Monday, September 13, 2021

Question on how to lose 8-10 pounds, decently healthy individual already

Hello all! I've spent the last few years learning about nutrition and exercise and have gone from 130 pounds at 5'0 (a bit overweight) to around 115-118. It doesn't sound like a lot, but at my height that brought me from a size 8 to a size 0-2. I feel like I look kind of average, and I'm just hoping to have my final weight be around 108-110 with muscle. I'm hoping I can get some pointers for this small amount of weight loss?

Things I'm doing already: 1. Intermittent fasting (8 hour eating window) 2. 1200 calories during the weekday, 1500-1600 on weekends 3. I have around 2-3 glasses of wine on weekends. 4. I don't eat any foods with added sugar outside of 2 cheat meals a week, since my boyfriend is a big foodie we like to try a new restaurant every week, and then on Sundays I like to make a big breakfast. 5. Weight lifting 4-5 times a week for 20-25 minutes, HIIT workout style. 6. Use a standing desk for around ~3 hours a day, and get in an hour walk outside around 4 days a week. 7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. 8. Eat vegetarian inside of the house, but will eat fish out at a restaurant.

Where should I go from here? Longer workouts, lower calories, smaller fasting window, lower carbs? Thanks!

submitted by /u/scifisquirrel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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