Thursday, April 28, 2022

Eat the maintenance calories for your target weight?

Seven years ago I lost 20 lbs before with strict calorie counting (weight goal completed) and maintained that weight for 2 years. Recently I gained it back due to stress and I was going to start calorie counting again.

Question: Let’s say my target weight was 130lbs and the maintenance calories for that weight was 1,450 a day sedentary. I am not active. If I were to do strict calorie counting 1,450 a day, would I reach that 130lb AND be that weight forever?

Technically when I lost the 20 lbs my daily calorie count recommended by Loseit was 1395.

I was wondering if coming up with the daily caloric number for weight loss was as simple as eating the maintenance calories of your target weight & activity level. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Longjump-Cup-1739
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Working out while sitting

Hi All,

I’m on my weight loss journey and so far doing well. I’m down about 15 pounds but have about 45 more to go.

One of the challenges is my job. I work in IT and while I like the work, it requires me to be sitting all day long. My role is literally the poster child for a desk job. I would like to find a healthy way to utilize all those hours I’m sitting.

I’ve seen several commercials for workout equipment while sitting. Usually something like a stationary bike you pedal while sitting. Has anyone tried these before? If so, did you find them helpful.

Any advice on how to best use hours sitting at a desk towards my weight loss journey would be much appreciated. Thanks and best of luck to everyone. This sub has been super helpful to me.

submitted by /u/Dependent-Teacher595
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

the difference that 15lbs makes (progress pics)

Hi everyone! I'm currently battling the final 15lbs and this made me want to look back at the first 15lbs I lost along with the difference it made. I would like to use these progress photos as fuel for the final stretch. What I find interesting is how the difference in these photos will also occur to my body as I reach my goal weight, except on an even smaller frame. The paper towel effect. On my last post, kind people also expressed interest in how weight loss looks like on a much shorter person in which at 30lbs loss, my family members couldn't recognise me.

Before and After (Front and Side View)

The 15lbs is actually my pandemic weight gain so I'm very happy that's gone! I'm 4'9" (22 F) and it took me one month and a half to achieve this loss.

I've personally struggled with not being able to see a visible difference in the mirror. In the past few months, I've frequently felt like I was still as "big" as when I first began. Making "before and after" photo sets have been majorly helpful. If you're in the same position, just always remember that the difference is occurring. Look up "15lbs of fat" and it'll show you pictures of massive yellow chunks that are disappearing from your body, but all over or in certain areas before it reaches other parts.

I'd like to make a more detailed post when I reach my goal weight, especially as the mental aspect was the most difficult. But a quick breakdown of what I did: I ate at 1200 calories, walked for 1 hour everyday, did unintentional IF (I've always disliked eating breakfast) and infrequent OMAD.

submitted by /u/midnight_suns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin, boobs and sadness

I’m at 7 kg weight loss (84.5kg, started at 91.5kg - need to get down to 64kg to have a normal BMI, so I’m around 1/3 there. Height 161, 30F) and today is the first day I noticed loose skin. I’ve lost the 7kg in 3ish months so not super fast, but still, I noticed loose skin at the bottom side of my boobs, and I could pinch a significant amount of my nipples (sorry if TMI) and it made me incredibly sad and made me cry. I know losing weight is the right thing for me, I don’t regret it, I will keep going.

But I’m just so heart broken. It’s been my first real emotional setback since I started this and I just wanted to rant. I know breasts won’t perk up again and the only way to fix this will probably be through breast lift surgery which won’t be worth it until I’ve reached the weight I want and probably have breastfed as well (once I have kids) - but does that mean I have to be sad and unhappy about them for so long? I know there’s nothing I can do now - no miracle creams, no massaging or anything. Push-ups are part of my day to day exercise anyway, so I know that won’t help.

Sorry for my rambling and rant. I just don’t know where else to turn to. My girls just feel like deflated sadness and I’m just sad.

submitted by /u/flyingmonkey200
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need honest advice…

Hi all,

So like alot of people I’ve piled on the weight over the pandemic. I’m now the biggest I’ve ever been and really don’t like my body image or how I feel at the moment.

Over the past two weeks I’ve become really motivated and stuck to a practical calorie deficit diet, ensure I hit 10K steps a day and started the couch to 5k running program. It’s all been going fantastic and my motivation and determination has been steady!

Today I saw a photo of me from two days ago and I look absolutely awful. My tummy is huge, my neck/face is massive and my clothes look really ill-fitted. I know that I sound very critical of myself and I always want to encourage body positivity but I don’t look or feel good at all. I understand it’s only a picture and likely a bad angle, but photos don’t lie 😂

Strangely, instead of it motivating me to work that much harder on my weight loss goals it’s made me feel really disappointed and unmotivated. I just feel like I’ll never get to where I want to see myself at. I’ve got a terrible relationship with food and binge rubbish. Seeing that photo has made me just want to throw the towel in and eat rubbish.

Any honest advice or pep talks would really help. I really want to get in shape and be healthy.


submitted by /u/Foxwelsh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

If you are a woman ( especially with a messed up cycle) don’t lose hope if your weight doesn’t change after several days of calorie deficit! got to learn to be patient as our hormones tend to mess up water retention a lot!

I have been a weight loss and calorie counting veteran for more than 20 years. Yet each time I start I get so frustrated when I am working out and eating at a significant deficit, yet after 10 days I am the same weight or higher. But right after my cycle I lose all the weight i was supposed to lose over 10 lbs in 1 month. Same happens during ovulation. So basically I only drop weight a few times a month despite the steady deficit .

It is crazy , I had been on a deficit for 10 lbs a month lost since last month, and until yesterday I was only down 2lbs. Yesterday was the end of my fertilization Window, so lost 4 lbs yesterday and another 4 lbs today finally matching my projected 10 lb weight loss!

I might try to go on birth control pill that might help regulate this water retention but don’t want to avoid that.

Well just wanted to say don’t always lose hope from the scale. Trust the calories if you are weighing everything and wait awhile before deciding if your TDEE is lower and making adjustments.

submitted by /u/kitty07s
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on weight loss?

I’m (20f) almost 6 foot and around 90 kg so not considered over weight, but I absolutely hate my body regardless. For almost a year now I’ve been dieting (not strict, as I’ve struggled on and off with an ED and don’t want to trigger anything, but I’ve definitely limited myself a lot) and going to the gym at least 3 times a week, I also work retail 4 days a week so I’m on my feet and walking for at least 8 hours for those days, and I’m just not seeing results, both in my eyes and on the scale. I’ve been in calorie deficit for around 4 months now and that hasn’t changed much either. I’m thinking of going to the doctor and seeing if maybe there’s something else going on internally that’s stopping me from losing weight but figured I’d get some advice on here from other people who’ve tried so hard and aren’t seeing results!

submitted by /u/beckyymilligan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat