Saturday, April 10, 2021

A year on, I'm at a complete loss

Hey guys,

My weight loss has come to a complete stop and I feel like I'm out of options and desperately looking for help.

For a little bit of context, I'm a 28 year old male who started dieting in Feb. 2020. I've been on the heavy side since I was a kid but I really put on the weight right after high school after a long bout with depression. I ballooned up to over 140kg (~310 pounds) for 1m78 (~5"10'). When I started in Feb. 2020 I was 138kg and very motivated. I started keto and some light exercise at first and the weight came off relatively easily, losing about 1kg a week. I wasn't paying too much attention to my calories but I was eating a lot less than before, doing keto, and started doing some more exercise (hiking, lifting weights).

I adapted the amount of food I ate and how much exercise I was doing as I lost weight and I mostly avoided any big stalls. I could feel that it was becoming harder to lose weight, but it was still manageable. My efforts were paying off. I started experimenting with keto + omad at the end of summer.

Then in September I found out I was hyperthyroidic (and apparently had been for 2 years at that point). This was a shock to me because I always struggled with losing weight, and people with hyperthyroidism are supposed to have trouble even putting on any weight. I know I was eating many more calories than a normal person (I was obese after all), but not to the point of compensating for serious hyperthyroidism and then some, and I had to take my weight loss journey pretty damn seriously to lose weight. Even then not at an incredible rate.

I can't find anyone online talking about hyperthyroidism and being overweight, my endocrinologist has no real explanation (she's not even sure what I have, after many radios and examinations she thinks it's Graves but no certainty) and I still can't reconcile my hyperthyroidism and obesity.

Anyway, I started on 20mg daily of methimazole in October and my weight shot right back up from 106kg to 110kg or so in the span of a few weeks. At this point I got really serious about my weight and bought a food scale, went full omad + keto, while still exercising about an hour everyday. I was somehow still gaining weight and I pleaded with my endo to reduce the dosage, and after some blood tests she agreed to give me 5mg daily instead. That was in December and I managed to go down to 103kg (~230 pounds), a weight that I've been stuck at for close to six months now.

Since then I've tried reducing my caloric intake further and further, ending up below 1000 a day (in one keto meal), I've done several 3-5 days fasts interspersed with keto+omad, I exercise as much as possible in my free time playing tennis, lifting weights, running...Nothing seems to work and I've been stuck at 103 kg. After a fast I might go down to 100 or 101kg, but I gain that weight back as soon as I stop, even with a very low caloric intake. I feel like my metabolic rate has crawled to a stop after a year of severe caloric deficit. Realistically, I've given up on even making progress with losing weight at this point, I'm just trying as hard as I can not to gain back the weight, and I'm barely succeeding.

I have learned to control my hunger better, I think I know how to eat healthy now, I have put on a little bit of muscle thanks to all the lifting, I'm in way better shape physically, but technically in a year my BMI went from ~45 to ~32, which is to say very obese to...still obese. I'm very discouraged with this almost 6-months stall and I don't know what to try anymore. I'm a rational person and I realize to a reader the best explanation must seem to be that I'm lying or somehow misreporting my calories or amount of exercise. It just doesn't make sense considering CICO. I have no explanation to give, but I'm telling the truth. I'm at an absolute loss and I need help.

Weight loss over time (I weigh myself daily)

Thank you for reading if you've come this far and sorry for the wall of text.

I would appreciate any advice.

submitted by /u/ConsciousWallaby3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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