Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Terrified of going to the gym

I've been trying to lose weight for a while now. My BMI is over 40 and it's really been starting to affect my life. I've started out well I think - I've managed almost 5kg weight loss and I'm on target to go below a BMI of 40 by Christmas (which is my first goal) with simple diet and exercise. I'm already feeling a lot better, and I'm really not missing my old lifestyle at all.

I've been wanting to go to a gym to help with weight loss, but also to improve my general fitness. An unexpected rota adjustment at work gave me a good opportunity to start this week. I bought some gym clothes, did some research, found a gym nearby that I can fit into my daily routine (or rather lack of routine) with ease, and joined up yesterday. The plan was to get up this morning and go. I've chickened out.

Thing is - I haven't been to a gym in about 15 years, and even then it was only as a visitor. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm terrified that I'm going to do something really stupid like fall off a treadmill, or collapse, or injure myself, or worse yet injure someone else. It isn't so much that I think people will point and laugh at the fatty exercising - I'm fairly certain they won't, and even if they did I can shrug that off. It's more the feeling of being completely out of place in this environment.

Unfortunately, thanks to our friend the Coronavirus, the gym no longer does inductions which hasn't helped. It's been replaced by a 3 minute video which is less than useless (it's at the level of "we have changing rooms, we have cardio machines, here are the fire exits..."). Supposedly the staff are helpful, and I'm planning to ask for a walk around and how to use some basic equipment. I've tried looking up beginner gym workouts on places like r/fitness, but even these seem intimidating. All this talk of lat pulldowns, lunges, curls and so on assumes I know what they're on about. I really don't.

I'm not bailing altogether. I'm planning to go this evening, when I expect the gym to be a but quieter. I know I need a PT, but the first thing I need to do is walk in and just do something. And preferably something more than just walking sheepishly on a treadmill for a few minutes. I'm wondering if anyone who's been in my position has some basic advice, or just an idea of what a complete beginner should do? Or am I really just pushing myself too far?

submitted by /u/me1702
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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