Sunday, October 17, 2021

Finally got to my intermediate goal weight!

I'm finally back to the weight that I was 7 years ago of 75kg (165 pounds). Back in 2018 I had gotten up to 110kg (243 pounds). So for basic maths that's a 35kg (78 pounds) loss and it's pretty evenly spread out over 3 years.

My weight loss journey has been a mixed bag to be honest. I'll put the history at the bottom of my post because I don't think it's any "1 thing" that has done it.

It's been a long journey but I'm finally here. I'm female and I'm 164.5cm, so I have to lose 8kg (18 pounds) to have a healthy BMI. Although I know BMI is not the best way to measure health..

What's my next goal? Getting to 70kg (154 pounds) I think. I didn't want to set a goal until I got to this point, because it's taken years. I also wasn't sure if I wanted another kg/numbers based goal. I think I do though, it's kept me motivated so far. I think once I've lost these 5kg (11 pounds) I'll change my goal to only be about having a healthy lifestyle.

I'm feeling a little down today not because of my weight, just other life things. But I told myself I'd celebrate getting to this point. So hence the post 🎉 I'd appreciate if anyone else could bring the celebration vibes as I'm not really feeling it. 😣


History of my journey per rule 10:

  • March to May 2019: At 110kg I made my decision to start losing weight and getting healthy. It was because my workplace had team registrations for doing a local marathon in May. I did this marathon in 2010 and thought "stuff it, I'm doing it again!". I saw a Personal Trainer and did weight based stuff 2 times per week. I did yoga once per week. I also did 1 time per week a cardio group program. I didn't change my diet.

  • June to Aug 2019: I dropped the cardio but continued with the yoga once per week & PT two times per week and started making some better food choices, but not big one's, only simple things like "don't go back for 2nds" and the only major choice was I cut out soft drinks.

  • Sept 2019: Personal crisis happened so it really changed my perspective on things. I actually started to take a proper look at my diet.

  • Oct 2019: An official weigh in with a health check for a new job showed I was at 99kg (218 pounds). I continued with the PT, but once a week, increased cardio with walking a few days per week and chose to eat less super sugary desserts/chocolates and less carb-heavy meals for breakfast, instead switching to veggie based, egg based, or yoghurt based meals.

  • May 2020: I did a challenge through work for 1 month to cut out alcohol (I didn't drink anyway), to cut out using technology 1 hour before bed, to exercise 30 mins per day, and to cut out anything that had more than 10g of sugar in it. Cutting out sugar was difficult, but we did get cheat days so it wasn't unreasonable. Biggest things this challenge taught me was to move every day, focus on getting quality sleep, and I can always make a better not "perfect" food choice.

June 2020 to June 2021 was overall a pretty bad period for me so I was never consistent with anything I did for weight loss. I had weight loss caused by massive depression episodes with no eating. I also had weight gain from binge eating feelings. Sometimes I'd go on yoga or jogging/bike riding binges, other times I'd spend weeks just sitting. It's a very mixed bag.

  • Dec 2020: I have a Facebook message to a friend saying I'm 84kg (185 pounds) 😅. I wish I kept like a weight loss journal, but whatever this beats having no data!

  • June to July 2021: Joined a food meal program that was low calories based. It was great because food was sent to me already made, and all I did for breakfast was yoghurt with muesli. Was 84kg by the end of it. Then I did a second food meal program that was low calories & low carb and by the end of that I was 81kg (178 pounds). To be honest, I think I lost this weight too quickly as I got some loose skin on my breasts and stomach after this, but oh well. I'm glad I did it because I did get a more defined back and I did get out of that program the fact that I need to drink a LOT more water per day!

  • July to Aug 2021: I also started doing boxing, yoga and pilates 5 nights per week, with some nights doing multiple like a boxing session followed up with a yoga session.

  • Sept 2021: For personal reasons, I'd stopped leaving the house and so I'd stopped doing boxing and the yoga & pilates sessions at the gym. I did keep a low carb diet though, not formally, just tried making better choices and only yoghurt and fruit as my sweet food.

  • 17 Oct 2021 (today!): At that 75kg. I've been doing the low carb CSIRO diet this month, relatively strictly. I plan on doing yoga at home and using some weights twice a week. I started the yoga yesterday so exercise is coming back up!

submitted by /u/NotAHappyKitCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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