Friday, July 19, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 20 July 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with negative comments about my weight loss?

So after 5 months of intermittent fasting and light exercise I'm finally getting towards a weight I'm happy with, and I can tell my body-shape has changed. I've always been a healthy weight but I was getting a little excess flab so I decided I wanted to lose 8-10lbs. I've now reached my goal and I'm super happy, although I still could do with toning up a lot.

Anyway, recently a "friend" told me she thinks I've lost a bit too much on the face and that I looked better when I was a little fuller. This really upset me because I thought I was looking better than ever but apparently my face appears "gaunt" to others. I'm fairly certain this is just because they're not used to the change, as they've never known me this way before. But still it does sting a lot.... I feel like the weight I am now, is how I'm naturally supposed to be, so why would someone want me to be bigger?

I also get grandparents telling me I've gone too skinny and I need to eat more, which is annoying because it's not like I don't eat or I'm underweight. I'm just actually healthy right now and it seems like most people in my life have forgotten what that looks like. I'm 30 years old, 5'5, 125lbs with a body fat percentage of about 25% and a BMI of 20-21. Hardly cause for concern!

Has anyone else experienced negativity for losing weight? How do you handle comments like this?

submitted by /u/HawaiianPropaganda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The final straw...

Hello loseit,

I'm 33 years old female and 350+ pounds. I have always been kind of to a lot overweight. I would try fad diets (Atkins, subway etc) but if I'm honest I never really really got serious about weight loss.

My doctor told me recently that I have lymphedema in my right lower leg. For the past 4 or so years my legs have been swollen and I didnt have a doctor so I chalked it up to being fat. But nope, my doctor suspects lymphedema or edema and has put me on lasix.

This has hit me hard. For some reason I always thought that I could and would someday lose weight and do all the things I want to do. Hike around Scotland, Spain, British Columbia. Meet a guy, get married maybe... wear nice clothes... I lived happily off of that fantasy. Now I feel like my world is different. I've been told that people with lymphedema can't wrap their own leg effectively (non-reliable source) is this true?? It can't be...

People with lymphedema, has weight loss made it better? Is it something that can be managed (with help from experts). can I wrap my own leg?

I've started using myfitnesspal. I'm eaten better then ever. Exercise is slow progress, but I'm going on short walks and doing leg circulation exercises.. and my doctor (lucky her) is about to become my closest friend.

Any wisdom and support would be very helpful right now...

I would be happy to log my progress. Consider this my week 1 progress post.

submitted by /u/ElNorthernCanadian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What to Eat for Better Sleep Podcast 113

Info and notes for podcast 113 are on here. AND The Run Faster 5 Day Challenge starts July 29th!  In case you’re new here – I’m Monica, creator of the site I started running after high school to lose weight and slowly fell in love with it! Since then I’ve run over 30 marathons, […]

The post What to Eat for Better Sleep Podcast 113 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

40 pounds in 2 months!

Never posted here yet but I am 40 pounds down after 2 months. Starting weight was at least 410 not entirely sure because the scale was only to 400 (M,21). I'm down under 370 now and I thought I would share a few things about my experience so far for anyone struggling to lose weight.

Firstly, I have struggled when I travel for my activities as a coach and competitor in debate having to eat out a bunch is super tough to deal with, and my family inviting me out has been difficult too, as a poor college kid of course I want the free meal lol. I use myfitnesspal app to track calories, and it's helped a lot, especially when you plan on drinking or eating out then. If you track calories it allows me to see where I am roughly at calorie-wise, and I almost always overestimate portions and calories to ensure I stay under.

Secondly, my workout schedule is usually very good beyond traveling, I love lifting weights and challenging myself from beforehand. To anyone trying to lift better, always remember to challenge yourself from the last session or last week. Try going up 5 or so pounds on heavy lifts every time, and every week the same on things with dumbells and stuff. Always see if you can do more, it's worth the set trust me. Don't just play it by feel of the current set, as that has led to me staying near the same weight for weeks and barely increasing, versus overloading more every session where I see huge gains in lifting. My chest flies, for example, were at 20 to start, only got them to 30 in the first month and a week but I've really focused hard on going heavier every session if I can do 8 reps in more than 1 set of that weight. Did 45 for 7 reps 2 days ago and I plan on doing 2 sets next chest day. I've done more on other things too, but I just wanted to give one example I was really happy with improvements in.

Thirdly, I write down everything I do in the gym in my notes section on my phone. I am somewhat flexible on my workout, switching off between muscles to let the other rest. Back and bi day is usually rows, curls, side lat pulldowns, EZ bar curls, face pulls, lat pulldowns. I am starting to do core a lot more, going to work up to every day, and cardio is essential (will talk about it below). I can check my progress from almost the very start when I started writing it down, to now, and it amazes me how far I have already come.

The last thing, cardio is super important even if you are lifting. If you struggle with weight like I do cardio feels terrible. And it still won't feel good, but there are ways around all the stress on joints. My favorite is a stationary bike, I'm big so the sitting down one is what I use. I have been doing a circuit of resistance, doing 10 out of 25 resistance total as my low, medium being 15, and high being 20. I started with doing 4 circuits, 3 mins of easy, 2 minutes of medium, and 1 minute of hard. the great thing about this is you can go hard for 3 minutes and get a bit of a rest for 3 minutes. I've been able to work my way up to more sets and more calories burned per minute. When I didn't do cardio for a week or so my progress stopped almost completely, doing both lifting and cardio has seen great benefits to weight loss so far and my cardio levels are significantly better than before. If you are overweight, don't stress your body with bodyweight stuff too much, working hard on a bike still gives good results.

Hope this was some good incite for people. My method isn't perfect for sure, but thought I would share some thoughts of me getting back in the gym for the first time for more than a week since my football injuries 5 years ago

submitted by /u/TheSaintNic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Had my first splurge day yesterday

July 1 I decided I was tired of how I felt so I buckled down to start my weight loss. Yesterday I hopped on the scale and had officially lost 15 lbs so I decided to treat myself with a less controlled day! I was still mindful but I did have a bun on my burger and enjoyed an ice cream! It was a nice reward and I knew the scale would reflect it but I felt rejuvenated and ready to keep working!

Until night came.

Around 11 my stomach ached and growled at me, cussing me out. I broke out in an awful sweat and ran for shelter in the bathroom on shakey legs. My body and my dignity were left curled around the porcelain throne all night, wondering why me?

Silver lining: my weight is down this morning (but definitely NOT worth the agony).

So is this normal for splurge days? Is my body rebelling? Any advice would be nice!

submitted by /u/keepcalmandgraduate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Fitness Pal versus RP Diet App

Hello All! Would appreciate some feedback & guidance.

25 y.o./ 235 lbs/ 5'6" F

Some history for y'all to understand my frustrations: July 2018- 248 lbs Oct 2018- 225 lbs Jan 2019- 233 lbs July 2019- 235 lbs

I lost 20 lbs once and I know I can do it again to get to my goal of 199. I just need to focus on diet and nutrition since being active and working out is absolutely enjoyable for me and I'm as active as possible. But I know I can't outrun my calories.

I know tracking my food/ nutrition is a huge element of my weight loss/ body recomp. I am familiar with tracking and I've been using My Fitness Pal for over a year. I have a good scale, I can edit everything in the app. It even allows me to track restaurant food and is a solid resource to choose better quality meals while I'm out.

Instagram and a lot of athletes I know personally are heavily recommending the RP Strength Diet templates or the other product, the RP Diet App. It calculates your ideal macros for fat loss and gives you a selection of foods to choose from. After that, you select the foods and it tells you the portions/ weights for each food item to hit those macros perfectly. Takes a lot of guessing out of the equation, which is cool. It even generates a shopping list.

So it's all macro based, but it doesn't let me add in anything not in the app already (like snacks I eat here and there, or restaurant food.) It doesn't show calories at all, so I don't know if I'm in a caloric deficit. It has me eating 4 meals a day, with 45g to 55g of protein PER MEAL. 200g of protein is a FUCK TON and I struggle as it is to get my usual 100g+ per day. 😭

I have 2 weeks of a free trial with the app before it charges me the $15/month. I'm cool with paying for the service, but my question is really: what do I go with?

Can the RP Diet app really be the key if it hides the calories from me, has me eating 2x my usual protein allotment and is limiting what I can eat so drastically that I can't actually log everything I eat?

I'm leaning toward MFP, and just booting the RP Diet App, but I didn't know if anyone else had luck with it or if I'm just not seeing something crucial.

Thanks for all of your guidance and feedback!

submitted by /u/call-of-the-ravyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat