Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Loose Skin - am I doing it wrong?

Hi all! I'm a 29 year old female, 5'5", and I've been losing weight since October 2021. Since my starting weight of 315 lbs I have lost about 140 lbs and currently weigh around 175 lbs. I am still overweight and my ultimate goal is to get around 145ish, shooting for between 1 to 1.5lbs lost per week.

I'm already dealing with significant loose skin. The skin hanging from my inner bicep is wider than my bicep itself, and my inner thighs droop in a way that almost looks like they're rolling in on themselves. Don't even get me started on what my chest area is doing, haha.

The consensus about loose skin seems to be that it's mainly a result of losing weight very quickly, and that over time the loose skin firms back up. I know skin gets less elastic with age too.

I guess my questions are: 1. Am I losing weight too fast? Is 1.5lbs a week too much for my skin to keep up with?

  1. For others who had problems with loose skin after weight loss, did it eventually improve over the years as your skin had time to adjust?

  2. Am I old enough that my skin would be less elastic? Oh jeez... I'm only 29!

Thanks for reading, and thank you to anyone who shares their perspective!

submitted by /u/tzelli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 year later from obesity to a healthy weight

One year ago I made a post on here that I was going to make a change. I was 195ish lbs, 5’1 tall and miserable. I was depressed and so unhappy with my body.

I grew up with healthy & active parents. Played sports and did all the “right” things. But I loved food, always did & always will. I was always about ~5-10lbs overweight. As a teen/young adult I hung around 135lbs, a tad overweight for my height. I remember always dreaming of losing 10lbs but never could manage to drop even 5. I would basically starve myself then stop after a week and return to old habits. Those 10lbs I wanted to lose so desperately never came off. I was in a constant cycle of starving myself then binging between the ages of 19-22. Eventually down the road, I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism, and despite being medicated, I figured the cards weren’t in my favor. I decided that I rather eat whatever I want, whenever I want, than be skinny. To me, the benefits of eating junk outweighed the benefits of being skinny. It felt freeing to be able to eat and to stop worrying. I threw away my scale, ate whatever I wanted, and it wasn’t long until I ballooned up to the obese category. At 25 years old. last year, I stepped onto the scale for the first time and almost cried when I realized I was so close to 200lbs.

But me thinking it wasn’t possible was a cop out. Truth be told, I just didn’t think I had it in me. I was never the kind of person that could stick with a routine. I wasn’t disciplined. I didn’t think I had it in me to lose weight long term and more importantly, to stop binging.

But last year, I hit my rock bottom. I felt hopeless. I sheltered myself away from friends & family in embarrassment. I was more depressed than ever, and I knew I had to do something. So I set a goal of 135lbs - the weight I hated as a teenager/ young adult, but because I maintained this weight so long, I figured it would be possible.

And I hit that goal plus some! Today I stand at 125-127lbs. In the healthy BMI range for the first time ever. My new goal is the 115-120 ish and plan to maintain that hopefully for as long as I can. These last 10 or so pounds are going to take time, and my focus now is more so on fitness goals / nutrition goals paired with a very small deficit.

It was quite the journey. I could go on & on about what I did but I think the most important thing is to do what’s right for you and that in order to be successful you need to want it and be willing to ditch the lifestyle that made you overweight to begin with. Weight loss is all about calories in & calories out, it’s simple in theory but extremely difficult to execute. There are so many different ways to do this - weight watchers, keto, fasting, OMAD, counting calories, exercising more, etc. for me personally, I found the best way was to count calories. So I bought a food scale and religiously counted every calorie that went into me. At the start, I completely disregarded the healthiness of the food. If it was hot Cheetos, ice cream, French fries, a burger - so be it. As long as I ate under my goal, I was happy.

Down the road of my journey, I realized I liked eating volume. Because of this, I started to eat a lot more vegetables and healthier food to the get the “most food” out of the least amount of calories. Now, I really see the importance of fueling your body with all the nutrients it needs, so I now also focus on making sure I get enough vegetables, fruits, protein, healthy fats, etc.

Once I got from obese to overweight, around the 150lb mark, I realized I had a lot more energy and started working out. For the first 40lbs, I didn’t exercise AT ALL besides the days I work in which I’m on my feet. At first, it was just walking for 20 minutes on an incline on a treadmill, it was all I felt like doing. Eventually i started jogging, and now most recently, I added in weight lifting. I now work out 5 days a week, but not to lose weight - more so for enjoyment. It became a real stress reliever and hobby. I LOVE running and just finished a 5k (3 miles) in 25 minutes!! A year ago i couldn’t even jog for 15 seconds. I love to focus on my fitness goals now more so than the scale.

I still count my calories every day, but like everyone preaches on here, counting calories gets so much easier with time. It really is tedious at first, I can’t stress that enough. But once I got in the groove I realize I really only eat the same ~25 ish things and have everything pretty much memorized at this point. Sometimes I don’t even have to log my stuff because I can keep track all in my head. In the past, I stayed away from counting calories because I was worried it would be triggering as someone who had bad eating habits as a teen. But every-time I would diet without counting, I would heavily restrict to very low calories which would lead to me stopping the diet all together less than a week later. With counting calories, I not only make sure I eat “enough” but I also make sure I don’t eat too much. At the start of weight loss, a big part of me just wanted to cut everything out. But this time around I ate until I reached my calorie goal every day. It really did help me and wasn’t as triggering as I thought it would be, and eating at a realistic goal isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

I have taken a few maintenance breaks as well. It’s hard staying on a deficit for so long. I hung out at around 150lbs for 2 months just because I didn’t have it in me to cut with vacations. I had particular weeks where I gained because of events and life is to short to miss those, imo. but I don’t see that as “falling behind”. I just got right back on the wagon. It all balances out. Consistency is key, but what’s most important is patience. If you do the right thing more than >50% of the time then results will come.

Everyone asks about my “diet” and I always reiterate that I am not on a diet. This is a lifestyle change, a change i plan on doing forever. I will never go back to my old ways of eating, because I would simply go back to being obese.

Anyways, this is getting super long but I’m super proud of proud of myself and wanted to share. I can’t wait to continue my journey and I hope others who read this will be motivated to continue theirs. It’s different for everyone. It’s not a one size fits all. A big thank you to this community for helping me start and giving me the resources to begin such as the TDEE website, buying a food scale, etc.

submitted by /u/Trippymeow77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Before and After: Lost 40 pounds!


I came into 2022 really heavy, close to the heaviest I've been at around 175 lb and managed to get down to 135 lb in May 2023. My hectic work schedule made it harder to remain consistent sometimes, but the hard work really did pay off! I was hoping to reach my goal of 130 lb by now, but its well within reach now. I was hoping to start weightlifting soon this summer and continue my fitness journey. I'm usually the worst at losing a lot of weight and putting it back on, but I'll break that cycle this time.

I was on a diet and did the occasional intermittent fasting once every 2 weeks, but my diet wasn't super strict either. I just really cut out junk food, soda, candy, etc. I still managed to eat cereal, decent amount of bread, etc. I never counted calories, though I have thought about taking that up recently. I was pretty strict with only drinking water for the most part though. I've done calorie counting in the past with other diets, but I was able to lose the 40 lbs without it tbh.

It's been such a great feeling, especially noticing how much looser your clothes fit, getting complimented by co-workers and friends, and also seeing the difference on pictures. I just wanted to really share my weight loss journey with a community I know can relate and hope this has helped some people too.

submitted by /u/JM1295
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m 340lbs yet my parents are sabotaging my weight loss, advice please :)

Hi so it’s as the title says, tips or advice is really needed. Also this might get really rambly sorry, haven’t had the chance to vent this out yet!

I’m 21F and Mexican which is relevant here as Mexican parents are .. something else entirely. I also currently live in England idk if that’s relevant though! I’m 344lbs and 5’3

I’ve always been obese and had terrible eating habits ever since I was young to be honest, along with everyone else in my family. In my household the plates are always overfilled and it is very normal to grab seconds or thirds of food and eat until stuffed, sometimes even more than that and it’s normal to eat until you throw up too (happens rarely though). It shows as a sign of love for the person that made it, and people just laugh this kinda stuff off. A large part of my obesity is down to me and my love for fast food too i will not lie but i think my parents also played a large part

I’ve been wanting to lose weight over the past month and I brought it up to my parents last month too, and they seemed supportive and now I’m realising that they really aren’t. Like I tried making my own portions of food or not accepting some of their snacks or chocolate and now they’re seeing it as me not accepting their love for me, and my dad keeps snapping at me and it’s made my mom cry. They’re telling my family that I’ve turned into someone with an eating disorder too 😐😐

I have a part time job as I’m a student but I still live with my parents and it’s like a “my house my rules” thing, I absolutely cannot afford to move out right now either

And i will admit that I also contribute and I eat too much fast food per week and I don’t get enough exercise and I pretty much drive everywhere tbh all of that kind of thing. I’m trying to cut down on it now but it’s hard and I feel like it’s so much easier to just go back to the food especially when my parents support that. Like is this really worth it at all I guess ?

But I don’t like being this weight either of course. Nobody in my courses takes me seriously and i’ve never had a boyfriend because of my weight either, I have a few friends but it’s obvious I’m an outcast even now πŸ₯²And physically is even worse I think, I have incredibly bad joint pain and I don’t know if it’s solely because of my weight but I feel like it’s always affecting me. It’s mostly my knees and some days I can barely get out of bed, or walk or take the stairs. It’s such an embarrassment and I’m embarrassed that I’m even at this weight posting about this here but whatever

I don’t know, I guess Im looking for advice on how to deal with my parents but also the changes I can make myself without them noticing ? I also need advice on how to keep up with motivation , like I know being an average weight will help me a lot and I don’t want to be this weight but also if I’ve had a bad day then fast food just seems more rewarding in the moment and I can deal with the consequences later if you know what I mean

submitted by /u/Kindly-Present8992
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - June Sign Ups

Hello lose it folks! It’s almost June! That means a new daily accountability challenge thread!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them regardless of where you are in your journey.

Let’s get down to the business, shall we?

This is the sign-up post to outline your goals. Please don’t limit yourself to weight loss or health goals, we’d love to hear about your reading list, chores, whatever you want to do in the month ahead.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went, you can use whichever daily post fits your time zone. Don’t feel bad for missing a day here & there, this post is to help you feel supported however often you would like to check in.

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress, don’t forget that!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Log before I eat everything & aim for more fruit, vegetable & pre/probiotic foods for my tummy health: Got it. I've been making overnight oats & a weird little yogurt shot of probotics with lunch. I added a fruit to my usual lunch & miso to my dinner.

Calorie goal tbd:

Exercise five days a week: I want to get back into the habit of a walk & an on purpose workout. I got new fitness gear for the holidays & I want to use what I already have to make 2023 me a stronger version of me! I want to do yoga twice a week & use the new gloves & impact pads I got twice a week.

Journal for two minutes before playing my Switch: A sneaky way to ensure at least two minutes of journaling most days. X/X days.

Engage with the lose it folks: For example: Today I read some of the top posts & chatted up a couple of you in the comments.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for

Random self-care action I want to conquer today:

Now, onto the fun part. What are your goals for the month ahead?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my partner understand that their weight loss plan is unhealthy?

My partner is starting a weight loss journey due to some health concerns. He is a 5’ 6” male and weighs approximately 225 lbs. His highest weight about a week or two ago was 235ish. He has set his max calories for the day at about 1650, but is eating much lower than this. I asked if he had a minimum he wants to meet and he said 1000. It doesn’t seem like he would be unhappy to eat even less than this though. He doesn’t see an issue with restricting that much and while he knows it isn’t sustainable, he plans to eat this way until it become unsustainable and then change. I tried to explain it’s also about developing a healthy way of living, not to mention the bodies need for diverse nutrients, but he is hyper focused on wanting rapid weight loss

I personally am trying to lose about 15-20 pounds, but am fairly healthy overall. However, I have a history of an ED and can easily go into restrict and binge cycles. I know at the end of the day I need to stay in my own lane, but I hate to see him swing from one unhealthy way of living to another. I got a bit excited to see him taking steps to take care of his health, as I’ve been worried about him, but now I’m worried in a whole new way.

Any suggestions Reddit?

submitted by /u/Apple-Farm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I now weigh even less than my goal weight yet still feeling insecure?

Hey y’all,

I am sure there are plenty of others that have experienced this and this post is just for general support/relatability to not feel so alone. I’ve been dealing with a lot of body dysmorphia lately and not sure how to go about the obsession with how I look and how I am perceived by others.

For context, I am 23 yr old female, 5’1, and now weigh about 110 lbs. Last year during this time I was about 160-170 lbs. I didn’t really start feeling insecure about my weight until getting into a fairly shitty relationship and started the long process of trying to look better for other people, not even really myself.

At the beginning of this year I was about 125-130 lbs, so a fairly healthy weight for someone my height and age, which was my initial goal weight when first starting the weight loss journey. Then that’s when I started dramatically losing a lot of weight in the past couple of months and lost the rest of those 15-20 lbs to the weight I am out now in a very unhealthy way. And the obsession with how I look and the insecurities really kicked into gear then. Almost everyday I record myself just standing in different positions, particularly to see how my stomach looks from the side, how big my waist looks from the front, etc. Many people now make comments about how “skinny” I look and it just feeds into the obsession. Because for me, although I logically can acknowledge the thinness, I still mentally see the body I had from last year. Looking at old photos of myself can disgust me sometimes too because I can’t fathom that that is what I looked like, it makes me sad, and almost embarrassed to have looked like that.

Still, I am trying to lose weight. I technically am still in the healthy range but my mind just keeps thinking about how I need to drop by just 5 more pounds and then I’ll finally be happy with how I look. It’s always more, more, more. Eating anything just makes me guilty now, no matter how low calorie it is. I am terrified of gaining the weight back, as if I will be disappointing myself and everyone around me. I know I have destroyed my metabolism and the thought of trying to fix it, which will inevitably lead to some weight gain, terrifies me as well.

No matter how much I lose, it seems like I will never be happy with how I look.

I am not necessarily looking for advice on how to overcome my thinking right now, but feel free to share if you’ve also experienced this. Any words of support is also highly appreciated. Thank you:)

Tl;dr — Significant weight loss has led me to develop potential ED and body image issues.

submitted by /u/yazzy_star
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from loseit - Lose the Fat