Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Weight loss social media accounts.

26 m 6'3 SW 360 CW 250 GW 200

I've got alot of friends and other accounts I've seen that have specific social media accounts directed towards their weight loss and fitness goals. I've been kinda thinking about doing one, I've lost alot of weight, 100+ lbs over the last 3 years I quit my desk job for a much more active one and started eating better. I've been doing a vegetarian diet combined with OMAD intermittent fasting. I'm back at my desk job and I've plateaued over the last year. I feel this may provide some extra motivation.

Has anyone had some experience with these types of accounts and had some good success/insights into them? Any negatives you've noticed?

submitted by /u/Scrigglywigglies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fa2V4i

I Just Feel Like Giving Up (Rant/Vent)

F/19/5’2”/SW: 227/CW:126/GW: 105-110

This is more of a rant than anything else but words of wisdom are appreciated. I think I kinda need them right now.

So as you can see from my stats, I’ve lost 100 pounds since starting CICO in September 2019. It’s been a long journey and surprisingly I’ve remained on a pretty steady downwards trend. Until now. I hit my first plateau at 160 and since, every 10 pounds is a bitch to get out of. 140 was the absolute worst. Right now I’m sitting at 126-126.2 for the past week and even though I’ve been through this sort of thing before, I’ve never felt so defeated.

I know it’s ridiculous to be so upset after just a week of no loss. I think I was just spoiled with seeing some kind of loss every week and I’ve now gone to nothing at all. I’m just at the point that I just want to be done with this part of my journey— the weight loss, I mean. But I know I’m not going to be satisfied until I see that arbitrary number on the scale despite that it doesn’t matter to anyone but me. I’m already a healthy weight, but because I’m short I’m only 8 pounds away from being overweight again and it’s just too close for comfort.

But I’m so tired. I don’t want to switch to maintenance yet but I don’t know how long I can keep restricting like this. I do OMAD if that’s important. I am not a binge eater, but last night I just randomly decided to eat way above my maintence calories (my TDEE is only ~1560), I’m pretty sure I ate close to 1800-1900 and I just feel so god damn awful. I shouldn’t have done it and I don’t know what got into me.

I want to keep going. I set a goal out for myself and I want to reach it so badly. Being in quarantine for the past 3 months has caused all my thoughts to revolve around food and weight and scales and numbers and I’m so tired of it. But I can’t stop. I feel guilty when I eat maintence calories but I’m sick of being so conscious of my eating all. the. freaking. time. I don’t like how my body looks, but I planned on recomping once I had hit my UGW but impatience is at large right now. I just wish I could wake up and magically be down these last 20 stupid vanity pounds.

I don’t know how to stop feeling this way. I don’t want to give up because I’m afraid I’ll do a complete 180 and gain all the way back to 227 if not more. Or I’ll still be here 6 months from now and cursing myself for giving up so soon. I don’t want to go back to that place, my life was miserable. But how do I push myself to keep going?

Right now I’m satiated from my OMAD tonight and am feeling OK. But what about tomorrow? And the next day? I don’t want to fall into those temptations— to just say fuck if you’re never going to be thin anyways! All because I hadn’t lost any weight in a week? It all sounds so absurd as I’m typing it out but this is legit how I feel right now. I’m sorry this post is dumb AF. I just needed to vent.

Thanks for reading if you did.

submitted by /u/nitrogxen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cVuP2x

Pls keep me accountable

hey guys! I'm a 24F/ 5' 2''/ CW:191, GW: 150

Ive restarted my weight loss journey after it came to an abrupt halt in January. I'm tired of just having bursts of motivation for 1 week at a time and then just completely letting myself go and gaining back all the hard work Ive put in. I hadnt weighed myself since January and had been eating super oily and bad food the past couple of months. My friends and I started doing the Chloe Ting 2 weeks shred challenge, so I got excited and restarted today (Keto + Chloe Ting 2 weeks shred) . I was dreading stepping on the scales but when I did I was so surprised to see that I had barely gained a pound since January. Usually I gain 10 pounds if Im eating this badly. I feel so relieved that I didnt gain much that It has given me more motivation to keep up with keto and the two week workout challenge. I'm not looking beyond those two weeks. Right now Im only focusing on short term goal which is to complete the workout challenge while being on keto for 2 weeks. I just want you to upvote and comment here so it keeps me accountable. I will post every other day if I've finished my workout for the day and if Ive eaten healthy. I will also post about my progress at the end of the 14 days! Pls help me stay motivated!

submitted by /u/unfitDoctor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MISmc9

UPDATE: Weight loss journey - Week 1

Description Weight Date
Starting weight 127.5kg 2020-06-03
Week 1 (Current) 121.8kg 2020-06-10
Soft target 90kg
Happy target 80-85kg
Goal weight 75kg


On 3rd June 2020 I restarted my weight loss journey. In 2017 I had managed to get from 135kg down to 98kg before suffering a dislocated shoulder which put a pause on my weight management and since then my weight slowly increased until a routine health checkup showed my blood pressure to be out of control. Further detail can be found in my previous post here

A visit with a dietitian helped me identify the main cause of my increase in weight, and with guidance and a structured meal plan I am starting to get back on track.

I have set 3 different goal weights.

  • 75kg is the ultimate goal. That is what I want to get back to. I say "back" even though I haven't weighed that since I was 18 years old.
  • 80-85kg is where I would be happy with myself. That is the weight that will see me in a position where my health is easy to manage.
  • 90kg is the "health" target. That should see my blood pressure returning to a normal result.

Last week

On Wednesday I saw a dietitian who gave me a meal plan with some very simple ideas for what to eat and when. Basically it boils down to 1600 cal per day broken down as follows

  • 350 cal breakfast
  • 150 cal morning tea
  • 475 cal lunch
  • 150 cal afternoon tea
  • 475 cal dinner

My diet has been

  • Breakfast: Porridge and a banana
  • Morning tea: Either a piece of fruit or 150g of yoghurt
  • Lunch: Small lunch (either leftover dinner from previous night or sandwich)
  • Afternoon tea: Either a piece of fruit or 150g of yoghurt
  • Dinner: Small dinner

My wife tends to prepare dinner each night since the foods which I am able to cook she is not fond of, therefore the only way that I am able to control my intake here is either in portion sizing or suggesting alternative ingredients. I tend to under-eat breakfast and lunch so that there is a little bit of a deficit when it comes to dinner just in case.

While I have managed to lose 5.7kg in the past week, I am well aware that this rate is not going to continue. Hopefully it continues for just a couple of more weeks, at least until I am under 110kg. I plan to provide an update each week here to track my progress as well as to keep myself honest.

submitted by /u/Joker-Smurf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fd6gj3

Can someone recommend an online service for high quality counseling?

The other day I came to the realization that I will not be able to lose this weight and keep it off. I've been coming to terms lately with my abusive upbringing and the specific traumas I dealt with between the ages of 7 and 9. It's obvious to me now that if you look at pictures of me at 7 and you look at pictures of me at 9 I went from skinny to chubby. It also didn't help that starting at 2 my mother would use food to pacify me. So if I was crying in the middle of the night she'd take me to McDonald's.

Specifically my mother started dating an abusive man at 7. At 8 I was molested. At 9 my grand father died and in between all of that my father vanished from my life. Add onto that I'm gay and I have this awful mixture of hyper sexuality as a coping mechanism because I fear losing people and that being gay is kind of like being a woman. There is a huge focus on your self worth being directly tied to your looks. I can't lose weight in a healthy fashion because the moment the scale says the wrong number I think, "I'm not good enough. I have no value. No one loves me. I'm expendable because I'm fat." Of course that leads to binging, sex or both. Even positive comments on my weight loss can lead to binging because I fear I won't lose weight fast enough. I won't become valuable fast enough.

I've had success in the past losing weight. The fact that I have this tendency between weight loss and personal value means whenever I feel down I binge, which makes me feel fat, which makes me feel less valuable, which leads to more binging.

I realize that no matter what I do. I will not be able to keep wait off unless I can break this link between weight loss and value in my mind.

submitted by /u/NewYearNewMe2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YpIWIa

Dating related to fat loss

M/18 5’9” SW:240 CW: 185 GW: 148

When I started my weight loss journey I did it for the wrong reasons. I wanted to get back at those that made fun of me and prove to myself and them that I was good enough and worthy of love. I’ve had a bad history when it comes to dating. People telling me that I had a nice face but wouldn’t date be because of my body, or they like me but would never think about sleeping with me. It was hard as a teenager growing up and seeing all your friends get attention while you just sat and watched it even helped them get with people you found attractive, but I digress. Recently I’ve been feeling really lonely, I’m happy with how I look and where I am. I’m proud that I put my health first and am starting to learn to love myself. I had a dream where I was with someone and it felt amazing but when I woke up I was alone. It kind of triggered me and I felt like eating my feelings but I didn’t.

I guess what I’m trying to ask is... has anyone taken a break from dating and/or hookups while they lost weight?

submitted by /u/roadtosixpack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2XOzPBw

How do you deal w/ friends & family judging?

I have this friend that anytime I mention anything about weight loss or me trying to be healthier, she acts like I just declared I have an eating disorder. Even though I have done my own research and have set myself on my own meal plan and work out schedule she likes to judge every little thing that I do.

When I tried intermittent fasting for about a month she instantly started sending me literature on how I had an eating disorder even though I told her that I had done my own research and that just the mere fact that I'm losing weight does not equal an eating disorder.

Due to work from home and everything going on - intermittent fasting didn't work out for me. Now, I focus on counting calories, exercising everyday and just managing what I eat. I try to stay away from processed foods and complex carbs. Some will say that is a restrictive diet, but I'm mostly just substituting foods out for other ones and watching my portions. Instead of mashed potatoes - I have mashed cauliflower. Instead of toast in the morning - I have spinach. Instead of ice cream - I'll have some cottage cheese and fruit. I'm still figuring out my diet, but so far this is what is working for me and I'm nearly 30 lbs down.

While she doesn't know the ins and outs of my diet - she decided to kind of let me know she disapproves of me restricting myself.

The topic of soda came up and I mentioned that I don't hate la croix anymore these days, bc I was drinking unflavored carbonated water as it was. So the whisper of flavor was actually kind of nice. She asked me why I would drink unflavored carbonated water and why couldn't I just drink water. I told her that I drink water all day everyday and sometimes I missed soda. She was like "well you'll learn to love water". Which kind of pissed me off, because literally all I drink is water. So I told her this much and that I allowed myself a treat every once in awhile and she was like "yes. I do enjoy one soda a day with dinner" to which I replied "Yes. I also allow myself one carbonated water once a week".

Then I was told that restricting was bad. So first she's judging that I even drink carbonated water and then she's judging that I'm drinking too little of it.

I'm just... get off my back. How do you tell your family/friends to back off and let you be?

submitted by /u/tinitrinity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2AaKihR