Monday, October 18, 2021

Waist to Hip ratio

40M 5’11” SW 232 CW 213 GW 180. At the age of 40, I am finally having some success with weight loss using CICO and exercise. Since, I graduated High School, my weight has been a slow steady increase from 160 to 232. Over the last four months, I have lost 8 years of weight gain. I am very happy.

My question is about waist size. My hips are now 38 inches and none of my pants fit anymore. My waist goes between 42-44 inches. My BMI is no longer obese, but the AHA and IDF defines obesity by waist size, 40 in and 35.5 in. The WHO uses waist to hip ratio of <0.9. So by all three of those metrics, I am still obese.

What can I expect regarding my waist size shrinking? My goal is to shrink my hips by another four inches, but I need to lose at least a foot off my waist. Is it possible that my hips will reach their goal and I will just have to wait for my waist to catch up?

Sorry if this is whiny. Just questions that come to me as I am doing all of these measurements. I have never made it this far and I do not know what to expect.

submitted by /u/Heavy-Abbreviations8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I begin weight loss?

I’m a 20 year old male who currently weighs 248lbs (about 17 stone) I want to try and lose weight and at the very least get down to around 200 but hopefully 180 eventually.

But I have no idea where to start off. I currently play football on sundays and walk down to work (only a 25 minute walk and 3/4 times a week) but stuff like what gym routines to get into how often I do them, what kind of exercises to do for weight loss (I do have a friend who goes to the gym but he’s never cut down only bulked up) what types of foods I should be eating/avoiding. I’m hoping someone here could even point me in the right direction of what works or even websites that actually have methods and dietary plans that work for weight loss.

submitted by /u/General_Kenobi_01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: October 18, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stuck on plateu :/

First time posting here.

Starting off, my weight was 283 in June, told I had high BP and decided to do something about it. Two weeks ago my weight was 234 which I am extremely happy about but it sure doesn't look like it looking in the mirror. Clothes are a lot baggier and went from a waist 44ish with a belt down to 34, maybe since I don't have anything that small only 36 needing a belt.

I eat roughly 1600 calories a day with a 15 mile bike ride Mon - Fri. When I hit my plateau I lowered it to 1400 with a 15 mile bike ride. I am eating calories to offset the bike ride but its still 1400 calories sometimes lower depending what I eat. I do weigh my food which is insane how much I was eating prior to starting this weight loss. You def cannot go off what the packages say per serving.

I have been at 234 for 2 weeks now and stepped on the scale this morning and its a whooping 239. I know I haven't eaten that many calories in a week so I have no idea where that weight came from and its kinda disheartening when months of weight loss then it just shoots up.

Is there something that I am doing wrong? I have checked what my BMR should be and it said 2069 and which both of those intakes I am still at a decent deficient so I am at a loss on what is going on.

Thank you,

submitted by /u/Riscar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Fall Foods for Fast Weight Loss

Fall brings us shorter days, cooler weather and a bounty of fresh ingredients in grocery stores and farmer’s markets. That’s great news for people who are following a weight loss plan because there are more delicious and healthy fall foods to pick from than any other time of the year. We’ve created this grocery list of some of our favorite fall foods that are sure to perk up your seasonal meals and help speed you to your weight loss goal. Plus, we’ve provided some tempting ways to enjoy them!

1. Pumpkin

pumpkin recipes

Why: Pumpkins seem to be everywhere in autumn, but they truly deserve a place on your plate when you’re trying to lose weight. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of cooked pumpkin has an impressive seven grams of fiber, which leaves you feeling full for hours after eating. Even better, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, a mineral that is said to help prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes, says the Defeat Diabetes Foundation.

Try: Pass on the fat- and sugar-laden pumpkin pie and instead whip up a batch of our Powerhouse Pumpkin Hummus– it’s loaded with flavor and fiber and it makes a delicious dip for fresh veggies or Nutrisystem Pretzels.

15 Colorful Recipes for Your Fall Menu

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2. Brussels Sprouts

healthy fall foods

Why: Brussels sprouts are an especially rich source of vitamin K—low levels of this nutrient are linked to an increase in body fat in older adults, according to a study, published in The Journal of Nutrition.

Try: Cool weather brings out the sweetness in these bite-sized members of the cabbage family. When roasted, Brussels sprouts become even tastier and develop a satisfying crunch. We love to get in a serving of non-starchy vegetables with Crispy Brussels Sprouts Chips with Garlic Aioli.

3. Sweet Potato

healthy fall foods

Why: Root veggies are some of our favorite fall foods! Classic sweet potato casseroles topped with marshmallows may not be a healthy choice when you’re trying to lose weight. However, the orange-fleshed spuds alone are a SmartCarb you can enjoy at this time of year. According to, sweet potatoes are about 80 percent water and are rich in dietary fiber. Both of these factors can help you stay full while you lose the weight.

Try: Mexican Sweet Potato Toast pairs the zesty flavors of Southwest cuisine and the natural sugars of sweet potatoes to make a hearty meal that will keep you satisfied for hours.

Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Month with Nutrisystem

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4. Spaghetti Squash

spaghetti squash

Why: When baked, this hard-shelled yellow squash can be scooped out in long, thin strands that you can eat like pasta. According to the USDA, one cup of cooked spaghetti squash has just 42 calories and over two grams of fiber. Compare that to the same amount of standard cooked pasta, which has 157 calories and less than two grams of fiber. This healthy substitution is what makes spaghetti squash one of our favorite fall foods.

Try: We remade a classic Italian dish with spaghetti squash and turkey in our Slow Cooker Bolognese with Spaghetti Squash Pasta. Your family will love it as much as your waistline does.

5. Cinnamon

healthy fall foods

Why: Not only does cinnamon give food natural sweetness without adding calories, but it has also been found to help control blood sugar, says a report, published in the journal Nutrition Research. Cinnamon is a Free Food in your Nutrisystem weight loss plan, so you can enjoy as much of it as you want.

Try: Our Cinnamon Protein Mug Cake is loaded with flavor and energy-boosting protein but low in calories and sugar. Plus, it’s so quick and easy to make—no baking skills required.

6. Mushrooms

seasonal fall foods

Why: “The practice of regular consumption of mushrooms is effective in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, including obesity,” according to a review, published in the journal Molecules. One study found that participants who ate mushrooms experienced a lower body mass index (BMI), decreased belly circumference and an increase in satiety.

Try: For parties or everyday snacks, Simple Stuffed Mushrooms bring you the benefits of mushrooms with the zingy flavors of marinara sauce and garlic and the creamy textures of ricotta and mozzarella cheeses.

5 Fun Fall Activities to Burn Major Calories

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7. Oysters

seasonal fall foods

Why: Autumn is the peak season for oysters, the simple but flavorful shellfish that is loaded with protein and low in fat. According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, Oysters are a healthy source of chromium, a mineral that helps your body manage insulin and the use of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Try: Many people eat oysters raw, but quickly grilling or baking them sweetens their flavor and gives their tender flesh a smooth, custard-like texture. However you prepare oysters, you can enjoy them with all of the hot sauce (a Nutrisystem Free Food!) that your taste buds desire.

8. Figs

seasonal fall foods

Why: Fresh figs are abundant in autumn. If you’ve never tried them, you’ll see they’re quite different from the cookie version most of us are familiar with. Figs are a SmartCarb, so they are high in fiber, which keeps you feeling full and your digestion working smoothly. The many tiny seeds in figs also help to absorb fats in your digestive tract before your body stores them, says the Metabolic Research Center.

Try: When your day is busy and you need a snack you can enjoy on the go, try our Maple Fig Energy Bites, which include another great fall flavor—real maple syrup.

9. Turmeric


Why: The yellow spice that gives mustard its bright color contains curcumin, a compound that has natural antiviral properties, which we can all use these days. One study, published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, found that patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders who took curcumin experienced a “significant reduction” in body mass index (BMI), weight, waist-circumference (WC) and leptin levels.

Try: Your whole family will love Boneless Garlic Ginger Chicken Bites, made in an air fryer so they’re loaded with flavor but lower in fat. Along with the turmeric, they are flavored with two other super healthy spices: garlic and ginger.

The Health Benefits of Turmeric

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10. Apples


Why: America’s most popular fruit is available in more varieties in autumn than any other time of year. In many parts of the United States, you can buy them directly from the orchards in fall, so you get to eat them when they’re as fresh as can be. Apples are loaded with fiber and a group of nutrients called “polyphenols,” which appear to reduce weight gain and the risk of obesity, says a report, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. “There are many documents and studies that show fruit polyphenols likely promote anti-obesity effects and exert their beneficial effects via scavenging free radicals, regulating gene expression, and altering signal transduction in target cells and tissues, especially fat tissues,” says researchers.

Try: It’s hard to beat the simple satisfaction of biting into a crisp fall apple, but our remake of the classic Chocolate Caramel Apple just might become a new favorite.

For more healthy seasonal fall foods to enjoy on your weight loss plan, check out some of our favorite colorful fall recipes here! >

The post 10 Fall Foods for Fast Weight Loss appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

CICO, resistance training, and weight loss

6’1 - 310 lbs as of today - resistance training 2-3 times a week

TLDR: I’m aware you can gain weight when introducing diet + weights at the same time. Is there a general timeframe when you stop gaining weight and the pounds start to drop?

On October 4th I started tracking my weight after fairly recently starting to track my food in MFP. I started at 306, and my weight fluctuated from 306-308 for a week or so, and when it seemed my weight was starting to consistently be around ~306 and finally drop, I’ve actually gained weight from there to where I am now at 310.8 (a week of uptrend from 308.2).

I have MFP set to lose 1 lb a week to try and maintain as much muscle as possible, but I’m now dropping my weight loss goal to 2 lbs per week to see if this changes the uptrend.

One thing to note is I haven’t been super strict with tracking. I’m tracking every day but this time of year there’s a lot of birthdays so we’ve been going out to eat with family and friends on the weekend, but I wouldn’t think this would sabotage my progress this bad. On the days week eat at a restaurant typically I’d eat light meals and snacks throughout the day before the birthday/celebration dinner.

submitted by /u/ewbySec
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

HELP: vacation in february - need weight loss tips

I'm a 20 year old girl who has never felt confident in her body. I'm short (5'1") and curvy (never been skinny). I'm currently at my heaviest - 155 lbs. I've always been athletic (running, soccer, swimming), and have strong legs. But right now I've just developed this flabby gut and its so gross. My arms, and my face, are fatter than before. I'm so insecure. I look nothing like all the other girls in university and I want to change.

I have a tropical vacation in February, giving me about 4 months to get bikini confident. Right now my plan is pretty basic - cut out liquids besides water (I drink a lot of Starbucks - no more). No more fast food. Eat protein and natural foods, and exercise once a day (a run, weightlifting, whatever) I usually make it to the gym 4 times a week so this isn't a huge increase. I think with consistency and dedication, and no "well today I'll just grab McDonalds because its easy..." I should be good. I don't need to lose a LOT, just enough...

Any tips? I don't think I've been below 140 since I was 15.

submitted by /u/kaptb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat