Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Learning a new lifestyle, triggers and all

Progress stats: 25F, 5'7", SW: 180, CW: 145 GW: 145 -150

I have reached my goal and have been in the process of maintaince for the past few weeks! I have never thought I would be able to see the 140's again (to it's been atleast 7 years) but I made it. One thing I learned during this whole process which might be helpful is how important it is to know what your triggers are. My biggest struggle I found while embarking on this journey was that hearing or seeing other people eat, it made me want to eat. It sounds strange I know but legit hearing someone much on chips made me salivate, I felt some pressure to eat along with them and I felt judged if I didn't. Now I am able to healthley recognize that just because someone else is eating doesn't mean I have to as well. This was a huge realization as to why I fell into horrible habits prior to commiting to healthier eating habits. I also am now able to to recognize when I have been paying too much attention to what the scale says, and not enough attention to how i am feeling. There has been days where I go on the scale at least 4 times checking to see if I had a drop, I am now able to recognize that checking the scale that often is not fair to me, and I usually will take a few days off from checking the scale but continue eating within the bounds of my "diet". I refuse to punish myself by waiting for the scale to go up from enjoying a chicken burger with a bun every once in awhile. I know this might seem silly but I hope this helps someone else during their weight loss journey. I would love to know if anyone else has experience something similar!

submitted by /u/Anonnn12341
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33tUHzF

Monday, September 14, 2020

I stayed on my elliptical trainer for the full 30 minutes NSV 🥰

I’m- so ecstatic! For the first time in God knows how long I chose a “Fat burn” exercise on my E.T, it goes for 30 minutes.. I stayed and pushed through for the full amount of time, I even had a genuine smile as I was nearing the end of it, I started trying to get into shape around mid-August apart from eating healthier this is the first big Exercise thing I’ve done 😭😭 felt so good (and bad) lol. I can’t wait to do my boxing practice tomorrow. I’m over 340 pounds, so something like this isn’t easy for me to do, but I did it, I decided for this weight loss journey I’m not going to weigh myself and just let the loose clothes do the talking. For me scales tend to hold a lot of pain and memories that I’d rather repress than bring back up. I have started and stopped this process so many times, but I can tell this time it will be for sure. I’m craving salads now which is crazy, and it’s so much easier to say no, or have a little of something and stop, even with the “peer pressure.” A new me is coming and I can’t wait to share it with you all ✨

submitted by /u/Akideath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3mldohy

constantly craving oats?

oats have been my number one go-to food during this weight loss journey because of how delicious and versatile they are, and i've been basically eating them for like 2 out of 3 meals a day (breakfast and dinner) and they usually come in at about 250 calories per bowl after i add in my nuts and toppings and it's done wonders for me, my weight went from 61kg to 55kg in slightly under 2 months (i'm 1.67m) BUTTTT

now all i wanna eat are oats which is :/ because some days i'll meal plan and get all excited that maybe i can fit a nice dinner into my meal plan instead of oats (like today i was planning to get some takeaway) but nooooo i'm craving oats again?? although i just had them this morning?? and yesterday?? and the day before?? and now i just really want oats for dinner again which is cool and i definitely don't mind it but wtf

submitted by /u/dietgang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2E6sxSM

I feel like i’m fatter after gaining the weight back that I lost?

Hello all, first time poster here.

the top is a year ago and bottom is today, same weight, slight NSFW

20F | currently 168 | 5’8

About a year ago, I was weighing in at close to 200. I had a major lifestyle change and got down to a little under 150. 50 pound weight loss was something I was really proud of. I struggle with eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and anxiety, but i managed to lose the weight healthily. so I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me or my brain is just wired to tell me when I gain weight that it’s bad.

Anyways, because of COVID and some life changes, I wasn’t eating healthily or working out, and I gained back almost 20 pounds.

See, last time I lost this weight, I remember being at this weight and being proud of myself. I remember my tummy was flatter and I was confident.

Now, all I see is cellulite and rolls. I have a very large lower stomach pooch, that I never really remember having before. Is it possible to regain weight differently than the first time I lost it? My tummy and my legs appear wider also.

I’m so paranoid about this, I feel like I need to visit a doctor. What is happening?

tl;dr - i gained back 20 pounds i lost and think i look significantly different than last time i was at this weight and don’t know why

edit: for clarification, in the title, i meant i feel i look visibly bigger, in my eyes “fatter”

submitted by /u/ohitsace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kujM4z

Not feeling proud of what you've done..?

I just wonder if anyone else feels like this? My highest weight was 460lbs officially, probably higher. I got down to 420lbs by quitting drinking fulltime and quitting fast food. Since April I've gone from 420lbs to 330lbs by learning about IF/CICO/TDEE and sticking to a set meal plan. I have no problem with motivation to keep going. I believe I will get to my goal weight no problem (180), which will be early mid next year. If I struggle with anything it's just patience, I just want to jump ahead a few months to be X weight. But that's not a big struggle. That is another problem though, since I learned about IF/CICO/TDEE, weight loss has been stupidly easy for me. I know most find it difficult, and I have in the past but for whatever reason, this time it's a cake walk.

I always see people say they are so proud of themselves, but I don't feel proud of my progress at all. I've totally gone off all my blood pressure meds, and my blood glucose is perfect. I'm fitter than I have been in a very long time, I'm getting into mountain biking. Stuff I could never have done a few years ago. I've gone from "Super" morbidly obese (BMI >50) to just regular garden variety "morbidly obese" and I should be just regular "obese" before the end of the year. So I should be proud right? However to me, I just feel like I'm rectifying a problem that was entirely of my own making anyway, and therefore its nothing to be proud of? I intentionally ate/drank my way to 460. It was a fairly conscious decision and I just didn't care.

I see people say things like, 'well most people don't manage to lose the weight', well ok, but most people, as in the vast majority, don't get to almost 500lbs either! I just don't feel like losing the weight is anything to be proud of, because I never should have let it happen in the first place.

I don't even know what the point of this post is, I guess I just wonder if other people feel similarly.

submitted by /u/lookoutlava
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35B1kCN

I can't tell my husband I'm losing weight -- So I'll just tell you fine people

I'm already at a "healthy range" of weight, but I've been needing to drop my flabby COVID pounds (about 25 pounds is my goal), and so far I've dropped the first 10 pounds this past month using CICO. My uniform is fitting better, I'm feeling better, and I like that there is less jiggle in the in mirror. However, I can't say anything to my husband because he'll just turn it around and make my weight loss all about him. It's very depressing and disheartening for me to say "Hey, I've lost 10 pounds!" only to be greeted with "oh that's nice. I wish I could lose weight, but I'm just so busy and [gestures broadly at nothing] that I just can't right now."

I've yo-yo'ed between the same 30 pound range for 14 years, and whenever I get serious to drop the flab, my husband just whines that he wishes he could lose his extra 80 pounds too (but then never does a goddamn thing about it). So I'm keeping this shit to myself this time. I'd rather have null-encouragement than my traditional no-encouragement from my husband. Thankfully, I've never gotten negative comments, so glass half full I guess.

For the first time in 14 years, this weight loss festival is all about me and nobody else. And since I can't tell anyone around me, I'm telling you. I've lost 10 pounds, baby! Yeah! Only 20 more to go and I will be back in my bikini-wear just in time for...Christmas. In northern Minnesota.

submitted by /u/The_Flying_Ferret
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RnKkaY

I've lost twenty-three pounds and I'm both so angry at myself and also exhilarated.

I'm 24m (25 in a month) at 230 pounds, down from 253 pounds from when I started calorie counting (256 at my highest). Thing is that the last time I tried to really lose weight, I was at 230 pounds. I worked out but didn't diet at all apart from a small attempt at juicing. I lost about ten pounds but that was it, I eventually gave up and ate myself all the way up to 256.

Now for the first time in my life, I'm truly truly losing weight and I'm furious because if me from two years ago had done CICO, who knows how much more weight I could have lost? Where would I be right now? Thing is that I even knew calorie counting was probably the right way to go, I just didn't want to do it.

But at the same time...I really tried to start calorie counting during the quarantine and I really tried to start writing my book and progress has been coming along on both fronts. I ended up with a first draft of around seventy-three thousand words and though it ended up freezing because of narrative mistakes, I started a second draft fixing the mistakes. As said, I've lost twenty-three pounds. And all this in just a few months, doing progress little by little. Just walking five/six miles a day, working out and eating so much less calories (and I'm still eating more than most here).

Suddenly all my goals - beyond just weight loss - seem possible and doable instead of being impossible tasks. Learning another language? Just a little bit of progress every day will stack. Learning how to garden? Little bit of progress every day will stack. All I have to do is try.

Why didn't my twenty-two year old self try? I want to go back in time and shake him shouting at him that if he just starts now, he can become so much better at twenty-four. I guess the only thing is to start now doing that little bit of progress so that my twenty-seven year old self won't be wishing they could travel back at time wanting to shake sense into me.

submitted by /u/RealityWanderer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FswYrC