Friday, November 24, 2023

Never felt this ashamed and horrible before

I've been going to the gym regularly for about a year and a half now and so far I'm happy with my progress, I've lost around 32 pounds and also build some muscle. I'm a 23yo female. Today there was a yoga session and a Zumba class at my gym, so I decided to try it out with a fellow gym girl. And I hate her. She literally kept "mansplaining" me about weight loss to the yoga instructor in front of the entire class and for some reason IDK why the yoga instructor asked me about my weight in front of everybody. And I weigh 190lbs which is still a lot for me.. But anyway I was so embarrassed and felt ashamed of myself. And the entire time I felt like everybody's making fun of me. Just when i was starting to like my body, this had to happen. I'm never talking to that girl ever again! She's rude and arrogant and I'm gonna have to protect my energy. I still want to keep going to the yoga classes but I don't feel like it anymore.. Esp bc she's already been telling the instructor that I wouldn't show up in future classes. That's so rude of her. She keeps twisting my words and continues to mansplain me. I have to avoid her. Maybe I'll not continue yoga or zumba.

submitted by /u/iletmyselffree1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What a difference 2 weeks make

I ate a HUGE* portion of fried rice 2 weeks ago in one sitting and found myself on the floor gasping for air. It took me a good hour to feel semi-okay.

Fast forward to yesterday, I made the same portion for my family. We ate to satisfaction then and we had the leftovers for today’s dinner.

Because of that nasty business with rice, I’m back on my weight loss journey and I am settling quite easily into my calorie deficit and enjoying a more active lifestyle.

Not sure why I’m making this post but if you feel some discomfort while eating, it might be a good idea to reflect on it.

*I used to be able to easily eat this AND more when I was bigger but I lost some weight (48 lbs) during the pandemic and gained about half of it back due to tragic circumstances.

submitted by /u/45km
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really struggling. Need help.

I got a trainer back in July 2023, and am still struggling with my weight loss.

I’m 4’11, SW: 137, CW: 142. GW: 125-130 She has me eating about 1800 calories in a deficit with 135gm of protein, 176gm carbs, and 61gm of fat. I exercise 4x a week lifting heavy with HIIT cardio at the end for about 10min. I usually work out for about 1.5 hours and I walk a lot for work. My diet is high protein, low carbs, and I’m really not noticing any changes in my weight or body.

Kind of at a loss of what to do. She told me to trust the process but it’s been a couple months and I thought I would lose some weight rather than gain. The only thing is I’m noticing that I lift heavier. Did I just put my body into too high of a low metabolism when I’ve eaten 1300-1500 for half my life? 1800 felt like a lot to me and she said my maintenance is 2300 which shocked me.

It feels like I’m doing everything right, but still can’t drop weight.

submitted by /u/blepsnmeps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 23, 2023

How I convinced myself to exercise, and you can too

Not sure if this will make sense to anyone who isn't as crazy as me, but this is how I convinced myself to start exercising.

I have dieted many times over the years with varying levels of success. I'm kind of a hands-on person, so I like to be actively doing things with whatever project I'm taking on — even if I'm not actually doing the thing.

For example, when learning the guitar, I would read about music theory during times where I couldn't, or didn't want to, play the guitar.

So, when dieting, I would log my food, create weight spreadsheets, plan recipes and meal prep. All with the goal of helping my project at the time, which was losing weight. I was actively doing things to help me achieve my goal.

One day, I was sitting on the couch thinking that I wish I could do something more to help me with weight loss. In my head, I was equating it to money.. earning (income) and spending.

I knew how to get a calorie income. Just eat stuff. But what if there was a way to spend calories....

And then it hit me of course. Exercise.

I don't know why I'd never looked at it like that. I guess because I've always hated exercise and have always failed at it.

But, it just made so much logical sense in my head at that moment that I couldn't resist. I immediately went for a bike ride. That was about 4 months ago and I've been cycling and running ever since and can't get enough of it.

Tl;dr: I invented exercise

submitted by /u/I_downloaded_a_car_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

as of today i’ve reached my GW and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. thankful for this sub!! 🦃🥳

F24 5’5 HW: 160 CW: 130

wanted to thank this sub for getting me into my own little Fitness Journey that i was actually able to healthily stick to instead of trying to just force my body into the shape i wanted it to be. in the last 3 months i’ve read so many of your advice threads, bookmarked so many of your comments, upvoted so many of your progress pics and yummy meals, i def am thankful for this community.

i’ve never lost weight in a healthy way before and have always despised exercise and while i haven’t been 100% perfect about it this sub has helped me greatly with both of these things. never in a million years thought i’d be a workout girlie but next up is recomp!! also never thought i’d be the type to be posting about weight loss on reddit but here we are lol.

rly excited to continue to show myself that im capable of having a positive relationship with my body.

happy thanksgiving :)

edit: i guess there’s a word minimum lol so i added more W-posting

submitted by /u/tiredhearted
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I take a break from this cut?

18M. Basically, I've been cutting since the school year started (August) and have since then lost 4kgs. Small loss I know, but I lost A LOT of fat. My waist went from 32 to 28, so I guess even though my weight loss is slow my fat loss has definitely been going good.

My problem now is that I've fallen into another one of my binge episodes. I binged 3 days straight last week after winning a bag of sweets and candies (It was BIG) from a school competition. Then I binged again last Tuesday. These episodes are also accompanied by anxiety, uncontrollable mood swings, lack of sleep, and feeling weak throughout the day.

Is it time for me to take a maintenance week?

submitted by /u/11isforgowon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My sister deleted my weight tracking app

I (25f) have been fat my whole life, in the last 8 months i lost a good amount weight, i have been documenting my weight loss journey using this app, recently my sister lost her phone so i gave her my old one since i trusted she wouldn’t mess with my stuff( i know i am stupid), this phone is the one that has the weight loss tracking app, today i was feeling tired of the diet and my body since i haven’t been doing well lately and wanted to see how much i have lost to motivate myself, but guess what ? The bitch had deleted the app since she wanted some memory, i am heartbroken i feel like my effort that i have been documenting for a very long time is now gone, the tracking app was a really good way for me to get my shit together, this maybe a silly rant but it really meant a lot to me.

submitted by /u/Sarajk98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat