Saturday, April 10, 2021

Quitting oily foods once and for all - my journey to losing 22lbs

Nothing much, just something I wanted to share.

Has it ever happened to you, that during a workout you get bad heartburn and acidity that it just spoils the whole mood ? Well it happens to me quite frequently coz I tend to overeat oily foods, snacks , chips , just some time before my daily workout in the evening. Now I even might be in a toxic relationship with these food items as I always feel bad even when I am binging on them, but I just can’t stop! They aren’t even breathtakingly tasty to be binged on way too much, they’re just above average but the thought of constantly munching on these crispy foods, perhaps while binge watching a series just appeals to me. This is probably the one thing I need to fix in my weight loss journey, I think it’s about time that I start with intuitive eating and honestly quit snacking. The heartburn during workout is such a turn off , literally right now, I am mid workout , sitting on my yoga mat with a bloated stomach trying to feel better about myself despite all the heartburn going on. Hopefully in about half an hour I do complete more sets. I am quitting oily and spicy foods, once and for all . Have a great day !!

submitted by /u/boiissouphot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

19F from Lithuania, would like a accountability buddy :)

So I started my weight loss journey when I was 5”6 and 155ish lbs 2019 may and in 2020 I was a fit 5”6 120pound girl who could comfortably run a half a marathon and do weightlifting at the same day. So basically I had a slip up in 2020 September and shit hit the fan. I spiralled down to my old binge eating habits, got sedentary, let my depression take over me and well till this Monday I just ate whatever. I tried to go back but I always failed... just kept hitting the wall. Now I am 155-ish lbs again and I cant run and cant lift. My whole progress is lost. This is my 1st week of going back. I am doing C25K, OMAD and keto. I did fast this week for a couple of days btw. I would love an accountability buddy who is in the same or similar boat as me. Also I would prefer someone from similar timezone (EEST here). Thank you in advance and happy loosing :)

submitted by /u/Gab9Crow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally 18 years old. Finally down 5kg (10 pounds)

From the UK. As a young teen, it's been hard to lose weight in the ways that everyone urges you too. I gained weight from being on the contraceptive implant for 2 years. About 2 years ago i was size 12 (tops), size 14 (jeans) and size 12 (dress size). I've always been size 14 in jeans for as long as i can remember just because of my thighs and bum. Anyway., I got to a size 14 in tops (1 size up). So last November i got the contraceptive removed because i realised that i had gained weight and i always wanted to eat food. ALL THE FLIPPINGGGG TIME. So i got it removed and that was that.

From November i began trying to lose weight and found that my appetite had decreased drastically and i wasn't eating every single hour and i thought that not eating as much food was enough to lose weight. However, it didn't lead to any weight loss so i kinda gave up for a bit. I started recalling the things that used to be in my life when i was slim and remembered that i walked a lot and had a lot of vegetables which i wasn't having now because i live alone. I started walking despite some Reddit posts saying that walking is an insufficient method of weight loss and that it's better to run.

In January i tried walking more around sixth form (college) but didn't start eating as healthy as i could have done. I was still eating chocolate bars every other day and fried chicken wraps and chips/fries when i was hungry and so i maintained my weight.

I began using the Pedometer app on my phone (its kinda inaccurate because I'm on a Samsung but when i get my iPhone 11 in a week or so, it will be calibrated more accurately). I began walking to school on March 22 but only got to do it for 2 mornings because it was the end of term for Easter. Walking to school i got 17k-18k steps a day. From the beginning of April it was half term so i was at home all day so i decided to go on walks which would equate to 5 miles. So i chose locations in a 2.5mile radius because walking there and back would be 5 miles.

I tried counting calories using my fitness pal thinking that i was in a huge calorie deficit but i found i wasn't losing any weight. Then i went on reddit again and was told that i needed a food scale and i needed to weigh every ounce of food i ate, all the seasoning, all the oil and all that crap and i said no way. No way, Jose. Coming from a family where food is cooked by taste and not measurements that would be near impossible to input into my fitness pal so i scrapped that. THANKFULLY, i stumbled upon this video on YouTube and took note. I started having 50% of my plate as vegetables and the other half was my normal dinner. I could have chicken curry with rice as long as the other half of the plate was vegetables. I must also add that i didn't eat from plates and i ate from a Tupperware box because it was easier to control portions and divide veggies into 50% of the the box. I cut out chocolate a bit. i/ had 2 easter eggs which isn't a lot compared to the full size bars i was eating everyday. I don't eat crisps like Walkers and i still drink Juice as long as I'm drinking more water

I was doing this while walking around and averaging around 15k steps a day. I tried to drink 2L of water a day. I stepped on the scale on 7th April and was down 5kg. I was very very surprised. I even stepped on the scale again today and i really said i was down 5kg.

I'm just writing this to let you know that counting calories isn't for everyone and that's perfectly fine! You don't have to go to the gym for 1 hr every day either. If you'd like, ask me for some recipes that i made and ill let you know or link some websites which helped me a lot,

submitted by /u/lifeissoupiamf0rk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to lose 10-15kg in 3-4 months.

Hi! I’ve always been chubby and fat most of my life but last year when the pandemic started I was quite motivated to workout. From 87kg i went down to 78kg. I was ecstatic. But as the days went by I caught myself eating more and more by the day and fast forward to now, I am sadly at 86kg, 1kg short of the weight I started. To be honest I’m losing hope in my weight loss journey. I need some new perspectives on how to lose weight, so I’m humbly asking for your guy’s help, any help I can get to get to my goal of 68kg in cut weight then bulk up to 75kg with muscle. I know it’s wishful thinking but I want to see myself in a healthy body finally after hating myself for almost my entire life. These are my “stats”: I’m 20 years old A college student No access to a gym Limited food choices

Hoping that I get some help on this. Thank you for taking the tine to read ☺️

submitted by /u/SV___PAM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Every time I have failed to stick to a weight loss plan I seem to fold after 1-3 days. I think I have figured out why.

Like the title says, I - like lots of other people- keep going on an eating plan only to give in to temptations.

A little bit of background to me: 37, f, currently 257lbs (I was 220 before quarantine). I have recently discovered and am in the process of being diagnosed for ADHD.

Since discovering my ADHD, I realised that the search for dopamine is never ending, and it’s common for us types to binge eat as a way of getting that dopamine hit. This perfectly explains my obesity (I’m owing it to that at least). I also stopped exercising because I find gyms and exercising my myself to be unstimulating. I was ballroom dancing pre-covid but since haven’t been able to. My work also doesn’t allow me time off to do it.

ADHD’ers also commonly suffer from Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria- and I definitely do 100% of the time. I never feel like I’m good enough. This is something I plan to be talking to a psychologist about once I get diagnosed. But it also makes sense that past rejections have made me look to food as a non-judgemental dopamine hit. It’s a savage cycle.

I don’t know where else to go with this so I’ll end it here. I just wanted to get this out of my head and say that I’m trying to lose weight and perhaps the best way is CICO....or Keto....or South Beach.....or Pritikin......or Slim Fast.....or vegan.....or Jenny Craig.....or Weight Watchers! (Sorry, bit of adhd humour there)

Thank you kindly for listening to my brain fart!

submitted by /u/mayvslife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exercise for weight loss advice

Hello, after spending years just putting weight on, I have decided enough is enough and I want to get a lot of this off. I am currently 118.5Kg (261 lbs) and have introduced a calorie deficit of 1000 per day into my diet and getting 10,000 steps a day, which is helping.

I wanted to look at putting exercise into my plan as well and so got an exercise bike, I have started by doing 20 mins a day on the bike with my first goal to comfortably get in the recommended 150 minutes of exercise for a week before building up. My question is what is best, should I continue with the 20 minutes a day to have continuous exercise or is it best to split it up and have a 40 minute day followed by a rest day?

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/National_Sorbet961
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A year on, I'm at a complete loss

Hey guys,

My weight loss has come to a complete stop and I feel like I'm out of options and desperately looking for help.

For a little bit of context, I'm a 28 year old male who started dieting in Feb. 2020. I've been on the heavy side since I was a kid but I really put on the weight right after high school after a long bout with depression. I ballooned up to over 140kg (~310 pounds) for 1m78 (~5"10'). When I started in Feb. 2020 I was 138kg and very motivated. I started keto and some light exercise at first and the weight came off relatively easily, losing about 1kg a week. I wasn't paying too much attention to my calories but I was eating a lot less than before, doing keto, and started doing some more exercise (hiking, lifting weights).

I adapted the amount of food I ate and how much exercise I was doing as I lost weight and I mostly avoided any big stalls. I could feel that it was becoming harder to lose weight, but it was still manageable. My efforts were paying off. I started experimenting with keto + omad at the end of summer.

Then in September I found out I was hyperthyroidic (and apparently had been for 2 years at that point). This was a shock to me because I always struggled with losing weight, and people with hyperthyroidism are supposed to have trouble even putting on any weight. I know I was eating many more calories than a normal person (I was obese after all), but not to the point of compensating for serious hyperthyroidism and then some, and I had to take my weight loss journey pretty damn seriously to lose weight. Even then not at an incredible rate.

I can't find anyone online talking about hyperthyroidism and being overweight, my endocrinologist has no real explanation (she's not even sure what I have, after many radios and examinations she thinks it's Graves but no certainty) and I still can't reconcile my hyperthyroidism and obesity.

Anyway, I started on 20mg daily of methimazole in October and my weight shot right back up from 106kg to 110kg or so in the span of a few weeks. At this point I got really serious about my weight and bought a food scale, went full omad + keto, while still exercising about an hour everyday. I was somehow still gaining weight and I pleaded with my endo to reduce the dosage, and after some blood tests she agreed to give me 5mg daily instead. That was in December and I managed to go down to 103kg (~230 pounds), a weight that I've been stuck at for close to six months now.

Since then I've tried reducing my caloric intake further and further, ending up below 1000 a day (in one keto meal), I've done several 3-5 days fasts interspersed with keto+omad, I exercise as much as possible in my free time playing tennis, lifting weights, running...Nothing seems to work and I've been stuck at 103 kg. After a fast I might go down to 100 or 101kg, but I gain that weight back as soon as I stop, even with a very low caloric intake. I feel like my metabolic rate has crawled to a stop after a year of severe caloric deficit. Realistically, I've given up on even making progress with losing weight at this point, I'm just trying as hard as I can not to gain back the weight, and I'm barely succeeding.

I have learned to control my hunger better, I think I know how to eat healthy now, I have put on a little bit of muscle thanks to all the lifting, I'm in way better shape physically, but technically in a year my BMI went from ~45 to ~32, which is to say very obese to...still obese. I'm very discouraged with this almost 6-months stall and I don't know what to try anymore. I'm a rational person and I realize to a reader the best explanation must seem to be that I'm lying or somehow misreporting my calories or amount of exercise. It just doesn't make sense considering CICO. I have no explanation to give, but I'm telling the truth. I'm at an absolute loss and I need help.

Weight loss over time (I weigh myself daily)

Thank you for reading if you've come this far and sorry for the wall of text.

I would appreciate any advice.

submitted by /u/ConsciousWallaby3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat