Monday, September 13, 2021

Keeping disciplined while on vacation in Italy


So I've been having some success lately with weight loss (dropped about 8.5 pounds in 5 weeks). Been working out consistently. I'm a male, 29, 5'10 and weigh around 185 pounds.

I'm going to go to Italy for around two weeks (maybe 2.5) and for me a big part of traveling is food. I'll be going in about 2 weeks, so I should be down to 183ish pounds by the time of the trip.

I'm fine not drinking so much, but if I'm going to Italy I want to eat.

My RMR is ~1700 calories and I've been able to consistently run 30 mins (burning about 700 cals at a time).

My plan was to

  1. Skip breakfast (so effectively intermittent fast)
  2. Work up to 35 to 40 minute runs so I can burn more calories and try and run 4 times a week.
  3. Set my expectations to keep my weight, rather than lose any weight.
  4. I am debating about whether I should weigh my food. I've been having some success since I started to weight my food last week, but a part of me wants to just not do it because I want to try all the solid Italian food.

My concern is that we will definitely be doing some house parties (I'm going with two musician friends of mine who know how to have a good time)...and there will be drinking (as well as hopefully other stuff).

Drinking is like calorific dynamite - how can I limit this on this trip? Further - how can I ensure I don't over eat while on this trip?

submitted by /u/karna852
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

personal weight loss tips.

Hey guys! We all have our own journeys and and I'm just posting here to share mine. (So far) to help motivate myself and hopefully others.

So I'd just like to say I am NOT a gym buff, actually I didn't even go once this whole journey, I'm not a crazy diet this or fad that instead actually I have ADHD and if I only had 1 way to get to 1 goal I would of Gaven up long ago.

My info 30M 5'7 in March 2021 I was 210. Now, Sept 13 I currently weigh 169 and going for 14 more pounds. (40 pound progress, I feel amazing.)

I'd like to keep it simple and I learned it in basic terms.

You can't out run your fork.

Don't turn a cheat meal/snack into a cheat day

Be consistent and don't give up

No pop, more water.

Calorie deficit. Track your calories if needed. Just in general try to stay away from sugary drinks (yeah, monsters..) 1 a day is NOT the end of the world, just try to cut back!

Don't give up on yourself. You can eat what you want, you can have that cheese burger, fries or icecream. Just can't have it all every day and no chips either.

Yes it'll take willpower but trust me I'm a lazy fat fuck well just a lazy fuck now and still managed!

Don't Fall into the keto trap but definitely watch your carbs.

I also did some drugs and had a breakthrough that absolutely changed my relationship with food and comfort and I no longer look to food for happiness but we'll ignore that part LOL

And yeah that's pretty much what I've been doing but if anyone is currently in any sort of Journey whether it's 1 , 15, 50 or 200 I'm super proud of you and I hope everyone enjoys their day

submitted by /u/cory140
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question on how to lose 8-10 pounds, decently healthy individual already

Hello all! I've spent the last few years learning about nutrition and exercise and have gone from 130 pounds at 5'0 (a bit overweight) to around 115-118. It doesn't sound like a lot, but at my height that brought me from a size 8 to a size 0-2. I feel like I look kind of average, and I'm just hoping to have my final weight be around 108-110 with muscle. I'm hoping I can get some pointers for this small amount of weight loss?

Things I'm doing already: 1. Intermittent fasting (8 hour eating window) 2. 1200 calories during the weekday, 1500-1600 on weekends 3. I have around 2-3 glasses of wine on weekends. 4. I don't eat any foods with added sugar outside of 2 cheat meals a week, since my boyfriend is a big foodie we like to try a new restaurant every week, and then on Sundays I like to make a big breakfast. 5. Weight lifting 4-5 times a week for 20-25 minutes, HIIT workout style. 6. Use a standing desk for around ~3 hours a day, and get in an hour walk outside around 4 days a week. 7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. 8. Eat vegetarian inside of the house, but will eat fish out at a restaurant.

Where should I go from here? Longer workouts, lower calories, smaller fasting window, lower carbs? Thanks!

submitted by /u/scifisquirrel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateau? Or just not tracking CICO accurately?

Hey guys,

F, 5'5, 23 here.

I want to start by saying that I weighed 191lbs back in 2017. I got down to about 155lbs and then stopped exercising and eating right. In December of 2020 I decided to workout again and I fell in love with fitness! I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week and incorporate a lot of resistance training and walk 2-4 miles per day. Recently I've noticed that my weight has plateaued. I have been stuck at 139lbs for about 3 months now and I'm struggling so bad to hit my goal weight of 130lbs. I do daily CICO and (usually) track my macros. I know my TDEE and am eating around 1,400 - 1,500 calories a day....but the scale won't budge. Maybe I'm not being accurate enough with my tracking on the weekends...but it's not like I eat like shit on the weekends either. I use a food scale as well. I'm just wondering about suggestions for getting over a plateau. I know a lot of people that recommend "diet breaking" and many that are against it.

submitted by /u/KayH522
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update w/ Face Gains, Body Comparison and Levels after 70lbs down in 4 months

Update after sharing my recent focus on self improvement, I posted a few weeks back and received a handful of people suggesting I complete blood work and talk to doctor after weight loss. Happy to report that happened today and the doctor was very please with body levels and the manor in which I have competed this process. I will continue to implement better life choices and listen to military/zombie audio books on my 7 mile night walks!


Lost 70+ pounds in 4 months by changing eating habits and going on nightly 7-10 mile walks listening to military/zombie books in the dark.

Link to old post:

submitted by /u/knupunk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sanity Check Please....

Hey Guys! 33/M/6'4" down 55lbs since 4/1. Current weight is 266.6lbs.

From 4/1 - 8 /18, I just cut calories. That's pretty much it. Went from who knows what, to about 1300 a day.

On Aug 19th, I started hitting the gym lifting weight. I weighed 268.4lbs that morning.

From the Aug 19 - Aug 31st, I went to the gym 8 of the 12 Days, averaging 53 min sessions each time. I weighed 268.9 on Aug 29th. I averaged 1790 calories a day from the 19th to the 31st. So, essentially, I didn't gain or loose weight that half of the week.

From Sept 1st - today, the 12th, I've went to the gym 5 of the 12 Days, averaging 49 min sessions each time. (Had a work trip in the middle of it which lowered my days at the gym). I averaged 1900 calories from the 1st to the 12th. I weighed in at 266.6 on the 8th of this month.

My average weight loss over the last month is only 3.3lbs.

Since I started on 4/1, I've averaged around 9-12lbs a month of weight loss, up until I started going to the gym strength training.

I'm going to assume I'm losing body fat - right? Unfortunately I only recently got a set of calipers and measured myself using the 7 point method, on the 7th of this month - so I don't really have any good data since I started on my body fat percentage.

I know I'm building muscle. For example, on the Lat Pulldown, I had to lower my weight from 10x90, to 10x80 3 weeks ago. Today, the same exercise, I as able to do 19x115 until couldn't do it anymore. Another example is on the Single Leg Extension, 2 weeks ago I could hardly do 10x27.5. Today, same exercise, I was able to do 10x45 and could of likely down more.

Part of my fear is, I'm building as much muscle as I am losing weight, thus pretty much staying the same. Part of my problem is I'm still way too heavy. I'd really like to be around the 230s. So what do I do? I know muscle speeds up the metabolism and burns more fat - but how do I balance it to where I still build muscle and still drop weight?

submitted by /u/throwaway2309843098
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss has Stalled

SW: 74kg/163 lbs CW: 70.3kg/154lbs GW: 65kg/143 lbs

I’m a 21F 173cm/5’8? and I’ve been on my journey since the beginning of July. I’m 16:8 intermittent fasting, tracking my calories, aiming at around 1600cal a day, and I workout most days of the week.

My weight loss has been a steady progress losing anywhere from 200 to 600 grams a week, which I am more then ok with. While I would love to lose it faster, I have to keep reminding myself that it’s sustainable this way. That being said, my weight loss has been at a stand still the past 3 weeks. At first I thought it was because I was on my period, but my weight still hadn’t changed the following 2 weeks after that.

Im not overly strict with my calories, I definitely aim for the 1600 daily mark but if I go a little over or have cheat days, I’m not too fussed. I use MFP to track my intake and while I don’t weight my food (as I think mentally this won’t be good for me), I definitely add them as higher then what they are to ensure I stay under.

In terms of working out, at first I was jump roping for about 15-25 mins a day then switched to stationary cycling as it started to become boring and tough on my feet. I cycle daily for 60 mins and usually burn 700 calories along with in the pass few weeks, occasionally (and by that I mean my 1-2 times a week) weight training, but bare minimum training for about 15 mins.

On top of that, I have noticed my waist line go down 2.5cm/1 inch which is great but again has stalled like my weight. The upper half of my body is already relatively thin especially compared to my lower half where, especially my thighs, are massive. I know you can’t spot train weight loss but is there a reason why I’m losing the weight from the already “skinny” parts first and not the part with the most weight?

Overall, I just want to know what I’m doing wrong to not lose any weight in 3 weeks when I was going so well, and what I can do to start losing weight again. It’s quite disheartening not seeing any changes and also knowing the weight that could’ve been lost in these past 3 weeks.

submitted by /u/chxmclouder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat