Saturday, April 10, 2021

Need some advice at platauing please!

Hello, for context right off the bat, I'm 26, F, 5ft 6 and 173.6lb as of this morning.

I've been dieting and exercising strictly for the last 3 weeks, for some more context I have adhd and have struggled with impulsive and boredom eating my whole life and have only just realised it the day I went on meds and the thoughts either went away or I was able to not give into them and I'd find something not food related to do. I'd often eat at work when what I actually needed was a 5 minute break to walk around and do something else. To clarify also, the meds I'm on are supposed to offer appetite suppression, in reality for me, I only got these for the first week and I'm glad of that, because it helped me get over the first part that's the hardest when changing your calorie intake. That's worn off now so please don't anyone think I'm promoting them as a weight loss drug. If you don't have adhd do not take these meds, they simply don't have the same effect on a neurotypical brain and is dangerous. For my adhd brain however they've changed my life and brought me in line with other people and have enabled me to access willpower and long term planning I knew was locked in there.

Now thars out of the way, onto the situation at hand..

For the last three weeks I've been carefully logging my calories and getting into ringfit (way better than wii fit, that game makes you sweat!!) I have hypermobile joints and previously the only exercise that didn't hurt was rollerskating. My physio recommended resistance training during covid so I could strengthen my ligaments at home. I have resistance bands, dumbells and ring fit which I've been doing almost every day (with some exceptions) for at least 15 minutes but usually around 30 a day, longer on the weekends.

I don't have an active job at all so I've been taking getting even small amounts of exercise in really seriously to stop my bones and muscles from getting any more weird and wrong due to my hypermobility, but it has meant I've had to take it slow at times.

I've been working on a CICO basis as it makes the most sense to me. I've got it set to 1200, and I tend to actually try to aim for 1000 calories only because I know it's incredibly common (especially for me) to under report calories even when you think you're super accurate (forgetting to add cooking oil to something you roasted, missing out a drink you had or a small piece of candy or oat bar). I'm fairly rigorous and use my fitness pal because it has a barcode scanner (if this isn't a good app please let me know, I always try to find items that are the closest in calories and nutrients to the packaging if I can't scan a barcode, rather than picking the lowest calorie one like I used to 😂). I weigh all my food out, things like grated cheese to make sure I don't do my usual of piling up 200g of cheese when 50g would suffice. I also do this with my veg and the healthiest stuff even if it had next to no calories so I can make sure I'm hitting my protein and fibre goals too. I'm logging around 1000-1100 a day and presuming it should account for any mismeasurment?

Despite all of this, it seems like I'm constantly platauing. At first the weight came off quite quick, I've lost 6lb total but most of it was in the first week, the last two weeks I keep staying at 174-173 and the variance is clearly just part of the normal daily fluctuation rather than indicative of any loss.

Is there anything I could be doing differently? I have had one day last weekend where I consumed slightly higher, around 1400-1500 because I read sometimes having one day of slightly higher intake can help you get over a plateau, I did that and it sort of helped, as it resulted in a tiny bit of loss, but I'm just kind of flatlining at the moment.

I know it's a marathon not a race, and even with meds my adhd brain still likes short term gratification (which is why my goals are all short term, I do have a long term to get to 140 so my bmi is green again, but right now I just want to get to 170 and I'm flagging because it feels like I must be doing something wrong?

Sorry if I'm being super unrealistic or if what's happening is completely normal!! I haven't had any success in the past with this because I've never been able to stick to it, so now I'm sticking to it i guess I'm feeling impatient lol. I am also trying to remember things like water weight and also the sudden change to my intake (less greasy carbs and sugar, cut out almost all my soda intake, maybe one or two glasses a week instead of a day) has shaken up my GI and made me a little constipated, I'm trying to get more fibre to help it along. Also I know that 5lb of muscle weighs the same as 5lb of fat but looks very different and I am seeing more muscle on my arms and my bf says my legs and butt look more toned, so could that be it also? I've also lost about 1-2 inches on my waist and hips, and an inch off of my neck so I know I'm not completely getting nowhere.

Sorry for the long post, just appreciate any advice, any tips on what is a realistic expectation for someone my height, weight and age with the info provided and anything that sounds like it's wrong (pls don't tell me that 1000 calories is too low though, I know it is which is why I'm only roughly aiming for that because I think it's likely there's a margin of error of about 250 calories through the day so it's likely I'm still getting 1200, if it does sound like I'm measuring correctly though and I should eat a bit more to have a better go of it, do let me know that aha).

Any advice welcome, thank you :)

submitted by /u/xhayleyquinnx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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