Monday, November 7, 2022

Now I remember why I hate it when people comment on my weight loss.

Saw some coworkers today that I hadn't seen in a while. The first one was like "OMG you look so skinny!" So I was like "yeah, I've been working out and watching what I eat." She followed up with "Don't lose any more, you're already too skinny." I'm not. I'm 5'7 and about 146. That's perfectly healthy. But it made me feel really self conscious about wanting to lose another 10. Like, do I really look too skinny? I don't think I do, but it made me feel weird. Then another separate coworker accosted me and was like "You've lost so much weight, are you okay?"

The thing is, I went in to work today feeling like I looked great. Like, wearing my new clothes, feeling like I looked like a million bucks. Now I feel like I look ill or something.

PSA: Just maybe don't comment on people's weight? It sucks.

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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