Thursday, May 18, 2023

How do I avoid loose skin?

Something that’s been worrying me for a while about losing weight is the possibility of having really loose skin. For context, I’m 18F and have about 70lbs to lose, possibly more depending on how I feel when I get closer to my goal. I don’t have the means to get skin removal surgery, but the idea of having it excessively discourages me. My mom lost a lot of weight and has a lot of loose skin, and it often gets in the way of her every day life. Plus, I don’t think I will like the way it looks on me. I’m willing to set a higher goal weight if it means having less loose skin. How much weight loss causes excessive loose skin? What are some ways I can minimize or avoid having it? It might seem vain, and I wouldn’t mind having a bit, but I don’t want to have so much loose skin that it interferes with my life.

submitted by /u/rosetinted_shades
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I want to give up

I weigh almost 200 pounds. I gained about 60 pounds from 2020 because my mom got diagnosed with cancer and I started eating to cope and my eating disorder got really bad. When I started gaining, I started to hate myself and I still do. I keep spending money on weight loss programs and healthy food but I end up going on a binge or just eating unhealthy to make up for how empty I am inside. I barely have the motivation to workout or go outside because I hate myself and feel ashamed. My confidence and self image has been destroyed. My mom passed away in last November and I have trauma surrounding her death that I am still coping/struggling with. I have been stressed since 2020 and I still am now. I feel overwhelmed with diets and workouts and weight loss conversations. I wish I never starting eating so much because I felt sad leading to my weight gain. I wish I was my weight in 2019; I didnt love my body then but at least I was at a healthy weight. I am scared I am going to form health problems. I am only 26 years old and i am afraid for my health and I feel like I have no self control whatsoever. I spend everyday thinking about what I am going to eat and how much I weight and what workouts I should do on top of being stressed and grief stricken. I feel like there is no hope for me. I don't even take pictures of myself anymore. I miss the old me and I don't like how food and weight controls my life. thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/blueagain123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After weight loss, how did you handle your wardrobe change?

I’ve lost a ton of weight (50+ lbs) in a very short amount of time. My trousers are flooding around my legs and would fall down immediately without a belt. I’m lost inside tops that now look like loose, puffy Shakespearean shirts on me.

I don’t want to buy clothes that fit me currently because my goal weight is still 50 lbs away and my frugal nature hates the idea of needlessly spending money on transitional clothing. I think my presentation may just look a little sillier as time moves on for a while as a female in excessively baggy clothing.

How did those of you who’ve gone through weight loss handle the turning over of your wardrobe? Was there any hesitancy to keep your, “fat clothes,” just in case? Did you buy pieces slowly as you lost weight or all at once when you hit goal weight?

Just curious about your experiences. Cheers.

submitted by /u/Lysander-Periwinkle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 20lbs today and celebrating myself

I started getting serious about weight loss in january. I had a hard plateau in feb and part of march. I felt like i was either eating healthy and had portion control, or exercising but not both at the same time.

I feel incredible and through my whole young adult life i have never kept with it this long. I feel like im eating normal foods i enjoy, and ive incorporated walking daily (for about an hour) into my daily routine. My mental health is great, i am sleeping better, i just feel good.

Wanted to share this here as i keep it private from friends and family.

submitted by /u/Expensive-Day3155
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just going to say it: It’s really hard to be surrounded by folks on weight loss medications.

Hi all,

This community helped me immensely a few years ago when I lost 75 lbs to get close to a healthy weight. I maintain a BMI around 26.5. It works for me.

I am recovered from teen eating disorders and part of my weight loss strategy has been absolute rejection of fads and crash diets. Giving myself enough resisting eating too little helps me stay even keeled. I struggle with appetite and fluctuation, but I’m proud I’ve kept weight off. I know it’s always possible for me to put it back on.

I have friends and family on ozempic and wegovy currently for weight loss. I know it is a lifelong necessary medication for diabetics, and I know there was a time when I would have qualified and happily accepted it. But my loved ones are dropping weight so quickly, with no misery or even cravings. It flies in the face of my philosophy that losing weight quickly reduces your healthy muscle and metabolism. People talk about hair loss like it’s an independent side effect and not starvation. It’s hard to see people happily and comfortably starving themselves.

I know everyone is on the path they are meant for and mine is different from theirs. But when I have a second slice of pizza and my sister in law is saying how she “couldn’t possibly!” it’s difficult not to say something back - like maybe that there’s nothing wrong with being able to eat a normal amount of calories, and she should resist the real possibility of undereating. My best friend who doesn’t want to get dinner because it’s shot day and she doesn’t want to eat at all on shot day - if I skip meals, i’ll feel it later. Please don’t brag about this strange new chemical status. Thin people have always had to remember there is nothing moral about weight - and now I find myself wanting to tell my loved ones there’s nothing superior about gaining a chemical indifference to food. There is no way to say that without sounding bitter, so I’m venting here.

To those of you who are on it: I know being obese and overweight is a HARD journey. I lived it for years. Please be mindful of how you talk about your ozempic/wegovy weight loss to your friends and family - we are happy for you, but we may be silently struggling on our own path. Especially those of us who used to be a teen with and ED who would kill to just not be hungry, and who keep ourselves healthy by remembering it’s OK and normal to be hungry.

submitted by /u/bigfootsbabymama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on how to find and eat at maintenance?

Hi, I (22f) have always had a bit of weird relationship with food. I was always somewhere in the top of the healthy weight range for my height but never the healthy weight range for my body or my brain. Then I lost a stone and a half and was in the lower end of my healthy weight range, this weight loss was not done fully intentionally or intelligently. I continued my calorie deficit too long because I hadn't really thought about how i needed to up my calories Significantly if this was going to be sustainable. This led to me gaining quite a bit of the weight back, but i am now steadily losing some of that weight again.

I know what stuffing yourself feels like, I know what a severe calorie deficit feels like, I know what extreme hunger feels like, I know what a decent calorie deficit feels like.

I'm unsure what maintenance of a healthy, lean and active body feels like. I also am not sure how to find my personal maintenance - calorie calculators can only go so far. Any advice would be really appreciated, thank you. :)

submitted by /u/PermissionAntique824
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help me trouble shoot my cut?

I'm -85 lbs from 355 to 270. Good for me. Another 30-40+ to go.

Age 34. 5 foot 10".

2200 calories per day. 200g protein, 75 fats, rest in carbs.

Walking 8-12k steps per day.

Lifting 3 days a week.

Fasting till noon.

~1 gallon of water daily.

I've been cutting for 5-6 weeks now. I briefly touched 269, but my weight is simply refusing to go down.

I am undoubtedly in a deficit but so far I've only gone from 275 (end of maintenance) to 269.

Weight loss has stalled here and cutting calories deeper doesn't really feel like the vibe.

Any wisdom the crowd can offer me?

submitted by /u/fitnessthrowaway2231
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from loseit - Lose the Fat