Monday, September 14, 2020

officially 1 year and 6 months in, down 35 lbs and have 18 lbs to go, after a year of maintaining I’m back to feeling sick of my own body and want to finish what I started

March 2019 I went through a rough break up and decided to start getting serious about losing weight. I did CICO and ate 1200 calories/day while going on walks and bike rides frequently and lost 35 lbs in about 4-5 months. I have maintained at around 140-143 since then besides one month last winter being up around 150.

I had chest surgery 8 weeks ago and that has set me back a lot in terms of my eating habits and activity level. Of course Covid has had a huge effect on that as well, but its mostly just due to eating like shit and laying around. I’ve cut myself a lot of slack because I was recovering, but I’m ready to get back to normal and really get serious about losing weight again.

I’m unfortunately back at the point where I just can’t stand to look in the mirror most of the time because I feel fat. Its affecting what I wear, what I do, and is making me feel awful. CICO isn’t working anymore and I feel like my best bet is to combine IF and much cleaner eating habits while slowing integrating some exercise. I really want to reach my goal weight by my birthday in December. Its difficult to balance all this while working full time, but I’d like to somewhat finish this weight loss journey by the time I start school again next January.

I’m not able to work out like normal for about three more months due to needing to be careful about stretching the scars that go across my chest, and I’m too nervous about covid to go to the gym anyways, so thats why I’m wanting to lose so much weight. I’m short and have always been overweight and would just like to enjoy feeling healthy before I worry about gaining a lot of muscle. If you have any tips or kind words to share, feel free!

Hopefully I can look back at this post in three months and feel a lot better about myself, be able to look in the mirror without feeling gross, not have issues with disordered eating again, and feel all around healthier.

submitted by /u/sassydray
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] "I fit in a Medium so you should too"

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a small non-scale victory that really nails home the concept of body dismorphia and how much we don't see ourselves the way other people do.

Background: I have been overweight/borderline obese ever since I was a teenager, and have recently lost a lot of weight (about 26 kg in one year, going from 95 to 69 for 172cm/M) so i'm still getting used to my new body. Honestly up until last week I didn't really see that much change when looking in the mirror even though a lot of people noticed and complimented me on my weight loss and I can clearly see that I can now fit in S/M clothes easily.

The victory : Last week I went to the beach to do some snorkeling which meant I had to hire a wetsuit (it's pretty cold where I live at the moment). Now this is usually not a great experience for me, because it always takes me a few tries to get the size right and it doesn't feel great when the L doesn't fit. But this time when I came into the shop, the guy just took a look at me and told me "Yeah I fit in a medium so it should probably work for you too" and handed me the suit. Lo and behold, it fit perfectly !

It's not just the fact that I can now fit in a medium wetsuit that cheered me up, it's the fact that someone I dont know and I would consider "thin" looked at me for the first time and estimated that I had the same morphology as him. I still have a few kgs to lose, but it made me realize that something that was a part of my identity for such a long time (being fat) is just no longer true, no matter how I still see myself in the mirror ! It gives me the motivation to keep going, and I hope this story can make some losers realize that even though you don't really see the changes your body is going through, other people do.

submitted by /u/Emotional-Sugar
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Beginning with questions. Advice needed!

Hi everybody! I’m (19F) relatively new to the weight loss world. I never really had a problem with weight until this year when I gained 50 pounds randomly. I used to be 150 and I am now 200. I am not an active person at all and I love food so this is going to be challenging. I joined a gym and so far have been working out every other day. I have been stocking my fridge with fresh fruits, veggies, vegan frozen dinners for when I’m in a hurry, and low calorie versions of things that I would usually buy the regular version of. I have also cut out soda and have been cutting down on red meat.

I wanted to ask you guys if you had any additional tips or tricks for a beginner like me. I also wanted to know if you guys struggle with staying full. I’ve been finding I eat even more now since my meals aren’t as fulfilling. But I mainly try to stick with veggies and fruits or hard boiled eggs as my snack. I’m also wondering if this is even really a problem since it tends to be healthy snacks.

All advice and tips are greatly appreciated and I’m very eager to see some responses!!

submitted by /u/MadisonManson666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, September 13, 2020

struggling to get back on track

I've been on a - very committed - weight loss journey for over a year and a half. I started at almost 284 pounds and about two months ago I hit the 100 lb weight loss mark. Nothing, it seemed, could slow me down. Not even quarantine and covid. I HAD THIS.

Then, I got in a car accident. I had a concussion and was basically told to "rest" for as long as the dizziness took to go away (just over a month, for the record). Working out had been such a great coping mechanism for me, I did it up to 5 times a week. Weights and no weights. Cardio and no cardio. Suddenly this coping mechanism was gone. Without it, I found myself slipping back into old habits. Especially comfort eating.

I'm pretty healed up now and can get back to working out, but I'm having difficulty pulling myself back out of this hole. Today alone I had a large fry, a chicken sandwhich, a bag of fritos, frozen yogurt, and 4 granola bars.

Trying not to hate myself and trying to rediscover the discipline I seem to have lost track of

submitted by /u/Socialist-heathen
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I’m Utterly Overwhelmed

I've been thinking a lot about weight loss and the overwhelm associated with it. My thought process usually goes something like this:

I want to lose weight!

How will I lose weight?

I can set up systems, count calories, weigh food, complete workouts x, y, and z

But I know those systems don't work/ aren't necessarily realistic or sustainable

So where should I begin then?

How do I stop overeating/ bingeing?

I suppose I need counselling to address that(?)

Counselling is expensive, and I've looked everywhere for a therapist that will even address BED! They're nowhere to be found!

If I can't conquer my BED through deep dives in therapy, I won't be able to change my eating habits and I'll never lose the weight

overwhelm intensifies

In the past I have lost and regained over 100 pounds. I’ve done diets, counting calories, restricting name it, I’ve done it.

I know that if I continue going at the weight I am, with the discomfort, pain, and health issues attached to it, I’ll be miserable. But what the HECK do I do to change when it feels like I’ve tried literally everything in the past without success?

How do I move past the psychological roadblocks around BED?

submitted by /u/befierclykind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I’m at Rock Bottom

I don’t know what the point of this post is, but I think I just need to get my thoughts out. If you’re prepared to read a short novel, I appreciate your time. If not, I completely understand and wish you the best of luck in your personal journey.

Weight has been a problem my whole life, and by whole life I mean I can remember being around 5 years old and not wanting my friends dad to pick me up and throw me in the pool like the other kids because I knew I was bigger and I was embarrassed. I was 5 and somehow I was already ashamed of my body. My parents were great and my mom always made sure I had healthy, tasty meals. I’m adopted, so I can’t really look to my parents as a reference for my weight. I don’t know much about my birth parents, but I know my birth mom had gastric bypass surgery at some point and struggled with her weight as well. I want to be in control of my weight, but when I lose weight, I can never maintain the loss.

Cue to the summer of 2015. I went from 235 to 205 in one summer just by being active. I didn’t even try, it just happened. I then went back to college which was an incredibly toxic environment and I gained it all back.

Cue to summer of 2016. I once again had an extremely active summer and went from 235 to 205. This time I wasn’t going to gain the weight back because I had learned my lesson from the year before. Well, turns out toxic environments aren’t great for weight loss and I gained all the weight back again.

Cue to December of 2017. After graduating college and being accepted to grad school, I decided that I was going to join Weight Watchers. I had recently moved to a new city, had a great new job, was accepted to grad school, and was financially stable for the first time ever. It was like I was finally ready to make a lasting change. I started my WW journey at 258.8 pounds. (I’m a 5’7” woman for reference)

Cue to February of 2019. Thanks to diligently tracking meals, walking EVERYWHERE and being in the most positive environment I had been in years, I was down to 196. A number I hadn’t seen since 2013. 196 at 5’7” might sound like a lot, but for me, it was a dream weight. I have a very athletic build and was a former college athlete. I have quite a bit of muscle and 196 for me felt good. I still wanted to get down to 165, but I was incredibly confident at 196.

Unfortunately, although my physical health was at an all time high, my mental health was at an all time low. I lost a lot of that last 20 pounds just by being a nervous wreck. I was in grad school full time, working full time, and also interning part time. I had a mental breakdown and took a quarter off of school and postponed my internship. I was managing my mental health, and decided that it wasn’t possible for me to gain the weight back again and I just didn’t have the energy to stick to a plan. I wanted to drown my sorrows in Mac and cheese and ice cream. And I did. For months.

Cue to September of 2019. My sabbatical was over and I was ready to finish grad school and complete my internship. I had gained 30 pounds back and felt terrible about the gain. I was now back to 225. However, I felt ok at 225. It’s like the highest weight I’m comfortable at. I’m not “happy” at 225, but I feel like it’s manageable. Something about the 220’s feels successful to me. Maybe because my default weight is usually 235. Either way, I was 225 and feeling ok. I finished my internship, graduating with my Masters degree, moved into a new place, began an amazing relationship, and as of today, gained 15 pounds.

I now weigh 240.6 and I feel absolutely defeated and miserable. I recently got my dream job, am in a fantastic relationship, have a wonderful home office, and I hate myself. The thing that’s most frustrating is that I wasn’t eating like I was when I was gaining weight in the past. I’ve tried actively to lose weight since March and it’s just. not. happening. I was going on 8 mile bike rides daily, combined with HIIT workouts, tracking calories and points on WW and MFP and still, nothing. I wasn’t gaining, but I wasn’t losing. I was hovering right around 235 since February, and today I finally hit 240. For me that feels like rock bottom. I can’t seem to string two consecutive weeks of losses together. I don’t know why it’s so hard this time. Usually once I commit, I see success. Not this time. And it’s heartbreaking. I feel so defeated. I want to make this change. I really do. I want to be successful. But seeing the scale not move, or go in the wrong direction, is so demoralizing. I’ve had all the tests done and by the numbers I’m completely healthy otherwise, so that’s a positive.

It doesn’t help that my boyfriend and I weigh the exact same. We’re close to the same height as well, he’s a little taller. Knowing that I weigh as much as him disgusts me. I’m so disgusted with myself. He’s great and incredibly supportive, tells me I look great, all the right things. But it doesn’t matter. I look at that scale and I hate myself.

So here I am. September 13th. Hating myself for getting to this point. Starting over. Again.

submitted by /u/irrelevantname1776
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to find the motivation

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I’m in need of some support and this felt like the right place to come to.

So I (22F) recently started my weight loss journey around 1 month ago and I’m really struggling to feel motivated about sticking to my goals. I’ve been pretty athletic my whole life but always struggled with my weight. This is my first real attempt at getting my weight under control and I don’t want to throw it all away bc of how I’m feeling. I’ve been trying carb cycling, tracking my calories/macros, and exercising 4ish days a week and I’ve lost around 4 pounds. But the thing that’s been the biggest obstacle for me right now is feeling hopeless about the world and just wanting comfort food. I’m currently in the PNW and my area has been impacted by all the smoke from the fires all along the west coast. Getting outside to run and hike were my biggest motivators to stay on track with my eating habits and now that I’m trapped inside not just bc of covid but bc of the terrible air quality. I just feel so stuck and I don’t want to let my feelings of hopelessness set me back. So I guess what I’m asking is if anyone else out there has/is experiencing similar struggles what have you done to overcome? Is there something you found that helped you get out of the mindset that everything sucks? How did you get back to focusing on your goals? Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this :)

submitted by /u/plant_kiddo
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