Thursday, August 15, 2019

Falling back into harmful habits

Hey everyone!

So I’ve been lurking for a few weeks now and I’m so motivated by everyone’s amazing progress so far. I’m glad I found this community and I can’t wait to finally (re)begin my weight loss journey.

So quick backstory; I’ve always been between underweight to average weight growing up. When I was 18, I was weighing in at 127 and I’m 5’8. But then I started uni and student loans enabled me to eat out a LOT. In the 4 years since, I’ve gained 50+ pounds and at my highest I weighed in at 180 earlier this year. I did try losing weight in between but I’m an emotional eater and I keep falling back to food for comfort in hard times.

Sometime last year, I lost a lot of weight due to an eating disorder and I ended up gaining it right back. I’m terrified that I’m falling back into the same bad habits and I’m not sure how to stop myself. I want to start eating healthy but I don’t know how to stay motivated through my journey. I’m sure this post is all over the place but I’m really overwhelmed right now and I would love to hear some advice from all of you.

submitted by /u/pastiskeytopresent
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 week stall, looking for advice

I’ve read a lot here about weight loss stalls, and I’ve found a lot of helpful answers. I just haven’t read much about my particular situation and want to see if anyone can help.

I’ve been doing really well. I’ve lost about 29 pounds in 3 months. As of three weeks ago, I have stalled out, and it’s frustrating as hell.

I’m 5’2” and am currently at 171 pounds. I measure, weigh, and track all of my food. I stay between 1200-1300 calories daily. I don’t exercise much but plan on increasing exercise soon. My new job has a gym, and the membership fees are affordable.

I think it is also important to note that three weeks ago, I stopped taking the last week (or placebo week) of my birth control pills and just started a new pack so I wouldn’t have a period. I’m assuming this is the main culprit behind the stall, but I wanted to ask others to be sure.

I’m still keeping up with my calorie counting. I’m not giving up. I would just like some insight as to why my body may be doing this and some possible advice on how to break this.

submitted by /u/fifthofaquarter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I lose weight in a healthy way while having a history of disordered eating?

I am 16, 5'2" and weigh 140 lbs. More than two years ago I had serious disordered eating issues. I would binge due to stress, feel guilty, then try to compensate by fasting for days which my therapist thought (not official diagnosis) was bulimia. I attended then quit therapy after weeks of nothing working. For the past few years I have been dieting on and off again.

Those issues went away for a while until this summer. Right now, I want to lose at least twenty pounds as it has been a goal of mine since fifth grade and right now I am overweight. I lost 5 pounds after starting at 145. Everything was great and I ate healthy, had apples for snacks, was eating chicken beef and salmon and all around aproaching weight loss in a very fresh and healthy way. I weighed myself daily and was very happy to see the number on the scale decrease. Then I ate some dessert to celebrate and when I saw the number increase it all got messy from there.

Right now I don't really know if I'm eating too much because it doesn't seem like that to me. I don't have breakfast and eat lunch and dinner in small bowls. The other day I had 1000 calories total and what I ate most days this week is around that.

Today the number on the scale increased a few ounces. I thought it could be because of dinner and it might be because I have been doing strength training w/ kettlebells, but I'm afraid that might not be the case. I haven't been losing much now even though I've really been trying so hard. Today I've eaten only a little--the equivalent of a small meal.

I feel very faint and weak, but I am afraid of eating. I know this mindset is wrong but I want to lose weight and eating with a normal deficit and exercising isn't working. Is there something wrong I'm doing or do i have to wait more for results? I don't want to see a therapist. I want to solve this somehow. Is there anything in particular I should avoid or do?

submitted by /u/danmelcas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As of yesterday I’m officially no longer obese by BMI standards!

I know BMI isn’t the end all be all (and I personally have a lot of gripes with it), but I’m still super excited that I made it below that number. I’d had a slow/stagnant summer, but have picked things back up this past month, and have lost about 5 lbs since mid-July. I started back in April 2018 at 239, I’m currently 185, and hope to end somewhere around 155. Here’s a pic from start to today.

For those that would like to hear some of what I’ve learned along the way, read on. It’s nothing earth shattering, and probably nothing that hasn’t been shared here before, but I know I sometimes like to read what other have done.

Slow but steady: this is a marathon not a sprint. In the past I’d “dieted” (paleo, whole 30) for a month or two at a time, then one slip up would be the end of me. Now I allow small “cheats” from time to time. If I know I have a birthday or another event coming up, I save my cheats for that. If I’m gonna do this for the rest of my life, I’m damn sure gonna be having ice cream every now & then.

CICO (calories in, calories out). I’m not as exact and regimented with CICO as some other people, but I definitely use this method. As someone who binge ate / emotionally ate for much of her life, it helps me know when I’m really hungry (i.e. I haven’t actually had enough calories today, vs only thinking I’m hungry). It also helps on days when a few little things add up to extra calories than anticipated.

Exercise is important, but diet is more important. My main (only?) forms of exercise is walking & hiking. I find it great for both my physical and mental health. However, as far as weight loss goes, the calories I put into my body matter more than the calories I burn. Walking or hiking a couple extra miles will not negate that bowl of ice cream. I’m all for splurges (see above), but you cant splurge everyday and expect to burn off the extra food with exercise.

Calories can be hidden in the least likely of places. Before losing weight (and therefore actually paying attention to ingredients & nutrition facts) I didn’t realize how many products have added sugar. Craisins have so much sugar. Some brands of tomato sauce add sugar. Some trail mix. Etc. A user on this board also helped me realize one of the reasons my weight loss was stagnant this summer: I was eating too much watermelon. It’s my favorite food, and I had misjudged my serving size, and was probably having an extra 100-200 calories than I thought. A couple times a week can add up quick.

I found non-food replacements for my emotional eating. I suffer from anxiety & depression, and I used to “reward” a bad day with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. Now, I allow myself to relax & read. During the summer outside in my hammock, and in the winter in a nice hot bubble bath. I find just slightly removing myself from my routine allows my mind a break & an escape.

Im sure there are other things I’ve learned along the way, but these are the things that are coming to me now. :)

submitted by /u/lionbaby917
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss without telling family/people close to you?

Hey everyone. Hoping to get some thoughts on my situation - maybe you've been through something similar or feel you could give advice.

Ive realized that my family is a large part of the reason why I'm so large. They're just not good at eating healthy despite many times to change. I'm at a point where my liver is having problems and I need to make a change myself.

I feel weirdly embarrassed to talk about weight loss with people close to me, especially parents, so I would really like to try to keep this as something personal to me.

I have JUST started really trying this week, counting calories and doing that fasting fad I'm curious if anyone has managed to do significant weight loss without actually making a big deal of telling people?

Thanks for any insight!

submitted by /u/Twistntie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Longtime Lurker searching for motivation

Hello r/loseit!

I've been on this subreddit for month now, but I haven't found the motivation I was looking for yet. Obviously the problem is my way of thinking, since I have always been a person without self restraint and motivation.

I have never in my life failed with doing something last minute, so I wait until the deadline to do it. Which is very bad of there is no deadline, like with weight loss. But I've tried telling myself that I live myself no matter what even though I'm unhappy with my body, and then recently I weighed myself again.

I'm at my heaviest weight, which is 70kg at 1,59m.

My bmi is 27.7, and I should (and want) to lose 10kg.

It might not seem like much to many people, but it has come to the point where I don't want to go swimming with my friends because I hate my body.

So back to the root of problem: I have no self restraint. Through this post I'm hoping to find some motivation by involving other people in my journey, who may have one or two words of advice.

Thank you for reading this little rant, it helped just writing it.

(Also sorry for the weird spacing [I'm trying to make it easier to read] and wording [I'm from Germany])

submitted by /u/Shiroso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fat, single, military mom

Full disclosure: I joined the military to lose weight and for the military discounts.

I lost 20 pounds during basic training and came out of tech school with a smokin hot bod. Then an unplanned pregnancy happened. Then life happened. 40 pounds and many years later, I have been STRUGGLING to pass my fitness test. I've had endless excuses to justify my weight gain and lack of activity.

I'm 5'6", and when I reached 189 pounds, I was done. I was going to change. But this time has been different, because I am dating a wonderful, supportive man who is making the changes with me. We have a long distance relationship, but we send pictures of our meals and daily weigh ins. Nothing has motivated me like he has.

We started our weight loss adventure on 5/25/19, and today I am down 20 pounds! I'm halfway to my goal and turning heads! My last fitness test I received a 76%, which is damn close to failing. I have a few months until my next test, but I know I will do great on it!

submitted by /u/parmiseanachicken
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from loseit - Lose the Fat