Monday, November 27, 2023

NSV (tw for sappy love talk)

I started my weight loss journey back in February and I’ve lost about 50 lbs. My fiancé has always been super supportive of me and let me know loud and clear that he thinks I’m beautiful and sexy, even when I was 50 lbs. heavier. It means a lot to me because my weight loss journey has probably been very successful because it has come from inside me, rather than from outside pressure.

Anyway, I was getting dressed this morning and he walked in, whistled and said “damn, look at you, skinny. I am so proud of you.” 🥹 I am not skinny btw. I am 5’4 and currently weigh 180 lbs. So I still have a ways to go. But his love and support mean everything to me. He makes me feel seen and like our love is more than just superficial, which is exactly what I need.

submitted by /u/HelloKittyandPizza
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At what point should I slow down?

5’10” 22M, 288->212 lbs

I’ve had some ups and downs for the past couple of years, but I’ve finally reached a new all time low weight (212 this morning). I’ve managed to lose about 1.5-2 lbs consistently when I’ve purposely lost weight, but I’m now getting to the point where I’m only eating about 1700-1800 calories per day and I’m finding it hard. I’ve lost a bit of energy recently and I think my diet is partially to blame for that. Ultimately, I’d like to lose about another 30 pounds, but I’m not sure I can keep up this rate of weight loss.

For people that went from nearly 300 (or more!) pounds to less than 200, when did you slow down your rate of weight loss, if you did at all? Im really just looking for some perspective here.

submitted by /u/mblunt1201
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, November 26, 2023

5/6th round of weight loss

Hey all. I’ve(m23) dealt with cyclical weight and gain loss most of my life, due to childhood abuse, depression, and eating disorder.

I’m once again on the losing end, having spent about the last 2 years at my highest weight. Around 175-180 lbs. I’m 5’4 so very heavy for my frame.

I’m trying to get in shape for a cross country trip I’m taking on my bike in the spring. It’ll be about 10k miles over 100 days. So losing weight and increasing my fitness is very important to the sustainability of the trip. It’s been two months since I started losing, and one month since I really committed. So from sept 25 I’m down 14 lbs, and 11 since Oct 25. Currently at 158. I think another month at this pace and I’ll be ready to maintain/healthy bulk to put on some reserves for my trip. My goal weight is 140-142

It’s really just been cutting out the copious amount of junk I was eating, along with the edibles that triggered the binging. Obviously biking a lot as well. I do 20 miles a day to and from work.

submitted by /u/EntireAd8933
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fell off track and can’t get back on - please help!

I started my weight loss journey this past July and I was doing really well for 3 months. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months by counting calories and upping my protein intake.

Unfortunately, 2 months ago around Thanksgiving in Canada, I ate a lot and ever since then I haven’t been able to get back on track. I’m now at the same weight I was 2 months ago, so I’ve still only lost 15 pounds since starting in July. I find myself going over my calories pretty frequently now and I can’t control myself anymore.

Please help- how do I get back on track?

submitted by /u/tulip1414
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to approach a mild 5lbs/month?

18F; 5’3 & 128lbs, and I’d like to hover around 110. Currently totally sedentary and (estimated avg) daily intake of 1900 cals.

Because I have a history of disordered eating, I definitely don’t want anything to do with daily calorie/macro counting, weighing food, or anything that could turn obsessive. Apart from the disorder, I just really hate the food obsession that comes with restrictive and rigorous weight loss. All I want is to feel a little healthier/more active. I’m not in a big rush or anything either, so I’d like to aim for a loss of 4-5 pounds a month.

Is a 500 calorie deficit easy to achieve with just some lifestyle changes? I’d aim for 6-7k steps a day & 3 square meals w/o snacking, and prioritizing fruits and veg.

I’ve never tried losing in a healthy or mild manner; is this a good start?

submitted by /u/westeskimo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Day 1

Hi Reddit! This is my first post on here and I’m honestly terrified so please be nice lol. I’m 18 f and 5ish months ago i got back to my normal self after going on lexapro for ocd and didn’t realize how much I ate. I try not to focus on my weight and how much I eat too much since I grew up battling anorexia. To get to the point, I realized a couple months ago that my jeans don’t fit and for the first time in my life I had enough stomach fat to grab with my hands. I weighed myself about an hour ago and I’m 149 pounds, so I’ve gained 30 pounds in 8 months (last time I weighed myself). I need to loose weight but don’t know where to start. Meal prepping? Gym membership or Pilates/group classes for beginners? Staying motivated? And most importantly, how do I loose weight without re-developing an eating disorder? Thank you so much for any and all help

submitted by /u/goosedog18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 24, 2023

Coke Zero addiction

(TW: I’m not encouraging at all rapid weight loss, I just need help) Yo guys, For some context, I’m 17M and 6’1. This summer I successfully lost 35 pounds and went from 205 to 170 ibs. I already have had several successful 20 pound or so weight losses when I was feeling like I was getting obese but was regaining it every time in the next few months. But this year, I managed to maintain my weight under 180 ibs till the end of fall which makes me really proud. As for now, I can even say it finally ended my lifelong era of being the «chubby kid». The problem with all that is that I was facing bullying which always ended up in me losing important amounts of weight very rapidly. By that, I mean that I was literally consuming under 1000kcal a day (with my TDEE being over 2300) and doing hours of cardio such as cycling every day. So yeah this time, it didn’t change and i did all that only in order to prove that i’m better than everyone at doing it and that I’m not lazy like most claimed. The bad part is that I developed a Coke Zero addiction as soon as I discover that it had 0 calories (2 years ago and so) and that it was an effective (not so long term) appetite suppressant, and it is the same with nicotine. It made that I was binge drinking litres of that shi on a daily basis in order to resist hunger, but what is sad is that it even didn’t help a lot instead of just making me dependent on it. Currently, I am not even sure I can quit it for longer than a week or so because the absence of it always pushes me to return to my old habits and eat high calorie foods (but obviously also because I’m just a miserable addict). Fortunately (or as I initially thought), I recently discovered Coke Zero Zero (which here in France refers to zero caffeine, zero calories coke) and it perfectly fixed my sleep schedule! But I think it only made the addiction worse because the cravings for food would still hit during my weight loss so i started drinking even more of it or returning to traditional Coke Zero as I started suspecting it was the caffeine which was responsible for the appetite suppression. Share your experience, thoughts and advices.

submitted by /u/Physical-Drawing-302
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from loseit - Lose the Fat