Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What foods would you recommend for someone who is actively losing weight but also battles depression and doesn't always necessarily have the will power to cook?

Hello all,

This is a bit of a personal topic (and will be deleting soon after) so I would appreciate no harshness if possible. I've been on a weight loss journey, I started at about 350, and I'm at 330 now. During that time I was eating pretty ok, but recently I've been diagnosed with depression and I have been finding it very hard to work up the energy to make any food (these past 4 days I've only had a meal a day and sometimes I'm just not even hungry) and I want to see if this sub has any recommendations for easy meals and even nutrition bars that will keep me more or less afloat and keep my body full on days where I'm just not having it.

I don't want to stop working out as it keeps me a little sane, but I also don't want to hurt myself due to lack of nourishment, so any advice would be most appreciated ._.

submitted by /u/onepercentjapanese
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/HMn5tBr

Monday, November 7, 2022

One Year, 111 lbs down

That's me!(I stay holding my phone weird)

There's this weird pattern in my life where life altering stuff happens when I put my foot down late at night, and for some reason my mom is always a witness to it.

Like one day after missing orientation for a shelf stocking job at Target, I snapped, decided my self taught programming skills were enough for a job, applied to every software dev listing I could find on Indeed and now a decade later I'm a senior engineer working on self-driving cars.

Well one night in early February, after eating myself up what was probably another 20 lbs while visiting my parents, I "snapped" again... but this time it was pouring bottles of juice down a sink while my mom probably wondered what the hell had possessed me. Really dramatic I know 😂 but 105 of those 111 lbs have been lost since that day less than 9 months ago, so it really stuck!

In February 2023 I want to post again in long form about how far I've come and what exactly I think made that time different, but the short version is I learned to conserve my willpower with strategies like:

- Recognizing "calorie sinks" that would leave me spending the rest of the day fighting hunger if I wanted to keep a deficit

- Working hard to separate emotion from food

- Getting comfortable with throwing away food

- Limiting carbs before limiting protein

I think for me the missing piece of weight loss was about setting myself up for success. Any time I failed I beat myself up because I thought it meant I didn't want it bad enough, but I of course I wanted to lose the weight! We all do!

I just wasn't doing myself any favors trying to run a deficit while fast food. I wasn't doing that by watching TV with every meal either. Or by not knowing anything about macros. Or only grocery shopping while ravenously hungry.

My "goal" is so lofty I wouldn't want to tell anyone in real life but... I want to enter an amateur bodybuilding competition in February 2024 😂. 2 years will have had passed since that fateful night, and it'd be a special way to ring in my 30s even trying.

But that's a long way off, and for now I can't describe the level of joy I feel seeing myself from last year next to now.

I saw people post transformations and thought they just wanted it more than me, but now I realize all of us want it: but if you fail, eventually you need to start again to have a chance at ever making it.

There's no real reason this time should have been different for me, but it was, and now I'm in the best shape I've been in years. I just needed to keep starting

submitted by /u/s-pop-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/W0dGhRZ

Loose Skin Stats

Lots ot folks ask about loose skin and the answer generally is it comes down to genetics. However, I thought it would be helpful of those who have lost weight with ir without loose skin posted some stats so we can see if there are any trends. So here is the info I think wpuld be helpful.

Did you experience loose skin (No, a little, moderate, excessive) Gender Age at starting weight Age at goal weight Did you exercise? ( cardio, weight lifting/ resistancetraining, both) How many months did it take you to get to your goal weight Total pounds lost Did you have weight loss surgery? How many years had you been overweight?

If you care to do so, please post with this info. I think it might be helpful to those wondering about loose skin.

All the best to everyone! Stay healthy and well!

submitted by /u/Taro-Admirable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hXgymBu

Now I remember why I hate it when people comment on my weight loss.

Saw some coworkers today that I hadn't seen in a while. The first one was like "OMG you look so skinny!" So I was like "yeah, I've been working out and watching what I eat." She followed up with "Don't lose any more, you're already too skinny." I'm not. I'm 5'7 and about 146. That's perfectly healthy. But it made me feel really self conscious about wanting to lose another 10. Like, do I really look too skinny? I don't think I do, but it made me feel weird. Then another separate coworker accosted me and was like "You've lost so much weight, are you okay?"

The thing is, I went in to work today feeling like I looked great. Like, wearing my new clothes, feeling like I looked like a million bucks. Now I feel like I look ill or something.

PSA: Just maybe don't comment on people's weight? It sucks.

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/6IiFGgZ

Lost a lot of weight but still overweight for my height.

19 year old male here at 5”2. Since March 2021 I went from 200 to 142. I did this through lifting, calorie deficit + cardio. I’m in the low 140s now but I still have 45lbs of fat on me and 96lbs of lean mass according to my dexa scan. Why do I still have so much body fat after all this weight loss and training? Also Currently 12 weeks into another cut after taking a little break from dieting. down 8lbs so far and looking to get even leaner.

submitted by /u/EXENdalOgUI
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Fh5P0OD

I have been trying to walk before I can run and I needed this video to realize that.

I just watched Natasha's video that she put out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysilbVPkPuQ

It helped me realize that I have been trying to walk before I can run when it comes to my weight loss journey. I have been trying to create all these plans and do all of these scheduled compound movements and doing all this stuff before I even create the habit of just getting into my workout gear.

I got Habitminder for free one year when they were offering it. I think during black friday. https://habitminder.com/

I think I'm going to start using that for my weight loss journey. My only goal being to "Get Into my Workout Gear" since I work out at home and don't have a membership to any gym (as I can't afford it).

Whatever I do in my workout gear is more than what I did outside of it so this goal is a lot easier for me to handle than trying to schedule exactly what I am going to do.

Note: ED Talk in the spoiler, don't show if you are sensitive.

I struggle with Binge Eating with my purging being to exercise too hard so I feel this will be a fantastic way for me to get those good endorphins going. As long as I have good endorphins, I tend to eat better than I do without those endorphins. So, this is step 1 for me.

Having this goal has instantly made me feel a lot better about my weight loss journey and fitness journey. I know I will get there and while the snowball is only going like 1cm at a time (as Natasha said) eventually I'll get to an avalanche. I'm ready for that avalanche to happen now but I know I need to work up to it.

submitted by /u/DudeThatsErin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/w9rKuRU

Finally starting a journey, that I should have done years ago

Honestly I really just wanted to put this into the void, in text. So this may be a smidge of a stream of consciousness, rather than a real post.

I’m a 28 year old guy, and I’ve been overweight all my life. I mean I played football in highschool and such, and was at least somewhat active; but I’ve always been a thicc guy. Up till about two weeks ago, I was capped at about 350 pounds. I’m 6’1, so I wore it alright, but still way larger than I’d like to be.

I’m really just fed up with it, honestly. I want to wear nice shirts. I want to dress up and look good when I go out. I just want to be ever so slightly happier with my own reflection. I reckon that mirrors a lot of other peoples thoughts, though. We’re roughly all in the same boat.

But, yes, last week! Last week a friend turned me onto a calorie tracker app that she’s been using. It was honestly really good timing, as I was buying an exercise bike the same day! So for the first time, I’m really going all out. I’ve fasted in the past, and enjoyed it, but I’ve never really introduced regular exercise into my weight loss strategies.

So far things have been really really good. I’ve dropped about 2 pounds this far, and I’ve been doing around 4-6 miles a day on the bike. I’m really excited to see if this will be the answer I was looking for.

submitted by /u/Thiccviking0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0AStlK1