Thursday, September 10, 2020

Building a Healthy Hourglass Shape

The “hourglass” shaped woman is often depicted in paintings, photographs and movies as the ideal of female beauty. People from a wide variety of cultures find this “curvy” shape especially attractive. But even those with a natural hourglass shape can find themselves carrying excess weight and that can present specific challenges when they are trying to shed the extra pounds. If you are an hourglass who wants to lose weight, here’s what you need to know.

What Does Your Body Type Mean?

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What is an Hourglass Shape?

body type

You would be categorized as an hourglass if your hips and shoulders are about the same width. You may have a clearly defined waistline and your lower hips are wider than your high hips. Your buttocks are rounded and your thighs are full but narrower than your lower hips.

Taking your measurements is an easy way to find out your body shape. According to Healthline, “If your hips and bust are nearly equal in size and you have a well-defined waist that’s narrower than both, you have an hourglass shape.”

Maintaining these proportions is not easy, especially as we get older. When people with this body type gain weight, it tends to accumulate in the chest and hips rather than in the belly. For many people with this shape, the extra pounds tend to be most noticeable around their faces, arms, chest, knees and ankles.

Hourglass Health Concerns

hourglass body

The good news is that people with the hourglass shape are less likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease and cancer than those with the “apple-shaped” body type, who have large waistlines and accumulate fat around their abdomen. However, because the extra pounds show up in a variety of places on the hourglass figure, it may be less noticeable and therefore easier to ignore than a bulging belly, says Penn Medicine. Being overweight, wherever the extra fat gathers, does increase your risk of metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Exercising Your Hourglass

hourglass exercise

No matter what your body type may be, exercise is essential for proper health. About 30 minutes of daily activity—either all at once or broken up into 10-minute segments throughout the day—can help tighten up an hourglass figure and give it an even more appealing profile. Even better, toning up your body transforms fat into muscle. Muscle burns more calories when you’re at rest than fat does.

The ideal exercises for the hourglass shape work your whole body. According to Penn Medicine, “Full-body workout routines are good for hourglass-shaped people, since you could gain fat in both your upper and lower body.”

Swimming laps (if you have regular access to a pool) gives you a great full-body workout. Walking works well for toning hips, legs and buttocks. However, you’ll want to complement that with some work for your upper body. Light weightlifting helps tone your arms and shoulders without bulking you up. You can also try some simple calisthenics such as planks or incline push-ups.

The “inchworm” is a great full-body exercise to try at home whenever you have time, says the American Council on Exercise (ACE). It’s not too challenging but still tones your muscles. Start by standing tall with your feet together or slightly apart. Flex your abdominal muscles and bend at your hips until you can place your hands on the floor. Now slowly walk your hands forward until you are in a plank position. According to ACE, your spine, hips and head should be parallel with the floor. Do a push-up, then slowly walk your hands back to your feet. Keep practicing each day until you can repeat this move 10 times and you will see a real difference in your muscle tone.

9 Body Toning Workouts for Fast Results

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Dressing Your Hourglass Body Shape

hourglass body

Dressing for your specific body shape can help you feel confident and ready to take on the day. You can choose the perfect outfit for your hourglass by keeping a few key tips in mind. According to Nordstrom Trunk Club, “Fitted and structured tops look naturally great on your frame.” Since you have a defined waist, high-waisted and belted pants are also a great choice. A jumpsuit can be especially flattering, while fit-and-flare dresses show off your waist. Don’t be afraid of pointed shoes to elongate your legs and accessorize with your favorite belt, says Nordstrom Trunk Club.

Eating for Your Hourglass Shape

hourglass body

The basic elements of a healthy diet are generally the same for everyone: eat a wide variety of non-starchy vegetables and modest amounts of fruit, whole grains and other high-fiber carbohydrates, healthy fats and lean protein. But when you’re trying to lose weight, a plan that’s designed for your body shape will ensure that you drop the extra pounds from the places where they are most troublesome.

For people with the hourglass shape, the goal is to target fat around the lower part of the body. An effective eating plan for that is to make sure you are getting about 25 percent of your daily calories from high-quality protein. Fill your menu with healthy PowerFuels, which are sources of protein that are low in saturated fat. PowerFuels provide you with lots of energy to get you through your day but don’t load you up with extra fats. These lean proteins are best paired with high-fiber SmartCarbs, which leave you feeling full long after you finish eating. Stay away from added sugar and extra fat. Check out the lists below for grocery additions that may work best for you:

Smart choices for women:

  • Salmon, eggs and low fat dairy products can help you fill up and keep you feeling satisfied all day.
  • Make a sandwich with sourdough bread.
  • Fresh fruits like blueberries, pomegranate seeds and prunes fit well into your meal plan.
  • Make an arugula salad filled with chopped bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Smart choices for men:

  • Enjoy a wide range of lean proteins, such as eggs, milk, chicken breast and salmon.
  • Focus on fiber-rich carbs like brown rice and pinto beans.
  • High fiber fruits like prunes are your best bet.
  • Your top veggie picks include broccoli, spinach, bell peppers and cucumbers.

Nutrisystem expert dietitians take your body shape, gender, age and other attributes into account as they create a personalized diet plan that’s tailored to YOU. Your menu will be full of the foods you love, including deliciously flavorful meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, satisfying snacks throughout the day, and, yes, indulgent desserts you will feel good about. Combined with your daily activity, your meal plan will help you optimize your naturally attractive hourglass figure.

Check out the All-New Nutrisystem Program for a personalized diet tailored to your body shape! Click here to learn more. >

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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The post Building a Healthy Hourglass Shape appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Stop listening to your obese relatives when it comes to weight loss

Sounds harsh I know. I am my self still in the obese category even having lost 50lb.

Like a lot of overweight people I have family members who are also obese.

My father and grandma for instance.

They seem to be experts in yo up dieting and short term weight loss. “Don’t eat chicken skin, you ll get fatter” a phrase I heard at the age of 12 from my grandma.

“Why are you eating sweets, aren’t you loosing weight” “All you gotta do is the protein diet! 2 months and -45lb for me!” “It’s all about the glycemic index. That’s the only way too loose weight”

All those phrases were said to me when they found out I am starting my weight loss journey.

So it’s just a reminder for you to only listen to people who are living the lifestyle you want, are in the shape that you want etc.

submitted by /u/highkeyxoxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please stop setting due dates on your weight loos journey. It will damage you.

In the past for me weight loss was always from the prospective of “loosing as much as I can before insert event

I always tried to loose the weight fast and go back to the way I was eating before. It was never about health. It was about

“They are gonna see my glow up and be so shocked”

That mindset didn’t get me a glow up. It got me to stage 3 of obesity with around 50 extra kg of fat.

Stop setting deadlines. Understand why you are doing this and if it’s for the right reasons - take it slow.

Focus on changing habits and mentality, and not on the short term (social) benefit.

If you are anything like me, it probably took you months if not years to gain this weight.

Expect to loose it in roughly the same time you gained it. If not double that.

So please don’t set time on your goal.

If you want it for the right reasons.

It shouldn’t matter.

submitted by /u/highkeyxoxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


This is a post that's half celebratory and half for advice.

I did not grow up in a water drinking household. My parents had coffee in the morning, then my dad would switch to Coke and my mom to tea. Us kids had milk with meals and kool-aid the rest of the time. Except for school water fountains and sports practices I didn't really drink water, and this carried over into adulthood since I wasn't used to it.I've been trying to do better because drinking calories is a waste and a lot of drinks have too much sugar, plus I know that water is really important for weight loss. Where I live, most people have 20 Liter jugs of water in their houses, and whenever it finishes we order another one. When I first came here about 5 years ago (before I got serious about weight loss) that jug would last me like 5 weeks. Disgusting I know. The good news is that since trying to be more conscientous of my water intake, Ive gotten that down to 2 weeks! But my goal is to finish it in 10 days. Every new jug, I tell myself "This will be the one!" and then when it finishes and I check the dates, it's always 13-14 days.

This is a big increase in water intake for me and I'm proud of that, but I would still like to drink more and hit that 2L/day mark. So, how do you make sure you get your water in?

submitted by /u/The_Inimitable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cant lost more weight after losing 7 kgs. F 5'3 SW 77kg CW 69kg GW 54 kg

I started my weight loss journey from 77 kgs in March and reached 70 kg in July

After that I plateaued for a while and then lost one more kg in mid August.

Since then I am not losing weight. It's been almost a month now. Earlier I was losing 1 kg every 10-15 days. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

My weight is fluctuating like crazy between 70kg to 69 kgs.

I have been eating 1300 calories a day since March and have not changed my diet at all. I track everything I eat obsessively.

I started a new HIIT routine (Emi Wong youtube workouts) from 1st September.

I used to do HIIT from April-July but then I quit in August and got back on it now.

I track my measurements and take pictures as well. They are also not showing any changes since mid August.

Please let me know any advice you have. I am losing my mind here.

submitted by /u/Meowkitty131
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

9 months and -30 lbs later and i still struggle with my mental health, am single, have feelings of loneliness, and deal with shitty days. but facing those things head on instead of numbing myself with binge eating, drugs, and drinking is what changed my life.

Bargaining with and punishing myself about my weight loss and gain was such a vicious cycle - and using unhealthy coping mechanisms to distract myself from the pain only made it worse and my physical appearance ended up showing that in the worst way. I used to blame the fact I was unhappy solely because of how I looked or what I weighed. The thought of not using food, alcohol, or drugs to numb my head when things were hard was unfathomable.

Now it’s the opposite. I am happy (most days lol) and the way I look simply reflects that.

Self reflecting, journaling, making myself cook food at home that I enjoy and fuels my body, talking to professionals, understanding how to use exercise as a way to release endorphins, and forcing myself to open up to people I’m close with when I’m struggling was the hardest thing I ever did. Drugs and alcohol and binge eating were easy, but they would make me wake up the next day not caring if I lived or died. Now I wake up excited to live. If you’re going through a hard time hang in there and give yourself some grace. The numbers on the scale will drop but the life you gain will mean so much more.

submitted by /u/michska_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weight loss buddy!

Hello! I'm a female, I'm 22, 5'4 and almost 200 pounds. I want to lose at least 50 pounds. This is a long term goal, and I plan on focusing on more short term goals and building better habits. If you want a buddy, hmu! I'm going to be focusing on daily workouts, waking up earlier, drinking lots more water, eating healthier (but not dieting), and possibly intermittent fasting. I would love to have a daily friend to work with my goals, send pictures, and celebrate success. I would also love to help you with your goals, whatever they are. I would prefer other females only. If more people are interested I would also be down to make a group chat full of positivity! We could do kik if that makes you more comfortable, or phone numbers. DM me if interested!

submitted by /u/Ravenepl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat