Saturday, April 10, 2021

Finally 18 years old. Finally down 5kg (10 pounds)

From the UK. As a young teen, it's been hard to lose weight in the ways that everyone urges you too. I gained weight from being on the contraceptive implant for 2 years. About 2 years ago i was size 12 (tops), size 14 (jeans) and size 12 (dress size). I've always been size 14 in jeans for as long as i can remember just because of my thighs and bum. Anyway., I got to a size 14 in tops (1 size up). So last November i got the contraceptive removed because i realised that i had gained weight and i always wanted to eat food. ALL THE FLIPPINGGGG TIME. So i got it removed and that was that.

From November i began trying to lose weight and found that my appetite had decreased drastically and i wasn't eating every single hour and i thought that not eating as much food was enough to lose weight. However, it didn't lead to any weight loss so i kinda gave up for a bit. I started recalling the things that used to be in my life when i was slim and remembered that i walked a lot and had a lot of vegetables which i wasn't having now because i live alone. I started walking despite some Reddit posts saying that walking is an insufficient method of weight loss and that it's better to run.

In January i tried walking more around sixth form (college) but didn't start eating as healthy as i could have done. I was still eating chocolate bars every other day and fried chicken wraps and chips/fries when i was hungry and so i maintained my weight.

I began using the Pedometer app on my phone (its kinda inaccurate because I'm on a Samsung but when i get my iPhone 11 in a week or so, it will be calibrated more accurately). I began walking to school on March 22 but only got to do it for 2 mornings because it was the end of term for Easter. Walking to school i got 17k-18k steps a day. From the beginning of April it was half term so i was at home all day so i decided to go on walks which would equate to 5 miles. So i chose locations in a 2.5mile radius because walking there and back would be 5 miles.

I tried counting calories using my fitness pal thinking that i was in a huge calorie deficit but i found i wasn't losing any weight. Then i went on reddit again and was told that i needed a food scale and i needed to weigh every ounce of food i ate, all the seasoning, all the oil and all that crap and i said no way. No way, Jose. Coming from a family where food is cooked by taste and not measurements that would be near impossible to input into my fitness pal so i scrapped that. THANKFULLY, i stumbled upon this video on YouTube and took note. I started having 50% of my plate as vegetables and the other half was my normal dinner. I could have chicken curry with rice as long as the other half of the plate was vegetables. I must also add that i didn't eat from plates and i ate from a Tupperware box because it was easier to control portions and divide veggies into 50% of the the box. I cut out chocolate a bit. i/ had 2 easter eggs which isn't a lot compared to the full size bars i was eating everyday. I don't eat crisps like Walkers and i still drink Juice as long as I'm drinking more water

I was doing this while walking around and averaging around 15k steps a day. I tried to drink 2L of water a day. I stepped on the scale on 7th April and was down 5kg. I was very very surprised. I even stepped on the scale again today and i really said i was down 5kg.

I'm just writing this to let you know that counting calories isn't for everyone and that's perfectly fine! You don't have to go to the gym for 1 hr every day either. If you'd like, ask me for some recipes that i made and ill let you know or link some websites which helped me a lot,

submitted by /u/lifeissoupiamf0rk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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