Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I'm in control

For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I have a handle on my weight loss.

I've struggled with my weight my whole life. As a teenager, I was always chubby and could never get a grasp on my nutrition and exercise. I always thought it was normal to clear my plate, have a late night snack to wind down, and use food as a reward mechanism. I've used food to cope with my emotions my whole life. If I'm sad or stressed, then I deserve a reward. If I'm happy, I want to celebrate with a treat, if I'm bored I want to find a snack. EVERY emotion has revolved around food for my entire life.

Now with COVID-19 in the mix, I completely lost control. I'm high risk due to my sarcoidosis, so the likelihood I'll survive the virus is not great, so my stress level is through the roof. Plus, my two young kids are home, I'm working from home, and my husband has been laid off, so the whole 800 square foot house is complete chaos. Since march I've gained 15 lbs, which is a lot of weight on my 5'3 frame and I was already obese beforehand.

A few days ago, I started to spiral. I was drinking wine and starting down a path of binge eating. As I was sitting on the couch feeling shitty about myself I thought to myself, "I literally have no control anymore." As I thought this to myself, something clicked. Why don't I have control of this? This is one of the few things I can control right now.

I may not have control of the virus, my workload, the fact that my kids have to be homeschooled, the fact that I can't see my family and friends, my small space, the fact that my husband is unemployed, or our limited finances. However, I do have complete control over what I put in my body. I do have complete control over my health. No one can make me eat something bad for me. My body doesn't pull me into the kitchen against my will.

Now, when I feel pressured to eat something, I just think to myself, "I'm on control of this" and the craving completely goes away. It's hard to believe that this never occured to me, but it really is that simple. I am in control. I am responsible for my health and well-being. I can do this.

submitted by /u/slytherin_1316
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fwxql3

UPDATE Weight loss journey week 2

Description Weight Date
Starting weight 127.5kg 2020-06-03
Week 1 121.8kg 2020-06-10
Week 2 119.6kg 2020-06-17
Soft target 90kg
Happy target 80-85kg
Goal weight 75kg

Last week


I decided that it would be a good idea to climb the emergency stairs in my apartment building. That meant walking up 378 steps, and then back down approximately 450 (I started at my level, but walked out at ground floor). As per my normal behaviour, this seemed like a good idea at the time but was clearly very difficult to complete and I ended up a little light headed by the time I reached the top. The walk down was very careful as I was concerned that I may fall/pass out from the previous exertion and afterwards my wife and I went for a short 2km walk. When we stopped for a few minutes so that my wife could talk to one of her friends, both of my legs started shaking uncotrollably. I wish I could say that this is a rare occurrence, however I have experienced it a number of times during my life usually when I push it too hard too soon.


Not wanting to repeat the mistake of the previous day, but still wanting to utilise the stairway as a means to burn some calories, I elected to do 2 climbs during the day, but only going up 10 floors each time (not the 21 I did on Thursday). I also had an appointment with a Physio who identified an issue with my right outer-quad (he used the correct name, but I cannot recall what it was) which was pulling my patella to the outside when my knee is bent. It isn't a major problem and is easily fixed with (painful) deep tissue massage and exercise.


My wife and I went into the City because we had to pick something up. While there I suggested we do a little walk which I used to do a few years ago. Unfortunately the weather was overcast, but it was still a nice walk however my legs were really starting to hurt. At the time I was unsure whether it was due to the massage from the prior day or some doms from the stairclimb but it was a difficult day of walking. (btw, I now suspect it to be the doms)


I woke up this morning and weighed myself as per usual. 120.1kg, which is exactly the same as it had been since Friday. I was a little annoyed at that, but still determined to go on, however with the level of pain I was in in my legs I elected to take it easy today.


Weighed myself and was happy. 119.9kg! A slight drop from the previous day, but it shows that it is still going down. About 45 minutes later I needed to relieve myself and then I re-weighed in at 119.1kg.


While I ended this week only losing 2.2kg, the lowest I weighed myself was yesterday at 118.1kg (total drop of 3.7kg). I am not sure why or how it went up by 1.5kg yesterday but I am going to keep dropping it down.

submitted by /u/Joker-Smurf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dc9RfI

Just Starting Out

Hi all! I'm new to this sub and to losing weight, and have lots of questions.

Long story short, my husband and I have tried (and failed) to lose weight many times in our relationship. Recently, he had a health scare that had him thinking he was having a heart attack (at 31!) and we decided that getting healthy was important for us (and for our almost 5 month old).

I am a female, 5ft 3in tall and weigh 230lbs. I gained the 30lbs during my pregnancy. Through scouring this sub, I have realized that what I'm eating is the most important thing. I downloaded an app called FatSecret to keep my calories in check. However, I'm absolutely guilty of letting food control my mood. I know I need to change my mindset, but I have found it quite difficult. Any suggestions on how to kickstart that?

I've also seen C25K mentioned a lot on here and thought I might give that a shot. But, I am NOT a runner. Never been a runner. I'm terrified of running. But I've seen so many people say that the app helped them love running. Any suggestions on how to get started/stay motivated?

Last thing - and this one might be a little TMI - I have always been large chested. Even when I was younger and weighed 130lbs I was still a DD. In 2014, I had a reduction surgery and was in love with how I felt at a C. However, through weight gain and pregnancy, I'm back to my pre surgery size (potentially even bigger, unfortunately). Does anyone have any advice or experience with weight loss, specifically breast size? I know it varies person to person but I would love to read some success stories lol.

Thanks for any and all advice! I love scrolling and seeing how motivating, positive and helpful everyone is in this sub!

submitted by /u/badw0lfbae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UQ6moN

I am losing my mind hovering within the same 5lbs for 2 months

Hi there,

been on and off of this community for years now. had great success in 2010 losing around 80lbs my last year of college. counted every calorie still had fun and partied on the weekends. Growing up and a few failed relationships later I had gained 60 of it back.

in 2018 I lost 50lbs. same deal. counted calories still had fun on weekends. a bout with depression and just bad decisions gained most of that back.

Since then, I've been in a relationship, a fantastic one. she moved in December of last year. for the first few months we just enjoyed being together didn't watch what we ate, etc.

I weighed myself and I was up to almost as big as I was when I started my weight loss in 2010. It was a big wake up call to me especially now being in my mid 30s. I've been counting calories (and before you say it I weigh everything) I'm currently on a 93 day logging streak in the loseit app. I average roughly 1800 calories a day. Sometimes on weekends I'll have 2500 and some days I wont be hungry and have 1200. the first few months 20lbs came off at roughly the same rate it did before. since then it hasn't moved.

My girlfriend is doing it with me and we encourage each other. It has been great. she loves cooking as well as meal planning. she puts it all in the app and sends me what we have for dinner each night.

now to why I'm absolutely losing my mind. I have been within the same 5 pounds going back to April. I've been stricter about weighing foods and being under my goal than I ever have in my life with my past success. So it is really confusing to me why I'm not seeing the scale budge, I keep waiting for the woosh, but it's normally a woosh up then right back down.

I did start boxing 2-4 times a week using the fightcamp system. I understand I'm probably gaining some muscle but I cannot imagine that it's offsetting the weightloss. ( I also do not eat my calories back due to working out)

I guess I should also point out this isn't the last few pounds to get to my goal weight. I still have a lot of weight to lose. I'm currently floating between 304-308lbs.

anyone have any suggestion or just some encouragement because all this hard work I'm putting in is just baffling to me.

submitted by /u/sncooftxt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YGBEjd

Struggling to be proud of weight loss

Kinda as the title says. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for: comfort, advice, etc. I don’t know, and I apologize if I ramble. Being on mobile doesn’t really help either for that.

In the last year, I’ve lost 50lbs. I know that’s an accomplishment. A lot of people tell me I should be proud, but I’m not. I feel like I’ve been losing weight too slowly. I see people around my weight lose more or if not the same amount but in half the time. For considerations, my SW was 203lbs. My CW is 152lbs. My GW is 130lbs.

With quarantine and moving back home, I’ve stagnated, and I know why. It’s because of the food at home. I’ve tried to restrict the bad stuff, but my family are total foodies, hard believers of not wasting food, and unsurprisingly, all overweight too. I grew up in a culture that makes it difficult to separate from family and family dinners are no exception. I still exercise, but I know that the majority is CICO.

I don’t know. It hurts. I’m just waiting out for when I can go back to my dorms (for school) so that I can have complete control over my diet again, but the fact that I’ve stagnated again is really putting me down. I’m sorry. I think I just need some more encouragement for people who been through this.

submitted by /u/squishyleafs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2N5WT8A

Serious Q: Is it always your fault if you're overweight/obese?

I'm so sorry. This is going to be a long post.

Before I elaborate on the question, here are some factors that I see as a given:

  1. Processed food (junk/fast food) is scientifically designed to be addictive and calorie-dense. It also tends to be fast (no cooking required) as well as cheap.
  2. Minorities and poor people are more likely to have worse health/nutrition education in schools.
  3. In poor neighborhoods, cheap fast food places are very easily accessible.
  4. Many times, minorities/poor people don't have the luxury of an office 9-5 job/white collar/salaried position with benefits. Many times, there are unconventional work schedules and juggling of multiple jobs.
  5. In weight loss/fitness communities, there are often talks about personal accountability, personal responsibility, "there are no excuses," and "if you're obese, it's ultimately your responsibility."

So... basically... If minorities/poor people are disproportionately targeted with cheap, addicting, calorie-dense junk food and are not taught about health/nutrition in public schools, is obesity still their fault/responsibility? Why or why not?

My thoughts for "it's NOT minority/poor people's responsibility for their obesity":

  • Society has made it way too easy for minorities/poor people to get hooked onto cheap junk food. It makes sense that more minorities/poor people are obese. If using hyperbolic language, it's normal for minorities/poor people to be fat because the deck is stacked against them in multidimensional ways.
  • Bullet point #5 can be expanded a bit to say that, on top of the fitness/weight loss community, ex-fat people (a lot of us here) especially tend to have "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mindset, which is a mindset that many social justice-oriented people agree are problematic because it shifts societal, systemic failures onto individuals.

My thoughts for "yes, obesity is ultimately always that individual's responsibility"

  • Information is so widely available nowadays with the internet, so lack of public school's nutrition education isn't an excuse--especially when reaching a certain weight, certain amount of visceral fat, health issues from obesity and being overweight.

So what do you all think?

submitted by /u/fastingslowpanda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Y5WedB

Lockdown weight loss - how do I resist temptation?!

So, it’s my first time on this sub, but I figured i’ll stay here to keep myself motivated.

As of 1st June, i’ve been dieting and trying to exercise for 15-30mins each day. I’ve lost 4.4lbs already, and i’m feeling good about it!

However, this is the most i’ve weighed in my life (22F, 5’8”, CW 183.4lbs) and it’s all down to snacking at work. Within the past year, i’ve gained roughly 2 stone.

I’ve been working from home since March because of the coronavirus, so I haven’t had the temptation of vending machines or Starbucks, or any of the other high calorie pleasures that tempted me while I was in the office.

Since working from home, I’ve been very strict about the foods I buy. I’ve cut out processed foods, along with energy drinks (which I practically lived on) and high calorie snacks. I also weigh every single thing that I eat, so that I can accurately track my calorie intake.

I’m due to go back to work in a couple of months, and i’m so worried i’ll lose all the progress i’ve made. Does anyone have any tips on how to stop myself from eating everything in sight? I’m a fussy eater, but I love my junk food. I’m worried that i’ll fall back into old habits.

submitted by /u/pizzaslut5784
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2N0gK9g