Monday, September 14, 2020

officially 1 year and 6 months in, down 35 lbs and have 18 lbs to go, after a year of maintaining I’m back to feeling sick of my own body and want to finish what I started

March 2019 I went through a rough break up and decided to start getting serious about losing weight. I did CICO and ate 1200 calories/day while going on walks and bike rides frequently and lost 35 lbs in about 4-5 months. I have maintained at around 140-143 since then besides one month last winter being up around 150.

I had chest surgery 8 weeks ago and that has set me back a lot in terms of my eating habits and activity level. Of course Covid has had a huge effect on that as well, but its mostly just due to eating like shit and laying around. I’ve cut myself a lot of slack because I was recovering, but I’m ready to get back to normal and really get serious about losing weight again.

I’m unfortunately back at the point where I just can’t stand to look in the mirror most of the time because I feel fat. Its affecting what I wear, what I do, and is making me feel awful. CICO isn’t working anymore and I feel like my best bet is to combine IF and much cleaner eating habits while slowing integrating some exercise. I really want to reach my goal weight by my birthday in December. Its difficult to balance all this while working full time, but I’d like to somewhat finish this weight loss journey by the time I start school again next January.

I’m not able to work out like normal for about three more months due to needing to be careful about stretching the scars that go across my chest, and I’m too nervous about covid to go to the gym anyways, so thats why I’m wanting to lose so much weight. I’m short and have always been overweight and would just like to enjoy feeling healthy before I worry about gaining a lot of muscle. If you have any tips or kind words to share, feel free!

Hopefully I can look back at this post in three months and feel a lot better about myself, be able to look in the mirror without feeling gross, not have issues with disordered eating again, and feel all around healthier.

submitted by /u/sassydray
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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