Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Created a weight loss plan - doable or unsustainable?

Hi all. I really enjoy getting feedback here from other people on similar weight loss journeys

Currently 79-80kg (176lb), 169 cm (5'7), M, 23. Goal weight; 64-65kg (140 lb). TDEE: 1900-2100 depending on website (sedentary)

Before I start to make any progress, I thought it was really important to address my two setbacks 1. My psych medication which I can't change that causes hunger and cravings. and 2. My tendency to binge once or twice a week on days that I'm sticking to a rigid 1200-1300 calories and undoing all my progress, and possibly going over my maintenance. For 1. I've decided to work on distractions, acknowledging hunger, drinking water, delaying the desire to eat, and if still hungry, go for an apple, or a handful of nuts (calorie counted both). For 2. I've decided to up my daily limit to 1500 calories because then I know I can have low calorie meals (which I currently do) but still have room for snacks if I really need them. Also identifying trigger foods, and avoiding them with healthier replacements.

In October (studying), daily calorie goal is 1500, so maybe 0.5kg loss a week if I'm lucky. In November, I can go to the gym again, I'll still be studying so I need the 1500 but I can burn 400-500 a day on cardio at the gym so I could do maybe 0.8-1kg loss a week [depending on how accurate the calorie reading from those machines and my Apple Watch is! I don't plan on eating back exercise calories]

In December, January, February I'm on summer break which means I have 3 months to devote entirely to my weight loss journey. Seeing I won't study, I won't need the mental energy for 1500 and could eat 1200-1300 but still keep my safety net at 1500 in case I sense a binge. Ideally still doing my daily cardio workouts. For the rest of the day, I could go for walks, but could also stay in bed post-workout conserving my energy on Netflix.

I'd like to have lost the 15-16 or so (33-36 pounds) by my birthday in April which is a little under 6 months away. Is this doable?

Anyone else who's lost 30 pounds or more, how long did it take, and what did you do to make it sustainable for the entire time period?

submitted by /u/jamesjuly98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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