Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I'm not calling this my Day 1. I'm just trying to make a small change today.

Hello everyone! I have been on this sub for a few years now, and at one point I was down 30lbs. And then grad school started and I quickly found myself falling into old habits and brain patterns. And now I've gained 20lbs back. And now that grad school has been a thing for a year now, I feel ready to make some changes in my physical and mental health. Back in February, I knew I needed to make a change and I joined a CrossFit gym. I know it isn't for everyone, but that was a small change that I was willing to make and commit to, and I LOVE IT. But the old saying is true... weight loss happens almost exclusively in the kitchen. The workouts have gotten a tad easier as I've gotten stronger, but I haven't lost any weight and I imagine the workouts will become even more easier if I can drop some poundage (5'7" 26F 235lbs). So, I'm ready to make another change now that it's been 6 months!

Today, I am going to the store and I'm buying my normal things. And the small change I am committing to today is tracking my intake. Developing a system of tracking that works for me, noticing when and why I overeat, and gathering data over the next few weeks will hopefully give me a good starting point. And then, once I become comfortable with tracking and feel ready to make another small change, I'll do it!

I'm trying to get small wins under my belt so that when my brain wants to convince me that I'm failing yet again, I have some data points that say otherwise! Much love and empathy to this community. I feel grateful to have found you all and look forward to the times ahead!

submitted by /u/WhaleSaviour
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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