Thursday, August 15, 2019

As of yesterday I’m officially no longer obese by BMI standards!

I know BMI isn’t the end all be all (and I personally have a lot of gripes with it), but I’m still super excited that I made it below that number. I’d had a slow/stagnant summer, but have picked things back up this past month, and have lost about 5 lbs since mid-July. I started back in April 2018 at 239, I’m currently 185, and hope to end somewhere around 155. Here’s a pic from start to today.

For those that would like to hear some of what I’ve learned along the way, read on. It’s nothing earth shattering, and probably nothing that hasn’t been shared here before, but I know I sometimes like to read what other have done.

Slow but steady: this is a marathon not a sprint. In the past I’d “dieted” (paleo, whole 30) for a month or two at a time, then one slip up would be the end of me. Now I allow small “cheats” from time to time. If I know I have a birthday or another event coming up, I save my cheats for that. If I’m gonna do this for the rest of my life, I’m damn sure gonna be having ice cream every now & then.

CICO (calories in, calories out). I’m not as exact and regimented with CICO as some other people, but I definitely use this method. As someone who binge ate / emotionally ate for much of her life, it helps me know when I’m really hungry (i.e. I haven’t actually had enough calories today, vs only thinking I’m hungry). It also helps on days when a few little things add up to extra calories than anticipated.

Exercise is important, but diet is more important. My main (only?) forms of exercise is walking & hiking. I find it great for both my physical and mental health. However, as far as weight loss goes, the calories I put into my body matter more than the calories I burn. Walking or hiking a couple extra miles will not negate that bowl of ice cream. I’m all for splurges (see above), but you cant splurge everyday and expect to burn off the extra food with exercise.

Calories can be hidden in the least likely of places. Before losing weight (and therefore actually paying attention to ingredients & nutrition facts) I didn’t realize how many products have added sugar. Craisins have so much sugar. Some brands of tomato sauce add sugar. Some trail mix. Etc. A user on this board also helped me realize one of the reasons my weight loss was stagnant this summer: I was eating too much watermelon. It’s my favorite food, and I had misjudged my serving size, and was probably having an extra 100-200 calories than I thought. A couple times a week can add up quick.

I found non-food replacements for my emotional eating. I suffer from anxiety & depression, and I used to “reward” a bad day with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. Now, I allow myself to relax & read. During the summer outside in my hammock, and in the winter in a nice hot bubble bath. I find just slightly removing myself from my routine allows my mind a break & an escape.

Im sure there are other things I’ve learned along the way, but these are the things that are coming to me now. :)

submitted by /u/lionbaby917
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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