Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How much weight training should I do to help prevent loose skin?

I'm very worried about getting loose skin after my weight loss, I'm in my late 20s, have gone from 88kg to 70.5kg since Feb so trying to lose gradually. I've heard that incorporating weight training can really help with this, but I'm not sure how much to do? We use weights at the 2 classes I go to each week, but only for about 30 mins in each class. I use the 2lb weights because my strength is poor. Whenever I use weights I end up vibrating - like physically shaking during the class and for a while after, don't know if that's normal but people comment on it.

Has anyone here used weights to help prevent getting loose skin? What kind of regime did you use? I'm going to order some weights online so I can do some extra work during the week, hopefully build it up.

submitted by /u/sorryaboutthewish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nutritionist vs Personal Trainer

Ok, so ideally we have both to help us in this journey. What I am trying to figure out is which would be more helpful to me between a personal trainer and a Nutritionist? I have troubles with emotional eating and coping with my pornography and masturbation addiction through eating feelings. i have lost my track of gym attendance lately and think the trainer would help a lot with that but the nutritionist could help with eating habits. which has more crossover to help with the other side? im tired of being who i am and want to change but need a professional support team. that’s why i wanna know who is a better draft pick, a personal trainer or nutritionist? i’m used to throwing money into junk food so making this investment into my health should be appropriate. another option i have is to throw a counselor in the mix and maybe that would solve some mental struggles in taking out in food? it’s not directly weight related but maybe through solving the addicting to a reasonable level it will reflect itself in the gym and kitchen. idk, i’m trying to fix this. i wanna fix my life. i just find it’s hard to balance my addiction and weight loss because my weight triggers my addiction and to lose weight i get rid of bad eating which puts my stress on the addiction. So, that’s why i feel like the counselor comes in handy. what’s the most important of the 3 and is there an order that would be best to get/ do them in?

submitted by /u/pduffy397
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it really all about diet? Am I just doing it wrong?

I have tried the macro counting for over a month and saw no change in my body. I wasn’t working out at the time, at most would go for a walk. When I say no change, I mean pictures, scale, measurements. The only time I have seen legitimate weight loss progress is when I was working out everyday for an hour of an intense workout, and when I was doing that I was eating “normal” - not tracking anything, eating mostly healthy balanced meals, but not stopping myself from having unhealthy meals at restaurants, and still snacking as I please.

So, is caloric deficit really the end all be all? Cause my past tells me that it won’t work for me, and the only way I can lose weight is to get back into extremely intense workouts everyday (which won’t be easy for me - boxing is the only workout that’s worked for me and now I live in an expensive city where it’s like $250 for 8 boxing classes)

submitted by /u/jeremy_bearrrimy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

taking the plunge!


I've been a long-time lurker, and I'm finally ready to take the plunge.

Over the past year, my life was flipped upside down. I developed BN (an ED) and, while it is normally attributed to losing weight, I gained weight rapidly from all the binging (even though I was also purging). Well, I went to rehab a couple months ago and am officially 6 months binge/purge free! I'm so proud of myself :)

I feel like I'm finally in a stable place where trying to incorporate more healthy habits (like running and dieting a lil bit) will not affect my progress in ED recovery. I know in the past, if I tried to diet I would get obsessive and eat practically nothing and then binge and purge on food for the next couple of days. I was in a really bad mindset. I went from a normal healthy weight to obese in probably about a year of BN.

Now, I think that the desire for weight loss is coming from a place of appreciation for my body, not a place of self hatred like the disorder was.

According to my TDEE, I need about 2800 to maintain my weight.

So my plan is to count calories and stay in a range between 1700 and 2300 calories per day. I'm also doing a couch to 5k program in addition to walking my dog multiple times a day, every day and a day of strength training once a week.

I really want to succeed and not fall back into disordered eating habits so I'm going to try my best to be gentle with myself and not go to any extremes to lose weight.

Any advice or words of wisdom is welcome!! Also if anyone has any questions, I'm happy to share!

submitted by /u/anxious-gorl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Changes of Metabolism(?) Post Weight Loss

hello, in the past year i’ve lost over 70 pounds.
I am currently pretty slim with a good amount of muscle from weight training.
I’ve been doing some body redistribution type diet/workout and it’s been working well, I’ve cut some fat and been able to build some muscle at the same time.

However, now I want to bulk a bit. I’ve been eating in a caloric surplus for about over a week but I have actually lost a few pounds within this time. I workout (haven’t been doing cardio during this) and eat in that surplus but it’s really odd to me that I actually lost weight instead.

Eating in a caloric surplus for me used to make me easily gain weight but it seems like that has changed. I had a vacation a couple months ago, ate tons of food, came back and weighed the same.

On the internet I see conflicting information and am pretty confused about why this could be. I 100% understand nobody here is a doctor but I would be interested if anyone has had a similar experience. Could I have a faster metabolism now or what? If anyone has any ideas let me know.

I do not take any stimulant medication. I do vape, smoke MJ, and am prescribed benzos (klonopin) and a mood stabilizer (trileptal). I don’t think any of these are making this effect but i’ll just put that out there in case if anyone has knowledge about any possible correlation.

submitted by /u/euphoriaarmoire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Terrified of going to the gym

I've been trying to lose weight for a while now. My BMI is over 40 and it's really been starting to affect my life. I've started out well I think - I've managed almost 5kg weight loss and I'm on target to go below a BMI of 40 by Christmas (which is my first goal) with simple diet and exercise. I'm already feeling a lot better, and I'm really not missing my old lifestyle at all.

I've been wanting to go to a gym to help with weight loss, but also to improve my general fitness. An unexpected rota adjustment at work gave me a good opportunity to start this week. I bought some gym clothes, did some research, found a gym nearby that I can fit into my daily routine (or rather lack of routine) with ease, and joined up yesterday. The plan was to get up this morning and go. I've chickened out.

Thing is - I haven't been to a gym in about 15 years, and even then it was only as a visitor. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm terrified that I'm going to do something really stupid like fall off a treadmill, or collapse, or injure myself, or worse yet injure someone else. It isn't so much that I think people will point and laugh at the fatty exercising - I'm fairly certain they won't, and even if they did I can shrug that off. It's more the feeling of being completely out of place in this environment.

Unfortunately, thanks to our friend the Coronavirus, the gym no longer does inductions which hasn't helped. It's been replaced by a 3 minute video which is less than useless (it's at the level of "we have changing rooms, we have cardio machines, here are the fire exits..."). Supposedly the staff are helpful, and I'm planning to ask for a walk around and how to use some basic equipment. I've tried looking up beginner gym workouts on places like r/fitness, but even these seem intimidating. All this talk of lat pulldowns, lunges, curls and so on assumes I know what they're on about. I really don't.

I'm not bailing altogether. I'm planning to go this evening, when I expect the gym to be a but quieter. I know I need a PT, but the first thing I need to do is walk in and just do something. And preferably something more than just walking sheepishly on a treadmill for a few minutes. I'm wondering if anyone who's been in my position has some basic advice, or just an idea of what a complete beginner should do? Or am I really just pushing myself too far?

submitted by /u/me1702
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My emotional mindset is making this harder

I’m 31F, 5’8” and ~150 lbs. So not terribly overweight, but I’m feeling so uncomfortable in my body. I have gained 20-25 lbs in the past few years.

At first, it was kind of a nice thing. I was in the honeymoon phase of a new relationship and I put on 5 pounds. I was so thin for my entire twenties, it was kind of nice to loosen up a bit.

Then some Covid weight gain from more alcohol and being more sedentary… and then my subclinical hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s) became full-fledged hypothyroidism.

I really don’t like how I look, it’s destroying my self-esteem. I know it’s not a big deal, and that maybe even losing 10-15 of the pounds would be enough to feel better. But the weight loss is so difficult with my newly sluggish thyroid, I feel really hopeless.

Every day I am on the verge of tears while getting dressed, I only want to wear baggy clothing because my skin crawls at anything pressing against my thighs or love handles.

My boyfriend is a bit overweight, but I don’t care if he loses, I find him super attractive the way he is. But he isn’t very supportive of my goals, I mean, he is technically… I guess he doesn’t see why it’s such a big deal. I’m glad that he thinks I look good the way I am, but I don’t 😔 I hate seeing myself naked and avoid photographs at all costs.

I am walking 10-20K steps a day and I try so hard to restrict to 1200-1400… but I simply can’t. When I’m alone during the day it works, but at night I become ravenous and clear the plate when my boyfriend serves me a huge portion. My hunger feels kind of extreme, like my thyroid meds are maybe contributing to it? It feels hormonal and uncontrollable, it’s not just a mild desire to eat… it’s straight up hunger pain.

Sorry for the wall of text. I don’t know what to do, I can’t figure this out after a year of trying… I wish my self-esteem and body image weren’t so wrecked, I wish I could be okay either way. I guess I’m used to having a “perfect body” and I need to change my attitude as I grow older. I want to lose weight healthily and it feels unhealthy to care this much.

submitted by /u/time-is-elastic
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