Monday, April 12, 2021

7 Easy Tips for Natural Stress Relief

Even before there was a worldwide pandemic, you were probably stressed: According to the American Psychological Association’s 2017 “Stress in America” report, more than 60 percent of adults felt stress about money, work and the future of the nation.1 With the COVID-19 pandemic, stress numbers have grown: The same report in 2020 found that 67 percent of Americans have felt an increase in stress over the course of the pandemic.2

A little stress—rushing to catch a bus, worrying how that job interview went—is unavoidable. But constant stress can increase your risk of mental health conditions like depression,3 as well as physical ones like heart disease.4 And it can take a toll on your relationships, too. In the 2020 “Stress in America” study, 20 percent of adults reported “snapping” or getting angry quickly, and 17 percent admitted to yelling or screaming at a loved one due to stress.2

It can also affect our weight loss success: Our ability to make healthy food choices is compromised when we’re stressed.5

All these risk factors of stress may be causing you more stress, so we’ll stop—and offer these seven easy and natural ways to relieve stress and reduce your risks, improve your relationships and stay on track to your weight loss goals.

1. Take a five-minute break to play a casual video game.

a woman and child playing video games together

With their constant access to current events updates and the FOMO of social media, our phones are usually a cause of stress. But used correctly, your miracle gadget can also help reduce stress. In a study of 66 undergraduate students suffering from computer-based “cognitive fatigue,” researchers had the groups take one of three types of five-minute breaks: One group sat in a room without phone or computer, doing nothing. Another group participated in a guided relaxation activity. And a third group played five minutes of a casual video game. The video game group saw similar reductions in distress as the guided relaxation group. However, they were also the only group to say they felt better after the break.6

What’s a “casual video game”? In the study, the authors describe them as “recreational games that are simple to play, easy to learn and designed to be played in short intervals.” The authors specifically mention Candy Crush and Angry Birds. But for a new one, try the game the study participants played: Sushi Cat 2, a simple game where players navigate a cat around to collect and eat sushi.6 Just the description of that game may provide some stress relief!

Feeling Stressed? 9 Foods That Make You Happy

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2. Spend 10 minutes in nature.

a man going on a hike on a sunny day for stress relief

Scientists have long known that time in nature provides natural stress relief. However, in 2020, scientists found the minimum effective dose: Just 10 minutes spent away from the stresses of civilization was enough to improve mood and focus while reducing blood pressure and heart rate. And you don’t even have to do anything in nature: Those benefits occurred while sitting or walking.7

If you have 15 minutes and can sit in a forest, even better: “Forest bathing,” a Japanese pastime where people recharge by sitting among the trees, has been shown to improve your immune system and cancer prevention,8 as well as a reduction in cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.9

3. Get moving.

a woman exercising on a yoga mat in front of a laptop for stress relief

Sitting in the forest is great, but sometimes you’ve got to move your body to bust that stress. Scientists believe that one way exercise helps with natural stress relief is by increasing a brain protein called galanin.10 Whatever the reason, it works: Walking for 30 minutes at lunch has been found to make walkers feel more enthusiastic, less nervous and more relaxed at work.11 And strength training has been shown to reduce overall fatigue, reduce depression symptoms in people diagnosed with clinical depression and reduce anxiety symptoms in healthy adults.12

Why not both? Combo your daily walk with one of these 10 workouts you can do right in your living room! >

4. Pet a dog or cat for 10 minutes:

a man embracing a golden retriever in a park for stress relief

Looking at pictures of cute animals might make you feel less stressed. However, it ain’t nothing like the real thing! When participants in one adorable study were given 10 minutes to pet cats or dogs, their levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, dropped significantly more than it did for participant groups who just viewed slideshows of animals.13

Don’t have a cuddly friend of your own? If you can safely visit a friend and social distance, pet their pet—or make plans to volunteer at your local shelter when you feel safe to do so.

8 Reasons Your Pet is Good for Your Health

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5. Order a shrimp cocktail.

shrimp cocktail with lemon wedges and thyme

When you think of “stress eating,” luxurious, calorie-dense foods probably come to mind. This makes sense: As mentioned above, stress can compromise our ability to make healthy food choices.

But one seemingly decadent food is good for stress relief and is surprisingly good for your calorie control: Shellfish. Mussels, clams, oysters and shrimp are high in an amino acid called taurine,14 which has been shown to have antidepressant properties.15 They also contain zinc,16 a mineral found to boost mood.17

When prepared without buttery sauces, these crustaceans and bivalves can help you stay on plan, too: A three-ounce serving of shrimp (depending on the size, 8 or 9 shrimp) is just one PowerFuel on Nutrisystem! Looking for another delicious and easy way to prepare shrimp? Try this Cajun Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil Recipe! >

6. Drink (or eat) some matcha.

matcha cookies with white chocolate on a plate with milk

Among its many health benefits, green tea has long been shown to reduce stress. It’s no wonder then that its super-concentrated form, finely ground matcha powder, has been shown to do the same. And it works whether you drink this green powder18 or even if you eat it: In one study of 36 people, those who ate matcha-infused cookies for two weeks had lower levels of a stress marker compared to a group that were green-powder-free.19 What a delicious method for natural stress relief!

Get a packet of your own and try it in these Nutrisystem-approved Matcha Blueberry Muffins, in this surprisingly sweet Matcha Melon Smoothie or in your very own, homemade, Guilt-free Iced Matcha Latte.

7. Do a simple body scan meditation.

a woman resting on a gray couch with her headphones on for stress relief

You don’t have to be a master of mindfulness to get stress-busting benefits from meditation: Scientists have found that even one of the most basic meditation practices, a body scan, has natural stress-relieving effects.20

In a body scan, meditators put intentional focus on each area of the body, one by one, trying to really experience that segment of the body—how your back is in contact with the chair you’re sitting in, for instance, and how the chair feels against your back. You can find short, guided body scans on YouTube or in your favorite podcast app.

*Always speak with your doctor if you’re feeling overly stressed, sad or anxious. 

Go Green! The Health Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss

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The post 7 Easy Tips for Natural Stress Relief appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

struggles with weight loss

i had been struggling with weight loss ever since i was 9? my friends and my parents used to wait for us outside school and fed us with ice cream, nuggets, anything that has really high calories almost every day. to be very honest ive always regretted it since i was 14, because it was then i realised that those unhealthy food intakes everyday after school for 3 years straight was the first reason of my weight gain. now, when i was 12 (also the last year that i have those daily unhealthy snacking) i weighed around 55 kilograms. thats awfully lot considering that it was considered obese already. as i proceed on to secondary school, i was afraid of doing exercises because i fell on my back when i was 7 and it left a mental scar on me, even till this day. and obviously it didnt help with awful classmates that had alws taunted me of my weight, making me very self conscious thoughout the 4 years in secondary school. every year i would steadily gain approximately 2-3 kilograms, and by the end of secondary school 2 years ago, i was at 81kilos. and because of national exams at the end of secondary school, i had decided to put off losing weight when i finished all of my examinations, also because of how my parents would constantly be telling me to eat.

i worked for 2 months aft my exams, and i did end up losing 2 kg, and remained 79 for probably a few months. then as the time went by and covid last year, i slowly lost weight, till i was 74 kg end jan this year. all was good until chinese new year. damn those cny snacks! i gained 5kg back, and was @ 79kg just 3 weeks ago. obv i was not happy, so i decided to lose some weight that i gained back. doing dance workouts in secret because i hated when anyone ask me questions abt what im doing and eating meal replacements that has less calories than wtv my mom is making.

now the thing is that ive been on a calorie deficit for 3 days now, and im at 77.5kg (the last i weighed myself this morning) and i came back from work really hungry (school holidays rn) and guess what! my mom cooked some pork belly (that has soo much fats in it), steamed bun that barely has nutrition and nothing else. idk i might sound like an ungrateful ass right now, but i guess the least i could expect was some support from my family? not my dad joking abt how im growing sideways? not my mom cooking food that i shouldn't really be eating? damn its always so demoralising when they do these things. im really having it tough but all they cld think is that asian shaming works awesome.

im 18f singaporean so dont mind my broken english/singlish rn

submitted by /u/luciuseen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's a cool way of responding to, 'OMG you've lost so much weight'?

Hi there, I am still on my journey, ten years plus but its all heading in the right direction (378 to 266 and counting). Its been a yoyo with great bursts of focus followed by troughs of despair and gain but ultimately I keep pushing forward. Recently I have started pilates, swimming and mountain biking and am looking pretty good. I'm 6ft 3" and hide a lot of my weight although I still have a horrible gut. Anyway, whenever someone comments on my appearance I become horribly tounge tied. I'm a confident guy, happily married and have no real confidence issues (apart from my appearance) but I always hit a block when complimented. I either totally downplay it and dismiss it as not where I want to be or just trip over my own mouth. Any suggestions on how to handle a compliment on weight loss with grace or humour? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/OldPainless78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I divide my macros?

I’ve been on a calorie deficit for a few months now, but I wanted to ask is there a definite way to calculate and divide my macros?

I know that u have to eat 1g of protein per 1Ib of body weight. But how do I calculate my carbs and fats? Especially during a caloric deficit.

I am a 22 year old female, I weigh 60kg and I am 163cm tall. When I first started my weight loss journey they told me to consume 1700 calories. The protein was in the 130-140 range, my carbs were 150g and fats were 60-70. But I didn’t notice any weight change until I lowered my carbs to 100g and increased my protein till 165 and now I’m losing 0.6kg weekly. I just wanted to know if there was a mathematical way of calculating the carbs as well as fats.

Edit: when can I expect to lose stubborn belly fat? And have visible muscles?

submitted by /u/murderstone0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about weight fluctuation

Hey, first of all English is not my first language Two weeks ago I decided to lose some weight to be better for my prom and my weight was 148 lbs 2 weeks ago. Last week i weighed myself and I lost 1kg so I was 146lbs

Well I've been walking a lot more and cutting caloties like chips chocolate etc so I was losing 1kg per week but yesterday I had a birthday in a pizza restaurant. So today I weighed myself again and I was 148 again (when I should be 143 lbs after 2 weeks of weight loss)

I dont really think I've not lost weight correctly/ didnt burn enough because I have done the same as the first week so I think my weight has fluctuated due to yesterday (these restaurants use a lot of salt and big dinners are very heavy, today I woke up kinda sick) and also I've not sleeping good reciently due to school I had never knew about weight fluctuation until now so I'm kinda lost hahaha

What should I do to weigh myself tomorrow and know my real weight? Thanks!

submitted by /u/SrRickky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lower belly problem - please help

Hi all - my post was deleted from xxfitness and they advised to post here I’m not sure if this is directly weight loss related but I’m hoping you can help.

I’m in my mid 20s relatively fit - exercised daily for the past 15 plus years (mix of HIIT, circuits, swimming, walking, weight lifting, CrossFit etc) and am about 5ft10 and 70kg ish and would guess my body fat to be around 20-25%.

I’m relatively ok with my figure apart from my lower belly. My upper abs are visible (can see the centre and side lines and my waist is slim) but my lower sticks out far from the upper belly really significantly - I have a sort of spare tyre round my hips but the stomach in the middle is really obvious. Sometimes it’s solid sometimes you can pinch the skin all around it and it looks so odd.

I don’t think it is a posture or pelvic tilt problem. It could be bloating but is there even in the morning when I wake up. I know you can’t spot reduce fat but wondered if there is anything I can do about it? I was exercising two hours a day last summer and eating around 1600 cals for 3 months and saw no change to my weight or figure - just with gyms opening soon want to see if I can do anything now I’m kicking off hard sport again?

Thanks - let me know if this isn’t the right place to post but I really appreciate any suggestions.

submitted by /u/BarracudaBarracuda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People losing from 150lbs or less - what worked for you (female)?

I currently weigh 143lbs, down from 153 about ten months ago, a rapid (1-2 month) loss followed by some fluctuation after lockdowns came back in as I wasn't getting much exercise. In the past three or so weeks I have dropped 3lbs down. I am hoping to lose 10-20lbs, depending on how happy I am with my appearance 10lbs from now (my ambitious goal is 120, but I may slow down at 130 for example if I am happy with the results enough to ease my weight loss regime). Perhaps relevant that I have been variations of chubby since I was about 15, prior to which I was what they call "naturally skinny"!

It can be hard to find advice for people losing from a 'healthy' weight from other people who have done the same. My particular concerns are that I carry a LOT of weight around my middle - I am a 29.5/30in waist 37in hips and would like to be something more like 27 if that's possible for my body (I am an hourglass shape). I managed to lose an inch off of my hips from a LOT of walking the last month - but nothing shifted from my waist. I also dislike my upper arms but I wouldn't even know where to begin with weights - I don't want to start with an exercise that won't work!

What worked for you? Foods, calories, exercise. What did you do at the gym if you went? What did you do to burn extra fat and tone up if you exercised at home? Any advice for lowering body fat percentage? Thank you!

P.S. Nothing like keto diet please!

submitted by /u/Kindly-Commercial-78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat