Sunday, July 18, 2021

Searching for a weight loss buddy.

Hello. I am in my mid twenties and from Germany. (Some additional data : SW 180 / CW 165 / GW 80) I am a long time lurker in this sub, but never really posted anything.

I was my whole life more on the chubby side, but only after some family losses and right afterwards the start of the corona pandemie I kind of exploded. After not fitting in my biggest pants I owned, I finally really committed and started my weight loss journey this May. I already lost 15 kg, but it's still a long way to go. That doesn't mean I am not proud what I already accomplished, it's a big first step for me.

Staying on track is hard alone. My friends and family are trying to be understansing, but they never had any problem in that department. And often the comments or advices are more demaging the helping.

That's why I am looking for somone(or multiple someone's), who I can partner/ buddy with. I honestly would prefer somone who might have had lost or still has to loose a bigger number of kilograms. Of course, every weight loss journey is important, though it still is different if you only have to loose 5 kg or you have to loose 50 kg and more.

Just some aspects that kind of partnership could contain :

  • sharing healthy recipes

  • motivate and help each other on bad days

  • praising a little on better days

  • finding good articles / videos and sending them each other

  • calorie deficits and macro nutrition

  • intermittent fasting

  • exercising

  • and anything else we want to talk about

It doesn't have to be just about weight loss. I am here for anything else too :) I can't promise good advices, but I am a good listener, I think. I don't care where you from or what gender or age ect as long as we can communicate in English or German.

So comment here or say hi privetly if you are interested.

submitted by /u/Featherofaphoenix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So apparently my scale is trash and a reason why I'm struggling with body dismorphia

I'm afraid of the scale. I always tried to be as rational as possible about it. I just wanted to collect data, to see if there is progress. I recognise weight loss also through the way my clothes fit and how I actually feel. Stepping on the scale is not everything, but one option to get a sense of control.

2 years ago I got a renpho scale. It seemed accurate and over a period of time I lost 5 kg and the data seemed reasonable. Then over the last year I gained weight. The scale showed a huge gain actually, a gain that didn't feel like that much actually. I began questioning my feeling about my body. I was shocked, afraid to go back on it again. After really hard trying to lose weight again the scale did move but was still very high and I felt so disencouraged. It didn't make any sense, I felt depressed and thought, ok, thats it. Thats just the weight I have now and I can't change anything about it.

But that was a lie! I'm not on a strict diet anymore, I felt like I gained weight again. But when I stepped on the scale at my parents I actually weighed 5 kg (!) less than on my own scale. This is a huge difference for a woman who is 165 cm and thought she weighed 71, not 66 kg. Like wtf. Apparently I lost a huge amount of weight. Can't say how much exactly, but I lost at least 2 clothes sizes.

I know you should not let the scale dictate how you feel and it doesn't show the whole picture, the body composition. But damn. This messed with me mentally. So please, if you want accurate data, get yourself a good scale or go to the doctors, or trainers or other places with scales to check if the numbers make sense.

submitted by /u/birgit0609
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fell off this week, and that scares me more than anything.

My weight currently is 206, and when I started my weight loss journey on May 14, I was 226. I’ve been going hard at it the last 2 months because I really want to go down to 190. The goal is to reach this by the end of the summer. However, this week has been absolutely awful. When I woke up last Monday, I felt cripplingly unmotivated. I’m a very impulsive person (which is why I developed habits of over eating), so instead of hitting the gym on Monday, I went to chipotle for lunch and Baskin Robbins after. I can’t tell you how much I hated myself on Monday night. The rest of the week, up until Friday, was mediocre. Although I was hitting the gym rigorously, my diet this week went off the rails. Every single day I was eating from outside. Pizza Hut, Indian food, Subway, Chipotle again. Honestly, I think my diet was so bad because my mom was outta town this week and she usually makes the homemade meals. Her meals are relatively healthy, or at least incorporated well in my diet. Friday was just awful. I ate a burger and fries, 2 bowls of ice cream and chipotle AGAIN. And today (Saturday), I ate pancakes, various fatty/oily snacks, and heavy Indian food. And to top it off, at 1 am (Sunday morning) I ate a bag of popcorn with coke, a piece of cake, and a bowl of noodles.


And my gym schedule for the week is Monday-Friday gym. I only went Tuesday-Thursday.

I absolutely hate myself right now because I’m scared of my own nature and behaviour. Will my impulsivity always get the best of me, especially when it comes to fitness? I’m scared of the idea that I can lose motivation for working out and self control when it comes to food in the future. And of course the fact that I pretty much wasted a week, when I absolutely cannot waste time because I have a goal deadline coming up. God the biggest thing is that: time gone, and it being wasted. I just don’t want my behaviour this week to become a norm.

submitted by /u/KNG-KUMAR_2112
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need a little help getting started

Hi y’all! I’m 25 years old (female) I am currently 5’4” and weigh 198lbs. I was about 12 years old when I noticed I wasn’t as skinny as some other girls and my doctor told my mom I was over weight. In high school I played multiple sports and stayed super active I was very muscular with only a little bit of chub but still weighed around 150lbs. Since I graduated I have been slowly gaining weight. I stayed steady around 165/170 lbs. Then I got into an actual healthy relationship with my very loving and supportive boyfriend and I’ve noticed over the past year or so that I am about to tip the scale to 200lbs. I work crazy and shite hours in the ER and the nearest gym to my home is about 45 mins. Away. I have been trying to start my weight loss journey by reading up on diets and exercises and I’m so overwhelmed. I also don’t know that if I get a gym membership if I’ll even go due to how far it is from my work and home and also because I don’t want to go alone:/

So my question is what are some good tips about getting started, what are some diets that aren’t out of this world doable and what are some good at home exercises?? Thank you so much in advance!

submitted by /u/3llerz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Losing weight while super morbidly obese without keto

I've been lurking this forum and others for months as I try to get the courage to attempt weight loss again. Everytime I have successfully lost weight I have gained double the amount back. I started my weight loss journey ten years ago at 210lbs and now I'm 5'4 and 325 lbs and terrified of getting any larger. I have a child I struggle to keep up with and I know I need to find a solution but in so scared of messing up again.

Almost every thread I read from people starting at a weight at high as mine seems to be a keto thread. I'm super sensitive to sugar substitutes though so I don't see this being a good fit for me. Does CICO work at such a huge weight or do I need something to kick start my system?

I'm planning on this being a slow process. I'm autistic and have a lot of food and sensory issues so I know this is going to be really hard but I have to do something. Does anyone happen to know of any healthy eating tips for people who struggle with a lot of food textures and tastes?

submitted by /u/abiscuitshort
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV: -58 lbs in just over a year. Goal accomplished

SV: GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!!! 27m 5'9" SW:238 June 2020 CW: 179.7 GW: 180

I had to work away from home for 3 months during covid. I stayed in a hotel and drank beer at night and ate fast food a day every day with no exercise. I came home and weighed myself and was at my all time high of 238. I made the decision then to do something about it. I started intermittent fasting and worked up to only eating during a 3 hour window. Sprinkled in a little light workout here and there, plus I work outdoors and I sweat alllllll day at work pretty much all year round. (No winter in Florida) I've cut out most of my beer. Going from 2-4 drinks 3-5 nights a week to maybe 5 whiskey drinks a month. If I have to eat fast food, I order healthier options now, and I have cut back on my portion sizes by a LOT. I noticed yesterday that I looked good when I walked by the mirror, and weighed in at 179.0. this morning it was 179.7, so it looks like it's holding. I'm so fucking excited. I'm going to wait another week or 2 and see if I keep losing, then start working on building muscle mass. My weight loss journey is over for now!

submitted by /u/Mbrannon42
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey, but I feel as if I carry so much weight in my face. Should I see a doctor?

M30, 5'10, 182lbs

When looking at photos (I don't notice it as much in the mirror), I feel like I have the face of someone who is 280lbs and not 180lbs. This is my primary motivating factor in losing weight, I hate how fat my face is. I just find it so odd that I carry my weight there. Should I seek medical advice about this as well? Google does say there are some conditions that can cause you to have a fat(er) face (moon face).

Or maybe it is all in my head and my face is representative of my current weight and fitness level? Thoughts?

submitted by /u/FreddyJason122
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from loseit - Lose the Fat