Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Created a weight loss plan - doable or unsustainable?

Hi all. I really enjoy getting feedback here from other people on similar weight loss journeys

Currently 79-80kg (176lb), 169 cm (5'7), M, 23. Goal weight; 64-65kg (140 lb). TDEE: 1900-2100 depending on website (sedentary)

Before I start to make any progress, I thought it was really important to address my two setbacks 1. My psych medication which I can't change that causes hunger and cravings. and 2. My tendency to binge once or twice a week on days that I'm sticking to a rigid 1200-1300 calories and undoing all my progress, and possibly going over my maintenance. For 1. I've decided to work on distractions, acknowledging hunger, drinking water, delaying the desire to eat, and if still hungry, go for an apple, or a handful of nuts (calorie counted both). For 2. I've decided to up my daily limit to 1500 calories because then I know I can have low calorie meals (which I currently do) but still have room for snacks if I really need them. Also identifying trigger foods, and avoiding them with healthier replacements.

In October (studying), daily calorie goal is 1500, so maybe 0.5kg loss a week if I'm lucky. In November, I can go to the gym again, I'll still be studying so I need the 1500 but I can burn 400-500 a day on cardio at the gym so I could do maybe 0.8-1kg loss a week [depending on how accurate the calorie reading from those machines and my Apple Watch is! I don't plan on eating back exercise calories]

In December, January, February I'm on summer break which means I have 3 months to devote entirely to my weight loss journey. Seeing I won't study, I won't need the mental energy for 1500 and could eat 1200-1300 but still keep my safety net at 1500 in case I sense a binge. Ideally still doing my daily cardio workouts. For the rest of the day, I could go for walks, but could also stay in bed post-workout conserving my energy on Netflix.

I'd like to have lost the 15-16 or so (33-36 pounds) by my birthday in April which is a little under 6 months away. Is this doable?

Anyone else who's lost 30 pounds or more, how long did it take, and what did you do to make it sustainable for the entire time period?

submitted by /u/jamesjuly98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What would you consider my activity level? Any weight loss tips?

Possible Trigger Warning in the Edit:

I work two jobs.

My full time is at at factory warehouse where I pull heavy panels for cabinets. Depending on the panel it’s a one or two man lift. At my warehouse job I walk anywhere between 13,000-15,000 steps in a shift. I get anywhere from 40-54 hours a week at this job. (4-5 days a week)

My part time is in retail and I work about 7 hours a week there and walk 4,000-6,000 steps a shift depending on the workload. (1 day a week)

As for diet, I eat about 1,100-1,400 calories a day. I typically strive to keep my meals high protein and use Equate meal replacement drinks and Pure Protein Bars often because I don’t really have the time to eat. I only drink water (about 5 bottles a day), bang energy drinks (1-2 a day), and very occasionally Gatorade Zero.

Edit: I’m a 5’8-5’9 female and weigh about 235 lbs. I’m 3 months postpartum. I struggled with an ED (went from 330lbs-195lbs) and stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant so I don’t want to relapse, but I’m struggling with my body image and I want to lose weight at least somewhat healthily.

submitted by /u/RottenWildflowers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Was on the fast track to success, then I lost all motivation.

S.W - 291.1 C.W - 255.2

Hi everyone! I have been on this sub for quite some time now and saw everyones success stories and thought there was hope for me in the future. I started losing weight August 27th 2021. Weighing in at 291lbs. I was on the fast track to being the next appearance on My 600 Pound life, being only 19 years old. I have tried keto and intermittent fasting but both of those were not sustainable. I decided to go on a calorie deficit and try drinking only water. I was eating around 1000 calories a day. Hit or a miss.

It was going so well until last week. Last week I weighed in at 249.1 lbs. A 40+ pound weight loss in less that 2 months. I was on the fast track to success, until last week of course. I started a new job with my old friend. We started going out almost every single day to fast food joints and having a good time. I gained almost 7 pounds back in a week. I know that most of that is water weight, but restarting the deficit is even harder then the first time. I don’t know why. Please if anyone has any suggestions please leave a comment. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/CrayZManiac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How difficult is losing weight and how much of it is mental?

I want to first congratulate everyone that has been able to make changes in their life that make them happier! Bravo!

I've been lucky to have a body type and disposition that doesn't gain much weight. I will typically need to remind myself to eat so that I don't lose muscle when I am working out a lot.

However, I would like to support those in my life that struggle with weight and am unsure how to best do that.

On the one hand, I want them to be happy with who they are and I would never want them to be ashamed of their body. If weight is primarily determined by genetics, I want to accept them for who they are and just forget any hope that they would be happier otherwise.

On the other hand, I feel like everyone leads a better life when they are in decent shape. Even though weight isn't an issue for me, I feel so much better, positive, and energetic when I'm working out and eating healthy. And I appreciate my friends who support me in maintaining positive habits through example and encouragement.

So a question to those of you who have been successful with weight loss, how difficult was it?

How much of it was mental? How much was about diet? How much was about exercise?

How can friends that don't have weight issues best support you?

What were the things they did (with the best intentions) that were counter-productive?

submitted by /u/Boondoggie7777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Woman Beginning Weightloss; Looking for advice, tips, tricks, resources, recipes, routines, etc.

Dear Women of this SubReddit, (understand if it is a bit long and don't blame you if you don't want to read the whole thing, but I appreciate all help just the same and Thank you in advance)

Situation: I am in my early 30's and have recently started becoming more aware of the need to lose weight for my health and personal goals. I am 5'8" at somewhere between 220-250 lbs (idk my digital scale is wierd) I don't know what weight goal I should aim for ( I have done multiple attempts at finding this but have gotten mixed results, I think it should be 70- 100lbs, maybe?). I have recently overcome certain obstacles that have been holding me back from exercising more, (I know it sounds weird, and a bit wimpy but ie: dislike of being sore, dislike of being sweaty, etc.). I am also not opposed to trying new foods, though my (and my husband's) eating habits have (up until recently) been less than healthy, (not to sound like an excuse, but limited income has caused some of this and don't know how to change that direction on a budget). I am living in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, so seasonal weather is a thing. I do not have a gym membership, but I don't mind roughing it outdoors a bit (provided I have the gear to withstand it). I also am a substitute teacher (working on becoming a credentialed full time teacher), so my schedule is not always regular. I WANT TO FIND A BALANCE!

Any help (including; advice, tips, tricks, resources, recipes, routines, etc.) on all of these topics is welcome. Below are more descriptions of specific topics:

Workout Routines: I have been really enjoying Natural Body Building, but I am still beginning/novice (ie: incline pushups, no pull ups yet, and sit-ups/curl-ups/crunches confuse me etc). I also got a Ring Fit last year for Christmas, I have recently liked the ability to focus on muscle groups with the Ring Fit. I also try to walk 1+ miles per day, sometimes 2+ and 3+ miles. I was gifted a Fitbit Watch (Charge 3, I think) last year as well, and enjoy doing Fitbit Bingos with my sister and her friends in California (so I can track my heart rate, and a few other stats). I don't really like running, but I'm not opposed to jogging more recently.

Diet/Nutrition: My salary varies because of my work, and my husband has an entry level position, so funds are tight from month to month. I have done some research and try to plan my meals weekly but struggle to vary, and keep up with the planning. Recently we have been going to the farmers markets, to get wholesale organic produce, but living in an area with actual seasons, the weekly farmers market starts in March and ends in October. We have also been trying to use fresh produce, but are not opposed to using frozen on busier days. We use chicken breast most often as a meat product, with the occasional pork and beef products when the price is right. Salmon has also become a favorite in our house (especially with our cat), so we try to have that once a week. I like legumes, but my husband less so, he will have green beans with dinner sometimes, but other than that he doesn't eat them. He also can't have Olive meat (he's allergic, but not to the oil, strange but true) or grapes (juice, flavoring, etc. he's intolerant to it). We both have a bit of a sweet tooth, which can be a problem, so alternative ideas welcome. I like to eat yogurt for breakfast with frozen berries and sometimes carob chips (for that chocolate craving, am I right ladies?) And, fortunately and unfortunately, baking is one of my hobbies, I love it which is also a problem. Both my husband and I enjoy cooking, but I am usually the one to do it because his work can often times be physically demanding and is exhausted when he gets home.

Motivation: I have never really been active, even as a child focusing more on the arts and music rather than sports. I also have, struggled with low confidence and poor body image in the past. In the past I have "tried" to start on the path of weight loss, but usually end up fizzling out. But there are a few things that I am worried about, becoming like my mother (constantly struggling to loose weight, always on the edge of diabetes, yes it is common in my family along with other high probabilities of health problems from both sides), I want to be fit when my husband and I are ready to children, I'm also worried that I won't be able to keep it up when I get a full time position or have children.

Again, Any help (including; advice, tips, tricks, resources (reading or YouTube), recipes, routines, etc.) on all of these topics is welcome. I look forward to reading your advice. I always try to reply to comments, but if I don't make it in time, Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Bake-Plant-Sew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight-loss experiences

Hello all!

My name is John and I recently lost 280 pounds. I stopped weighing myself when my waist was 60". A friend told me I should try to share how I did it with others. Reddit seems like a good place to start.

I picked 1 mental, 1 physical, & 1 dietary habit. I focused on those 3 specific habits 6 weeks straight and changed nothing else about my life. I read that it takes 6 weeks to make a habit become secondary, like blinking or breathing. I had tried everything else with failing results, why not try this out.

What I did first:

Physical Habit: "WALK IT OUT!" by Unk

the first physical habit I focused on was walking: only 5 minutes before and after every time I ate. So, at minimum, I'm walking an hour a day ( 3 meals a day). I worked from home so this was important, for a multitude of reasons, for me to get outside and move. If my 95 yo grandma does it, so can I, then 31.

Dietary Habit: "Drink Water and Don't Be Racist!" - AOC

the first dietary habit was easily the best thing I did. WATER. WATER WATER WATER. I would eat whatever I want, however, I want ... but if I was thirsty it was only water. the fact that it didn't feel like I gave up on any food made sticking with drinking water way easier.

Mental Habit: Insane in the Bedframe

the first mental habit seems almost silly compared to the other two. MAKE YOUR BED. I lived and worked from home, so why bother making your bed? for who? for people that I didn't want over, for dates I wasn't having, for the company I wouldn't want to invite? You gotta do it for yourself. And it's the small things in life that got us all to our weight issues, so, logically it's the only way to get ourselves to overcome those issues is through small changes. Made me feel good at the beginning and end of the day.

I had much more going on in my life, but my weight was always holding me back. I'm happy to have been able to change for a healthier future - and an exciting dating life!

I'm always happy to share more of my weight loss experiences.

I'd post a pic of old/new me but I can't seem to do so

submitted by /u/BlackKracken
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much weight training should I do to help prevent loose skin?

I'm very worried about getting loose skin after my weight loss, I'm in my late 20s, have gone from 88kg to 70.5kg since Feb so trying to lose gradually. I've heard that incorporating weight training can really help with this, but I'm not sure how much to do? We use weights at the 2 classes I go to each week, but only for about 30 mins in each class. I use the 2lb weights because my strength is poor. Whenever I use weights I end up vibrating - like physically shaking during the class and for a while after, don't know if that's normal but people comment on it.

Has anyone here used weights to help prevent getting loose skin? What kind of regime did you use? I'm going to order some weights online so I can do some extra work during the week, hopefully build it up.

submitted by /u/sorryaboutthewish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat