Friday, September 10, 2021

6 weeks progress! 260 -> 240

I just wanted to share my progress with you all. After going from 240 to 180 I gained all of it back and more in a year and a half(thanks Uber eats and no self control). I was only doing keto back then and it worked great for me..

At my heaviest weight (260lbs) I decided it was time for a lifestyle change.

Now I still do low carb (kind of keto still but if I go over 20g a bit I don’t care) with an hour of daily exercise. Whether it be HIIT, walking, or strength training. My Apple Watch is set to 1000 calories and 45 minutes exercise… and I only missed 1 day by 80 calories because i had a family event.

I also purchased a peloton which comes next Monday so I’m kind of excited to try that.

I haven’t really exercised since high school and work from home on the computer so it was a big change for me. I imagine I gained a few pounds of muscle mixed in with the weight loss too lol

Anyways just wanted to share! Cheers to the next 20.

submitted by /u/bigduckjerry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Overeating while counting calories?

I figured I might try reducing my calorie intake to help with my weight loss. I don't eat breakfast (just a natural occurrence that I might as well incorporate into my plan) and I'm reducing or completely cutting out a lot of stuff like sodas and chips. I find that I don't really miss them but sometimes have a craving that is quickly satisfied. But that isn't the problem. The issue is that I cram my whole day's worth of calories into one sitting. It's healthier food but once I start eating I don't want to stop, then suddenly I've eaten my entire 1500-1600 calories all at once and have to not eat for the rest of the day. I'm full but if I want a small snack later, I can't have it so I have to drink water to keep myself from getting hungry. Anyone else notice this happening?

submitted by /u/fuckmekylo_saidhux
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to stop feeling like you deserve to eat poorly?

I’m going through an extended rough patch (infertility, rocky marriage, other smaller stressors) and can’t get over the feeling that I deserve to eat poorly because I’m going through a rough time. I read motivational quotes and spend time looking at success stories. I think of how crappy I’ll feel when I go back to the office next month 25lbs heavier than last March. I know the odds of infertility treatment success go up as weight goes down. I make plans and lists. I use all the tricks I know to set myself up for success. I’m no stranger to nutrition and weight loss and fitness. I know How to do it. But I just Cannot get it together. Any words of wisdom to get me out of this?

submitted by /u/oksuresure
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi, I have been watching this subreddit for a year now. I would like you guys to thank you all for teaching me about CICO and portion control. Over a year, I successfully lost 28kg however I have gained 9 of those kilograms back. Throughout my diet, I had always allowed myself to have treats such as doughnuts and chocolate however during the last two months I lost my sweet tooth - or at least I thought. Two weeks ago, I felt a little sick so ate a croissant thinking it would me a boost of energy. Instead ensued two weeks of eating sweets and indulging in Chinese and Indian cuisine, waffles, ice cream, doughnuts, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. I like to think my body has got exhausted of those treats now - a croissant no longer looks that appetizing and chocolate (well, I bought a pack and could have no more than one whereas a week ago I would have swallowed an entire packet - not even a behaviour I would have done before my weight loss journey). I had three doughnuts today (I haven’t had doughnuts often to bore of them yet). I want to set back to my weight loss plan again. Was the week of eating to taste the foods just burnout?

submitted by /u/VeechuRoti
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hitting a wall, no idea how to move forward

Here’s my stats:

Age/Gender - 23F

Height - 5’7”

SW - 185lb (33.6% BF)

GW - 170lb

CW - 181.2 (32.4% BF)

I have been training and stayed on a strict caloric deficit for almost 2 months. I kicked off my weight loss last month with a juice detox (no food, just juicing for 3 days) then went into a strict caloric deficit and went from (185lb to 179lb in a week). The entire month of August I straggled along between 182 and 179. I have not and for some reason feel like I cannot break that 179 level. I do strength training 3-5 days a week, eating roughly 1680 cal every weekday and bump it up to about 1800-1900cal on weekends (still in a deficit as my maintenance is around 2200cal). I track everything I eat and have a scale to properly measure my foods and any liquids I drink.

I would say that I’m probably not losing weight because of my muscle training but the fact that Im not losing much fat either is concerning I started taking L Carnitine as a supplement as I heard it burns fat by converting the fat to energy but so far it doesn’t seem to help (Im still in a deficit and train regularly). At this point it is discouraging and I’m not sure what to do or how to break past this. Maybe another juice cleanse, maybe do more cardio? I’m not sure anymore. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/gaijin699
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] I wore a bikini to the pool and I'm not deleting the pictures.

Long time lurker, first time I've actually had something worth posting.

I'm pretty pleased with myself today. I wore a bikini to the pool and I'm not deleting the photos.

It's not just a weight loss thing, it's also a self confidence thing. I've dropped 2 sizes in the last year and a half and it's really given me a boost mentally. This is the first time in my adult life that I've felt comfortable enough in my own skin to actually show some skin. It's a good feeling.

I've been slowly dropping weight through quarantine. I've taken a pretty lazy approach admittedly, I've basically been making my portions the same size as my 6 year old, and trying to keep up with him physically while playing. I'm actually really impressed with how effective this strategy has been. It doesn't feel like a struggle, it feels like I'm engaging more with my kid. Also the mental health boost from just letting myself be free and play at the park/pool is amazing.

submitted by /u/QuiteSimplyJane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with self plateau?

SW: 80kg CW: 75kg-76kg

F, 164 cm

My weight loss has been slowly plateuing with it hovering between 75 and 76 kgs and I attribute it to me just losing my steam. My GW is 62 kgs. I still am eating at a deficit (1500 calories) and exercise still at least 3 days a week. My diet is also very healthy. I am happy with my lifestyle changes. But at this rate I think I will not lose.

Initially for the first 3 months I was super active and energetic. Now I am entering my 5th month of my weight loss and just feel like I wanna cruise for a bit. I do wanna lose weight but realize I need to get pumped up again like I initially was.

Is this normal?

Can I still lose weight at this rate?

Anyone have any advice or anyone go through something similarly?

submitted by /u/positiveflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat