also realising that my goals are creeping. My bodyfat is now measuring as about 25% (I know to take this with a pinch of salt) and I'd like to get that down to the early 20s to look my best but I'm wary of getting into a pattern where everytime I get to a goal I set a new one.

It's also relevant that I have been keeping my sanity with going for much longer cycles than normal (usually a commute of 25km over a week) and have covered about 100km this past week in 6 trips. I am loving this but noticing the upturn in appetite and am not sure how to approach this from a weight loss perspective.

I'd love any advice about how to keep on track for the last bit, if I should adjust my approach to reflect the cycling somehow, as well as this "shifting goals" thing. Setting a new goal weight seems common in other stories, but how do you know when to stop?

submitted by /u/sameoldslippers
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