Monday, April 13, 2020

Was losing weight took a small break now having trouble getting back on track

So I started my weight loss journey 6-7 months ago and have lost 40lbs (yay) I took about a 2-3week break and now I’m having trouble returning back to my diet. I’m still making healthier choices in the last few days but the problem is that I’m having trouble with the amount I’m eating because I get hungry after awhile and I didn’t used to be this hungry before.. and I did OMAD back then. I also reintroduced sugar back into my diet not a ton but I have been eating cookies and a chocolate and stuff. I still eat some carbs like whole wheat bread. How can I stop inhaling everything that is around me and get back on track again?

submitted by /u/xbunny675
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I need help getting started. (With a. Twist)

I’m 21, I’m 5’8 and I weigh about 300lbs. I had a full spinal fusion in 2016, I have 2 metal rods and 28 screws in my back. I am the slowest, heaviest and most of all, least flexible I have ever been. I’m so stiff. I tried to do some beginners yoga but half of the poses are physically impossible for me right now. Does anyone have a stretching or yoga routine that would work for me? Like think yoga for someone who gets a good stretch in the hamstrings by just bending forward a little lol. I’m also going to start walking more and introduce a little lifting later. My goal is to be 230lbs and generally more fit, but figured I should start with getting looser. I know weight loss happens in the kitchen and fitness happens in the gym. I just think it would make me feel a lot better and more motivated day to day if I could bend down and pick something up without my muscles feeling like their tearing lol. If you made it all the way to the end, thank you for reading through my complaining and please give me any suggestions you have!

submitted by /u/o-bro-x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on quarantine plateau

Since Boxing Day last year I've lost 14 kg (30 lbs). I'm 5"3, female, 40 years old and am really happy with my weight loss so far. I have another 22kg (48 lbs) to lose to get to a healthy BMI. The last couple of weeks I've been working from home while my country is in lockdown due to Covid-19. My weight loss has plateaued which I've been finding really frustrating and demotivating. I definitely snacked a bit more some days while I was working from home, but have that mostly under control now.

I should be happy that I'm not putting on weight, but each time I step on the scales I just feel frustrated to see the same numbers. It would get me thinking, what is the point? why bother? I've definitely been feeling more stressed and anxious the last few weeks, probably because my usual routines are all out of whack, and I can't help thinking that comfort eating would, well, comfort me at this time. Why deprive myself if it's not making a difference?

But actually, it IS making a difference, even if I'm not seeing weight loss results at the moment. It's building and practising the healthy habits I will need to maintain a healthy weight in the future. It's helping maintain my weight loss that I've worked hard on all year. That's the point. That's why I will keep going even if I'm not seeing results right now. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

submitted by /u/Well-well-wellington
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Quarantine has me thinking about food all the time - tips and tricks on how to stop thinking about food all the time when I’m not hungry !

Hey everyone -

A little bit of background on me, started my weight loss journey about 2 years ago at 175 lbs and lost almost 60 lbs. got down to around 117/118lbs and felt fantastic. I was a smoker for a long time and I hate to say this but it helped curb my appetite. Recently I decided to quit smoking to better my health and to start running again. Ever since I quit about a month ago + staying home due to quarantine I can’t stop thinking about food. Even when I’m not hungry. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is what I’ll be eating that day. I never used to do that before.

What I’ve been doing now is trying to busy myself with things like work, household chores, but there’s only so much I can do. I’ve also been working on increasing my fiber intake and fat so it’ll keep me full in hopes that my brain won’t be thinking of food hopefully. Increased water substantially as well.

I’ve gained 10 lbs since November last year and been working on getting back down again. It just seems increasingly difficult to do so now. :-(

Any tips and tricks you guys use to decrease the need to eat and munch all the time?

Thanks for hearing me out.

submitted by /u/bluewaterbottle1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally hit my first personal milestone

Finally hit first milestone after 3 months (26F)

Small victories!

Starting weight: 229 lbs Current weight: 214 lbs Goal weight: 189 lbs

I set a 40 pound weight loss goal for myself this year, setting rewards for myself at 15, 30, and 40 pounds. I’ve been doing awesome with working out even during quarantine (anyone else miss non body weight strength training??) but struggling with my eating habits. After spending roughly 4 weeks running 2-3 miles a day, 5 days a week, I FINALLY hit 15 pounds lost and could not be more excited. New boxing gloves here I come! Hoping I can fit into my size 12 jeans here pretty soon.

If anyone has some favorite healthy recipes, ideas for strength training in quarantine, or favorite workout videos from YouTube, please drop them below!

submitted by /u/katiesue00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I Gained All Of My Weight Back, and Today I Have Begun My Journey To Get Back On Track

Hi, so I currently weigh 190lbs. I stepped on the scale today after a very long time of not doing so, and I was taken back at how much weight I have gained over the last almost 2 years. So how did i get here? Well, basically, starting in late 2017/early 2018, I wanted to lose weight, and at the time, I was about 180lbs - maybe in the 170s. I started losing weight, but didn't really know what I was doing that much. I figured that the average person burns 2,000 calories per day, and 3,500 calories = 1# of fat, so I could do some simple math to make sure that I was losing 2lbs every week (that was the target). I did this for about 6 months or so, and by the end, I weighed about 130lbs.

The problem was, I was not at all smart about my 2lbs per week target. I failed to consider that each day, depending on how active you are and other factors, the amount of calories you burn generally varies. I was pretty upset any weeks that I couldn't lose 2lbs, and would try to make up for it in the following week. I exercised very little and this meant that I was barely eating to maintain my weight loss. I ignored advise that I read about not going below 1,200 or 1,500 calories (I remember seeing different numbers, I forgot which one it was) and I did it anyways. By the end of my diet, everything seemed all good, and I thought I would never gain weight again and that I was done, so I quit tracking my food and started eating what I wanted, and in moderation at first.

Over time, I ended up starting to eat more and more, and after finishing my diet, I was so happy to finally be able to eat normally again and I would occasionally splurge thinking that it was a good reward for losing weight (oh the irony). I went on this cruise not long after my diet, and it had unlimited free food, and I remember eating tones of food each day. Eventually though, these splurges became my regular meals. Once that summer was over, I started working at a McDonald's and this lead to me eating McDonald's 5 days per week, which is already a bad diet even if it's in moderation. This compounded with the amount of hours I was working; I worked 40 hours each week (sometimes more to get overtime), while going to school, which put a lot of stress on me, even more after I became a manager and took on way more responsibility. This lead to me eating more and more. From the money I got working at McDonald's, I bought even more fast food when I wasn't working, and I started eating ridiculous amounts. This went on and snowballed, getting worse and worse, until recently. I ate fast food at least 5 days per week for 18 months, and the amounts I was eating kept getting larger. I went on leave from work back in early March because I was planning on taking a break until summer, and I had perfect timing with everything being cancelled until summer because of Coronavirus, so I was left with lots of free time. I kept eating fast food until yesterday. Yesterday, I went to taco bell and bought 12 items off the menu and a large soda, and ate all of it in the parking lot in my car. While I was eating, I realized how ridiculous the amount of food I have been eating was. This lead to me checking my weight and becoming concerned about my health again, and today, I have managed to eat normal portions all day. I'm glad that I didn't allow myself to go above 200lbs. My regular diet has consisted of fast food, entire pots of shell macaroni as a single meal, several hotpockets, or like 50 pizza rolls, as well as lots and lots of soda with every meal.

I never had that big of an issue with eating tones of food before I initially lost weight, so my takeaway is that my method of weight loss last time really messed with my relationship to food. I don't know what changed about my mentality and why it took so long for me to suddenly get a wake up call, but my weight loss before was damaging nonetheless. This time around, I plan on eating 1,500 calories per day with regular exercise, but my first order of business before I even want to lose weight is to just practice portion control and eating a normal amount of food each meal. I'm going to spend this entire week eating normal amounts of food, and cutting junk food and sugar down gradually. I think it'll be beneficial for me to ease into it and slowly change my mentality/lifestyle to eat healthier and in normal amounts rather than just going on another crash diet and gaining all of my weight back again.

The reason I wrote this was because it gives me something to use to hold myself accountable, and just a way to put my thoughts down. I remember how much holding myself accountable during my first weight loss adventure helped me, but I want to be very careful this time and rather than just looking at the numbers, I want to change my lifestyle and eat healthier food, in moderation by default. I'm genuinely scared of what I have been doing to myself with my awful habits over the last 2 years or so. I hope that anyone reading this can maybe learn from my experience, and if anyone has any advise for me or has gone through the same thing, i'd like to hear it. Thanks.

submitted by /u/KevinCMD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help a fellow human with ADHD lose weight :)

Hi, I'm Karen, I am 18 going on 19, and i have been overweight for all of my life. Being the fat kid in a country with a relatively low obesity rate, i have been very conscious about my weight and my diet. That was until i started high school two years ago, and got a depression I'm still battling with today. I gained a lot of weight (about 18 kg) because of my lack of motivation and my disinterest in life. On top of that I got a shoulder injury that stopped me from participating in badminton (my favourite sport) , and my sister also got diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, so my relationship with food and exercise worsened.

There is one problem more, and that is that i also have ADHD. I act out of impulses and lack control, so it's very hard for me not to snack on that unhealth thing there is, because i lack impulse control, and sugar is the easiest way for a person with ADHD to gain access to a dopamine rush. I can't do diets, because i lack motivation in short-term commitments. Even the rare times i do sport is out of impulsivity, and the endorphins i get out of it is usually not enough for me to commit.

I don't know if there is another person in my situation, but i am really unhappy with my body, and i am looking for people who have experience with ADHD and weight loss. I don't know what else to do. I am pescitarian, and i have actually comitted to that for about 6 years now, but any other diet is just a 3-4 days thing. Any tips or reccomendations are welcome.

Thank you :)

submitted by /u/Heksekaellingen
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