Monday, September 13, 2021

Sanity Check Please....

Hey Guys! 33/M/6'4" down 55lbs since 4/1. Current weight is 266.6lbs.

From 4/1 - 8 /18, I just cut calories. That's pretty much it. Went from who knows what, to about 1300 a day.

On Aug 19th, I started hitting the gym lifting weight. I weighed 268.4lbs that morning.

From the Aug 19 - Aug 31st, I went to the gym 8 of the 12 Days, averaging 53 min sessions each time. I weighed 268.9 on Aug 29th. I averaged 1790 calories a day from the 19th to the 31st. So, essentially, I didn't gain or loose weight that half of the week.

From Sept 1st - today, the 12th, I've went to the gym 5 of the 12 Days, averaging 49 min sessions each time. (Had a work trip in the middle of it which lowered my days at the gym). I averaged 1900 calories from the 1st to the 12th. I weighed in at 266.6 on the 8th of this month.

My average weight loss over the last month is only 3.3lbs.

Since I started on 4/1, I've averaged around 9-12lbs a month of weight loss, up until I started going to the gym strength training.

I'm going to assume I'm losing body fat - right? Unfortunately I only recently got a set of calipers and measured myself using the 7 point method, on the 7th of this month - so I don't really have any good data since I started on my body fat percentage.

I know I'm building muscle. For example, on the Lat Pulldown, I had to lower my weight from 10x90, to 10x80 3 weeks ago. Today, the same exercise, I as able to do 19x115 until couldn't do it anymore. Another example is on the Single Leg Extension, 2 weeks ago I could hardly do 10x27.5. Today, same exercise, I was able to do 10x45 and could of likely down more.

Part of my fear is, I'm building as much muscle as I am losing weight, thus pretty much staying the same. Part of my problem is I'm still way too heavy. I'd really like to be around the 230s. So what do I do? I know muscle speeds up the metabolism and burns more fat - but how do I balance it to where I still build muscle and still drop weight?

submitted by /u/throwaway2309843098
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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