Saturday, July 17, 2021

Losing weight while super morbidly obese without keto

I've been lurking this forum and others for months as I try to get the courage to attempt weight loss again. Everytime I have successfully lost weight I have gained double the amount back. I started my weight loss journey ten years ago at 210lbs and now I'm 5'4 and 325 lbs and terrified of getting any larger. I have a child I struggle to keep up with and I know I need to find a solution but in so scared of messing up again.

Almost every thread I read from people starting at a weight at high as mine seems to be a keto thread. I'm super sensitive to sugar substitutes though so I don't see this being a good fit for me. Does CICO work at such a huge weight or do I need something to kick start my system?

I'm planning on this being a slow process. I'm autistic and have a lot of food and sensory issues so I know this is going to be really hard but I have to do something. Does anyone happen to know of any healthy eating tips for people who struggle with a lot of food textures and tastes?

submitted by /u/abiscuitshort
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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