Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 was the year I decided to "lose it"... 94.6lbs to be exact.

Had an epiphany about half way through 2023 that I was tired of being fat and decided that I needed to get my life under control.

Stats are as follows:

  • Highest weight: 220.3lbs (May 15, 2023)
  • Current weight: 125.7lbs (December 31, 2023)
  • Goal weight: 110-115lbs
  • Height: 5'1"
  • Age: 31
  • Average weight loss per week since start: 2.2lbs
  • Most weight loss per month: May with 16.4lbs
  • Least weight loss per month: October with 8.8lbs


  • Calories: 1,000 - 1,200 per day
  • Carbs: Was strict low carb (<20 net grams) until about 1 month ago, then decided to go back to carbs. Thinking about going back to low carb though until I reach goal
  • Exercise: Started walking and lifting with a trainer 2x/week at 158lbs.

And a link to what you all are here for, an album (+a couple of 2022 bonus pictures) showing how it went:

submitted by /u/zombieholiday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Help with weight loss calculator

Hello! I am in the process of starting my weight loss journey and I am using the app “Lose it”. The app has calculated to eat no more than 1733 calories a day for a sedentary lifestyle to lose 1.5 pounds a week. (I am in the process of becoming more active). Other websites are saying I should actually be eating between 1200 to 1500 to accomplish this so now I don’t know what I should be eating a day! Is anyone able to help me figure this out? For reference, my stats are 28F, height 5’6, SW 211.6 and GW 150. TIA!

submitted by /u/Lingeringtaste
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I being too impatient with my weight loss?

I changed my diet drastically on 11/5 so it’s been almost two months at this point. I have autoimmune diseases so I decided to try the autoimmune Paleo diet and it has put one of my illnesses into remission after 15 years, which is dope. But I’m annoyed because I’ve only lost 15 pounds and I can’t eat anything bad for me so I’m wondering where it’s coming from? I see lots of posts where people lose 20 pounds in a month and eat way more than me. I’ve gained a pound between this week and last.

My food intake yesterday (unweighed though with no calorie counts so I can’t complain ig) I usually eat more but I can’t eat food I don’t prepare myself to control the ingredients so I ran out of food and ate what I could. There’s usually like 2 days a week like this.


Breakfast: turkey Breast approx 3oz with a little broth

Lunch: a fruit cup, an orange(mangoes and strawberries)

Dinner: 7 mini sausage balls (ground beef, onion, apple mixed together) air fried Brussels sprouts and rutabaga in 0 calorie oil spray and salt.

I didn’t measure these things but I can’t imagine I overate?

The day prior I ate leftovers (fake hamburger helper with cassava flour noodles, avocado oil, zucchini, garlic, ground beef). I ate that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (basically 3 servings out of four). And a 150 calorie yogurt with half a banana and raspberries for dessert. I started thinking maybe I ate too much that day and days like that are slowing me down.

The only day I know I have overate was Christmas but it was still vegetables and fruit and meat

submitted by /u/anononononn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help I can’t seem to lose more weight.

I have been dieting and light exercising for going on almost a year and a half.I’ve switched between diets but mainly I’ve stuck to a calorie deficit of about 1500 . I try to keep my meals high protein low carb and low fat . I don’t eat or drink sugar. And I walk and get my 10k steps day as my exercise because I had back surgery about a year ago and I can’t over do on certain things. In the beginning the weight loss went well I went from 300 to 256 pounds and that was diet alone with light exercise. Then I got to 256 and I seemed to plateau and couldn’t seem to drop the weight after months of frustration I got help from my doctor who prescribed me the medications for weight loss. I drink water daily and I’m taking both the weight loss medications that both are to help and I’ve still not seen a drop in the scale. I’m getting frustrated as this is really becoming an issue that is causing me lots of stress. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 😊

submitted by /u/KaitlinReed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 29, 2023

in 2024, i am breaking free from sugar, addiction, and losing the weight once and for all. who's joining me?


with 2024 coming up, i'm sure many of you have decided (like me) to lose weight for good in 2024. if you're anything like me, you keep making this resolution over and over, choosing mondays or birthdays or new years to start this journey, and then fall of the wagon after a couple of days.

well, as it happens, the new year starts on a monday - so that's twice as good of a starting date.

i'm looking for people who are committed to losing weight and keeping it off for good to join a support group. this group will focus heavily on quitting sugar and recovering from binge eating disorder along with weight loss. i have been in tons of groups like these and the problem is that they never stick around. so for this one, i'm specifically only looking for people who are fully committed and prepared to take this seriously. i want to build a network of dedicated people with specific rules and guidelines, daily check ins, and weekly online meetings. i believe that support groups are only effective through structure and actually getting to know each other - accountability, after all, only works if you give a shit about the people who are holding you accountable, and how could you give a shit about random usernames on your phone? similarly, i want to offer and receive genuine support from others who are as serious about bettering themselves as i am.

if you're interested, feel free to comment below. whether you are already sugar free or still struggling doesn't matter, however, i need you to be serious about it.


because i want to make sure that the group doesn't fall apart like so many others because of inactive or unmotivated members, there will be an application process.

to apply, i would like you to write a letter to yourself in which you detail your current way of eating, how it makes you feel, what it's holding you back from, how it's harming you. then, i would like you to imagine who you want to be exactly one year from now, as 2024 comes to an end - what you want your life to look like, how you want to eat and exercise, how you want to feel about food and your body, and exactly what habits you will have dropped or picked up to reach that point and remain there forever - this needs to be a realistic outline of a sustainable way of eating that is both healthy and enjoyable and that you truly can commit to. i want your letter to end with the whole hearted promise to yourself that you will achieve this. i am happy to send you a template to use per dm.

i ask that you reflect on this deeply and write your heart out, make it as personal as you can, dig deep. for your application, i want you to send me that letter - feel free to black out anything you don't feel comfortable sharing, but make sure to write it all down.

please send me your applications or drop a comment until december 31st.

i'm doing this with or without you and i am very excited for this. this will be my - maybe our - final pledge to break free from addiction and binge eating forever, and instead finally becoming who i - our we - truly want to be.

submitted by /u/kackfroschh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I make weight loss a goal after giving birth?

I'm currently almost 6 months pregnant. 5'8" (175cm) and 91kg(200lbs). I'm not planning on striving for weight loss during pregnancy as honestly just maintaining my weight has been a struggle (up until about a month ago I kept losing weight due to HG and my husband and gynecologist found it to be very concerning).

Since I was a teenager, doctor's have attributed a lot of my chronic pain to weight and told me that if I lose weight then I should have increased mobility and less pain. (In 2019-2020 my pain was bad enough that I couldn't walk more than 500 steps a day. Physical therapy has helped and I can now do about 3,000-5,000 without issue. I can get up to 8,000-12,000 but I normally end up having a flair afterwards and being stuck in bed for up to 3 days recovering.) At the time when my pain and mobility were the worst though I was between 55-60kg (120-140lbs) and also was missing periods, my hair was falling out, I was so fatigued that I would sleep 16+ hours a day and still fall asleep while standing up in the middle of a conversation with someone and my anemia was pretty bad. I was always cold even in 40C(100F) heat.

I want to be as healthy as possible so that I can run and play with my child. I don't want to have to tell him that mommy can't take him to the park because her knees hurt to bad. With that in mind, should I make weight loss a goal post partum or focus exclusively on strength? I felt my best at around 75-80kg (165-175lbs). I know that's still technically an overweight BMI but would it be a good goal?

submitted by /u/LaCholaDeLaUAS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I give up

I (M 34) have spent last decade oscillating between 100 and 130 kgs. After over a year, I managed to go on downward trend and reach 115 kgs in September. Then I had few months of intensive projects at work, had to finish my thesis, didn't have time to cook, started to spiral with snacks when stress earing, and today I almost reached my all time high with 129 kilos.

I'm disgusted with myself, and hopeless. I thought things will change after I was diagnosed with Insulin resistance recently, but medication won't work, I just can't stop stuffing myself with snacks. Even medication for weight loss doesn't help, as it just make me unable to eat anything but trash food.

That's it, time to accept being a fatass.

submitted by /u/ventingpurposes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat