Monday, October 18, 2021

CICO, resistance training, and weight loss

6’1 - 310 lbs as of today - resistance training 2-3 times a week

TLDR: I’m aware you can gain weight when introducing diet + weights at the same time. Is there a general timeframe when you stop gaining weight and the pounds start to drop?

On October 4th I started tracking my weight after fairly recently starting to track my food in MFP. I started at 306, and my weight fluctuated from 306-308 for a week or so, and when it seemed my weight was starting to consistently be around ~306 and finally drop, I’ve actually gained weight from there to where I am now at 310.8 (a week of uptrend from 308.2).

I have MFP set to lose 1 lb a week to try and maintain as much muscle as possible, but I’m now dropping my weight loss goal to 2 lbs per week to see if this changes the uptrend.

One thing to note is I haven’t been super strict with tracking. I’m tracking every day but this time of year there’s a lot of birthdays so we’ve been going out to eat with family and friends on the weekend, but I wouldn’t think this would sabotage my progress this bad. On the days week eat at a restaurant typically I’d eat light meals and snacks throughout the day before the birthday/celebration dinner.

submitted by /u/ewbySec
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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