Sunday, October 17, 2021

Two contradictory ways of dealing with Trigger Food?

Technically, I don't believe I actually binge very much per definition as others might do. I have certain foods I like to have (e.g. Chocolate, or Pudding) every now and then and feel bad for having them because I believe they're hindering me from my attempts at weight loss. I feel like I shouldn't shame myself for having them, as that might make it worse.

So I've looked into solutions. I've found two completely, literally contradictory methods of cutting out Trigger Foods.

1) Don't stock/have them at home. They call this winning 90% of the "fight", as you no longer have to deal with the option of it. Technically, this makes sense.

2) Stock/have a lot of them at home, don't deny yourself to have them, and simply be mindful if it is what you still really want and don't shame yourself. This is not the same as simply mindlessly eating them when they're at home as one would to gain weight. They say with this method, one's Trigger Foods will lose its spark of interest for you over time.

From my personal experience, both of these methods make sense. I've been trying Method 1 for the past week, as I prefer my own experience over anything other's tell me, and it seems to work okay, but anytime someone does bring junk home, I simply wanna eat it and I crave it just because I know I shouldn't! I don't know if this is very sustainable, and I do wanna be in control of myself in presence of these foods, and of course I don't want to cut out my favourite foods entirely either, but if I went with this method, I shouldn't be able to have them at home, and therefore, I am cutting them out entirely.

Now as for Method 2. I've tried Method 2 as well in the past, and here's something else I'd like to add to it. My mom knows exactly how this works, as she had a sister who restricted her daughter's eating pattern similar to Method 1, if not much worse. My mom's sister chained up the fridge so her daughter would not be able to eat. What happened? Once her daughter moved out, she immediately had a Binge Eating Disorder. She now weighs 90kg(~180lbs, forgive me for being imprecise) and still struggles with it years after coming out of that household. It was, essentially, Method 1 materialized, and it's why I'm refraining from continuing with Method 1, as I feel like anytime I try it, I binge as well, even if that's not the norm for me at all!

Now, what did my mother do upon knowing that? Method 2, mind you, I was a child. We all know how children have no self-control around virtually anything. However, my mom told me, she put literally all the junk on the table in a bowl where I could see it, a silent affirmation of "You can have it whenever you want, there's no scarcity whatsoever". What happened? The junk would quite literally go bad. I'd eat it sometimes, but in a rate so slow, it went bad before I could ever finish it. Mind you, again, I was a child, and not an overweight one at all. She told me she'd even hide it when we had guests, because other children who weren't allowed sweets in their household would binge like crazy on it when they saw it.

So, I'm not sure. I'm still thinking of trying each method for a month or so to see what happens, but nowadays I'm more convinced of Method 2 simply from personal experience. I'd like to hear your guy's views on this, but please refrain from being offended or bitter, or anything like that.

submitted by /u/Imaginary-Host06
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m sad

Hey guys, yesterday was my birthday and I checked my weight. I have officially lost 15 kgs. SW :102 kgs / CW : 87 kgs ( Height :5’6). I have bpd, PCOD and binge eating disorder. We went to the club yesterday to celebrate my birthday and I got hurt because while my friends were getting approached by boys, I was just all alone standing awkwardly. Now I know I shouldn’t be caring about anyone else’s opinion about me and weight loss is essential for my health. It just sucks when you have nobody finding you attractive enough. Not to mention I was the only brown girl there which made me feel like maybe it’s my skin colour as well. I know I am probably overthinking but it’s just hurting a lot.

submitted by /u/Friendly_Wrap8738
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm 5'10 tall and I'm trying to go from 180 lb - 150 lb. If you're the same height and starting weight, when did you notice your body and face changing when you lost weight?

I was wondering if anyone around the same height of 5'10 like I am and also around the same starting weight of 180 lb and goal weight of 150 lb can tell me when did you notice a change in your body and face like how many pounds did you lose before noticing?

I have chubby cheeks right now at 178 lb and the thing is a couple of years ago when I was around 150 lb I still had the chubby cheeks. My jaw was a little more refined like you can see a bit of an angle, but I still had those cheeks and I wonder if its impossible for me to loose fat from my face. Way back when I was starting college in 2008 I was all the way down to 135 lb - 140 lb and my chubby cheeks were way less noticeable, but I can't maintain that weight. Its just too low for my height and to maintain it I basically have to eat almost nothing. I'm starting to think that my weight loss changes will mostly be around my body like my legs and stomach and my face will stay pretty much the same.

submitted by /u/theartsygamer89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally got to my intermediate goal weight!

I'm finally back to the weight that I was 7 years ago of 75kg (165 pounds). Back in 2018 I had gotten up to 110kg (243 pounds). So for basic maths that's a 35kg (78 pounds) loss and it's pretty evenly spread out over 3 years.

My weight loss journey has been a mixed bag to be honest. I'll put the history at the bottom of my post because I don't think it's any "1 thing" that has done it.

It's been a long journey but I'm finally here. I'm female and I'm 164.5cm, so I have to lose 8kg (18 pounds) to have a healthy BMI. Although I know BMI is not the best way to measure health..

What's my next goal? Getting to 70kg (154 pounds) I think. I didn't want to set a goal until I got to this point, because it's taken years. I also wasn't sure if I wanted another kg/numbers based goal. I think I do though, it's kept me motivated so far. I think once I've lost these 5kg (11 pounds) I'll change my goal to only be about having a healthy lifestyle.

I'm feeling a little down today not because of my weight, just other life things. But I told myself I'd celebrate getting to this point. So hence the post 🎉 I'd appreciate if anyone else could bring the celebration vibes as I'm not really feeling it. 😣


History of my journey per rule 10:

  • March to May 2019: At 110kg I made my decision to start losing weight and getting healthy. It was because my workplace had team registrations for doing a local marathon in May. I did this marathon in 2010 and thought "stuff it, I'm doing it again!". I saw a Personal Trainer and did weight based stuff 2 times per week. I did yoga once per week. I also did 1 time per week a cardio group program. I didn't change my diet.

  • June to Aug 2019: I dropped the cardio but continued with the yoga once per week & PT two times per week and started making some better food choices, but not big one's, only simple things like "don't go back for 2nds" and the only major choice was I cut out soft drinks.

  • Sept 2019: Personal crisis happened so it really changed my perspective on things. I actually started to take a proper look at my diet.

  • Oct 2019: An official weigh in with a health check for a new job showed I was at 99kg (218 pounds). I continued with the PT, but once a week, increased cardio with walking a few days per week and chose to eat less super sugary desserts/chocolates and less carb-heavy meals for breakfast, instead switching to veggie based, egg based, or yoghurt based meals.

  • May 2020: I did a challenge through work for 1 month to cut out alcohol (I didn't drink anyway), to cut out using technology 1 hour before bed, to exercise 30 mins per day, and to cut out anything that had more than 10g of sugar in it. Cutting out sugar was difficult, but we did get cheat days so it wasn't unreasonable. Biggest things this challenge taught me was to move every day, focus on getting quality sleep, and I can always make a better not "perfect" food choice.

June 2020 to June 2021 was overall a pretty bad period for me so I was never consistent with anything I did for weight loss. I had weight loss caused by massive depression episodes with no eating. I also had weight gain from binge eating feelings. Sometimes I'd go on yoga or jogging/bike riding binges, other times I'd spend weeks just sitting. It's a very mixed bag.

  • Dec 2020: I have a Facebook message to a friend saying I'm 84kg (185 pounds) 😅. I wish I kept like a weight loss journal, but whatever this beats having no data!

  • June to July 2021: Joined a food meal program that was low calories based. It was great because food was sent to me already made, and all I did for breakfast was yoghurt with muesli. Was 84kg by the end of it. Then I did a second food meal program that was low calories & low carb and by the end of that I was 81kg (178 pounds). To be honest, I think I lost this weight too quickly as I got some loose skin on my breasts and stomach after this, but oh well. I'm glad I did it because I did get a more defined back and I did get out of that program the fact that I need to drink a LOT more water per day!

  • July to Aug 2021: I also started doing boxing, yoga and pilates 5 nights per week, with some nights doing multiple like a boxing session followed up with a yoga session.

  • Sept 2021: For personal reasons, I'd stopped leaving the house and so I'd stopped doing boxing and the yoga & pilates sessions at the gym. I did keep a low carb diet though, not formally, just tried making better choices and only yoghurt and fruit as my sweet food.

  • 17 Oct 2021 (today!): At that 75kg. I've been doing the low carb CSIRO diet this month, relatively strictly. I plan on doing yoga at home and using some weights twice a week. I started the yoga yesterday so exercise is coming back up!

submitted by /u/NotAHappyKitCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Would liposuction be worth it?

I'm F17, 178cm tall and 72kg. I can't stay in a deficit to save my life. I feel like I've tried it a million times, but only ever manage to go a few days before I start overeating again. This cycle has been repeating for years now. I'm pretty active, I do martial arts and running, workout roughly 8-9 hours a week, but because I can't stay in a deficit, I just can't manage to lose the ~7kg I'd really like to lose.

Because losing weight the normal way feels so impossible to me, I've been considering getting liposuction (midsection + thighs) as soon as I turn 18. It's of course going to be quite expensive, but I feel like it's the only way I'll ever lose the bit of fat I so desperately want to lose. I know you can only remove around 5kg at a time, but I genuinely feel like that'd be enough and I'd be much happier afterwards, because I could finally stop stressing about my body and weight loss.

Is this stupid? Why am I so bad at staying in a deficit? Could liposuction be a legitimate option?

submitted by /u/No_Salary2375
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Trying again... pretty scared as my blood pressure is high

I am a 28 year old woman and it is my first day of my weight loss journey. In 2014/2015 I lost a lot of weight through exercise and proper nutrition. I’m 5’2” and my lowest weight was 130lbs. Highest was well over 200lbs. I remember checking my blood pressure at that time I lost weight and it was usually under 110/70. I was quite healthy.

I developed an anxiety disorder revolving around health and ironically, it caused me to eat away my feelings and I gained the weight back. I’m 200lbs now. Additionally, my blood pressure is high. Today it was 145/91 and after resting it only dropped down to 126/84. I am worried sick that I am going to have something bad happen to me from my blood pressure.

I have eaten some variety of fast food every day for the last two years or more. I’ve been more conscious about it lately but my plan now is to cut it out entirely. I have a clear binge eating problem. I will eat so much that I will feel sick, and then when I’m not hungry hours later, I’ll eat anyway because I’m craving something. I spend any time I’m not eating thinking about food.

But today was my day one. I ate 1428 calories. Everything I ate was healthy, whole food and I had a lot of protein and vegetables. No sauces or anything, and I stayed under 1500 mg of sodium.

I want to get back down to my lowest weight and I want to fix my blood pressure. I’m praying I’ll be able to do it.

submitted by /u/24KRollie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get off a weight loss plateau?

I (M21) am currently on my fifth day of weight loss plateau. I actively keep track of my weight everyday using a spreadsheet, and my moving average graph (where I derive the average every 7 days) is slowly starting to reach my daily weight input. It doesn't matter if I overeat or I undereat, it's the all the same. I keep track of my calories too. After defecation I'll still come out with 99.6 kg/219.20 lbs. I also increased my daily steps from 11000 to 15000, and planning to return to 11000 once I drop below 99.6/219.20 kg, but still no progress!

I tried several scales btw, and although the number varies by ± .5 kg, they still appear the same the next day (ex. 100.1 kg in the other scale, but consistently 100.1 kg, whereas in my current scale it's consistently 99.6)

Is there anything I can do about this? I'm trying my best to remain positive and tell myself it'll drop soon, but it's hard to not see progress when for the first 2 months of my weight loss journey it was consistently dropping every other day.

Stats: Starting weight - 106 kg/233.2 kg Current weight - 99.6 kg/219.20 kg Average weight the past 7 days - 99.64 kg/219.20 kg Height - 175 cm/5'9" Average steps - 13497 steps

submitted by /u/HairRevolutionary520
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from loseit - Lose the Fat