Friday, February 24, 2023

Are potatoes actually healthy?

My mom and I argue about this all the time. She says I can’t have potatoes with every meal- they aren’t healthy and the starch just causes weight gain.

I’ve recently seen an article that says the opposite- they’re one the best foods for weight loss because they increase satiety and can be used in different ways to reduce boring food.

So what’s true? (And references would be appreciated if possible)

submitted by /u/Kindly-Bother-9579
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I loose weight? Need advice.

I finally got the motivation to get up and start a gym membership. But I’m lost. I go there and just lift weights for like 40 min and go on the treadmill for 20 min. I’m feeling lost since I’m just doing random stuff. I try my best to eat about 2500 calories a day but I think I go a little over. Im starting a job at FedEx as a package handler so that might help me out since it requires some movement. Also I go to school so I get a few steps in. So school + job + Gym = weight loss? Job is 4 days a week and gym is 4-5 days a week. I’m just asking for advice. Does anyone have a schedule they used to loose weight? What did you guys do?

submitted by /u/ComfortableCream4398
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Weight with Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder

hi! trigger warning: binge eating disorder

female|5'4"|sw: 189|cw: 189|gw: 156

i've been seeing a therapist and a registered dietitian for fighting through binge eating disorder. i was in an unhealthy relationship with my ex and dietwise, i would restrict too much (around 1400 calories during the weekdays) and then basically bingeing on sundays in secret. i am no longer bingeing after getting out of my relationship and working through some of my issues and i'm really proud of myself, though i've gained close to 20lbs since September.

the main thing i've been focusing on with my registered dietitian is eating on a consistent schedule and incorporating a well rounded meal with protein, carbs, and veggies. i no longer go 4 hours without eating. according to loseit, my tdee is around 1700-1800. i currently go to orangetheory (HIIT/circuit style workout with the treadmill, rowing machine, and free weights) and burn about 400-500 calories each session. i'm currently averaging around 2100 calories most days, which is why I am of course not losing weight.

my question is - for those who have been in my position of recovering from an eating disorder, how do you lose weight? i have been on my weight loss journey since the beginning of january and have lost no weight so far and have also not been able to cut any inches when doing physical measurements. i'm trying to incorporate 3 meals and 2 snacks, but i can't for the life of me get to 1700 calories and be satiated. i don't want to get back into the eating disorder spiral, but don't know how to make my meals more satiating and keep me full. i'm also having trouble with falling asleep hungry, which is a massive struggle for me. would love some tips and suggestions on what y'all do! thank you so much!

submitted by /u/daisydoll93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I gained all the weight I’ve lost

Just like what the title says, I gained all my weight (and even more) that I’ve once lost.

I’ve been on my real weight loss journey again for a week now, starting to count calories again. I’m starting to realize I have an unhealthy addiction with food. I always think about what I’m going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner even though I literally just ate. I eat even when I’m full. I hate myself so much right now for not being able to resist it.

submitted by /u/anonymousbutterr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what is more important to lose like body fat or weight loss?

I'm 27 and about 151 pounds but I just don't like what I'm seeing in the mirror. Idk I just kinda look chubby and usually I'm like around 142 pounds but this past year I just been home and eating too much calories especially carbs and junk foods. So I don't know really how to lose weight. I don't like exercising especially cardio. But I do like taking long walks and stuff. In terms of food, is it good to cut down on salt and sugar ?

submitted by /u/Akashh23_pop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling less wide

(25f)5”7 starting weight: 117kg Down to 109kgs This has been the first time I’ve lost weight properly as I’m doing this as a whole life style change not just weight loss but creating healthier habits. I have been prioritising weight training with slowly building up cardio. I train with a pt 5 times a fortnight & had my first appointment with a dietitian this week.

I’ve been losing weight since November this week is the first week I’ve noticed and felt a huge change with how less wide I am & can noticeably see it I’ve been lighter than this and have been a lot wider than I am now…my question is what was your mindset when you got to this stage of not just seeing small changes but vase differences? Like I feel so good but weird at the same time, I can’t describe it

submitted by /u/LiteratureCold5694
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I started counting calories and it'

I got the Lose It app and first enjoyed how tailored the daily calorie amount was with all the questions it asked. Then as I started adding food, instead of being boring, annoying or even scary, I just think it's interesting. It makes me really think about what I'm eating. And adding food onto the app, trying to stay below the alloted calorie number, is like a game. So it's like gamifying my weight loss. Being able to add workouts which subtracts from my total number is also cool. I'm sure after a while I will either get tired of it or get used to it, but I'm glad I decided to start counting calories.

submitted by /u/MildGone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat