Thursday, July 15, 2021

Should I not talk about weight loss as a smaller person?

Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question. I am petite and currently around 125 lb, which is up 17 lb in only the past year from my normal weight. I’ve been trying different diets this year like keto and WW. I like talking about it if someone else brings up dieting, like I have some friends who are doing keto right now and I just like to talk about my failures and successes with different things. But I think most people looking at me clothed would still say I am skinny or a healthy weight, and the friends I’ve been talking to are a lot bigger than me. I don’t want to give anyone insecurity thinking even someone they see as skinny wants to lose weight. Should I just not talk about it to others? I know I want to lose the weight cause it’s gone up so fast and I feel uncomfortable in my body now (my thighs rub together too much and its literally uncomfortable and my clothes don’t fit now), and I like sharing experiences, but I don’t want anyone to feel discouraged or unhappy from me talking about it. Thanks.

submitted by /u/kodomo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started weight loss journey... how to stop body shaming myself

Hi guys, I just want some advice regarding my situation. I'm 30/F and have gained a considerable amount of weight through the years. But before that I was already a little bigger than my peers but I never really thought bad of it.

Now that I'm getting older I want to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm starting slow by lessening the carbs and having a food diary, and I'm already pretty active so I just need to start increasing workouts. The problem I have is with my self-worth. The more I try to tackle weight loss the more I am confronted with the fact that I have..let myself go. It's hard to look at the mirror now - it's like I'm finally seeing the truth and it's hard to accept. I am fat. I have been fat for a while. But it's just now, in my attempt to be better, that I realize how awful I've been to my body. I'm keeping an emotional eating diary now and I am just confronted with how horrible I was with myself. It's so hard to cope. And these negative thoughts about myself make me, sometimes, not want to pursue this weight loss journey at all. It's so bad. How do I deal with this? If you have any experience in this, please share how you have overcome these thoughts. Thank you.

submitted by /u/hnngrm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Lifting during weight loss

I've been on an excellent path the first few months of my weight loss journey. Now that I have a clearer path to success than I realized initially, I kind of want to have a plan for success. As a 360 lb man at the start I can already start to tell that I'm eventually going to have an issue with extra skin. While id gladly always take that trade off, it seems to me it's somewhat preventable and wanted some advice and opinions. I am considering hitting the gym primarily for the skin issue, but I also know it's also universally good for health. I want to know if anyone had a similar thought process along a similar journey and/or have some opinions.

For some background I'm 31 and spent most of my life in sports and have been through serious work out plans in the past. I also incorporate body weight exercises like push ups now.

submitted by /u/cmonmao
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Male weight loss vs female weight loss (pcos)

My husband and I have been married for 6 years and we have gained alot of weight together. Recently I was diagnosed with pcos and we decided to get healthy together. So we made some major lifestyle changes in the food department. Eating mostly whole foods, no dairy or gluten drinking more water ect. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months and my husband has lost 23 lbs. I know our bodies process things differently but I thought I was making better progress and can't help but be discouraged with myself. I'm extremely happy for my husband and my progress so far and it definitely is a start but has anyone else experienced this with their partner. How did you deal with it and how did you continue to keep each other motivated while one was progressing more than the other.

submitted by /u/WovenAesthetic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First day of calorie counting was a success!

I've always been overweight. Ive tried to diet many times in while i was in high school, and i would lose a few pounds, then binge it all back. Now i'm 6 weeks postpartum, and i finally have a real reason to want to be healthy. pregnancy made me feel a lot better about my body, I drilled it into my head that being fat doesn't make me a bad person, and it wont make me a bad parent. simultaneously, being pregnant gave me new motivation to get healthy, not because i gate the way i look, but because i want to love a long life with my children.

I think those two revelations have finally put me in a good mental position for healthy, positive weight loss. I cant explain away a binge/quit my diet by simply thinking "well, i'm attractive anyway, i don't need to be skinny." it doesn't matter if i like my body, if my health isn't where i want it to be.

today was my first day of calorie counting, and it went great! I think i'm mostly posting this to motivate myself to keep doing this good.

submitted by /u/rotisserieshithead-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I'm not calling this my Day 1. I'm just trying to make a small change today.

Hello everyone! I have been on this sub for a few years now, and at one point I was down 30lbs. And then grad school started and I quickly found myself falling into old habits and brain patterns. And now I've gained 20lbs back. And now that grad school has been a thing for a year now, I feel ready to make some changes in my physical and mental health. Back in February, I knew I needed to make a change and I joined a CrossFit gym. I know it isn't for everyone, but that was a small change that I was willing to make and commit to, and I LOVE IT. But the old saying is true... weight loss happens almost exclusively in the kitchen. The workouts have gotten a tad easier as I've gotten stronger, but I haven't lost any weight and I imagine the workouts will become even more easier if I can drop some poundage (5'7" 26F 235lbs). So, I'm ready to make another change now that it's been 6 months!

Today, I am going to the store and I'm buying my normal things. And the small change I am committing to today is tracking my intake. Developing a system of tracking that works for me, noticing when and why I overeat, and gathering data over the next few weeks will hopefully give me a good starting point. And then, once I become comfortable with tracking and feel ready to make another small change, I'll do it!

I'm trying to get small wins under my belt so that when my brain wants to convince me that I'm failing yet again, I have some data points that say otherwise! Much love and empathy to this community. I feel grateful to have found you all and look forward to the times ahead!

submitted by /u/WhaleSaviour
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I really need to lose weight but it is all so confusing to me

I'm very overweight. I'm 190 pounds and my height is 5'8, I will turn 20 next month, I am a guy. My understanding of weight loss is: burn more calories than you consume. However there are a few things that I am confused with. Firstly, how am I supposed to know how many calories my body burns on a daily basis? For example, suppose I eat 500 calories less than my usual current intake. After about a week, I should lose 1 pound. There are about 102 weeks in 2 years, so if I continue to eat 500 calories less, then I'll supposedly lose 102 pounds. I don't think the amount of daily burned calories is constant like that.

For those who have succeeded in going from fat to normal looking, which resources did you use to help you? How did you do it? What were some mistakes made and how would you recommend me to start my weight loss process off?


submitted by /u/happySurpriseu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat