Monday, October 18, 2021

Waist to Hip ratio

40M 5’11” SW 232 CW 213 GW 180. At the age of 40, I am finally having some success with weight loss using CICO and exercise. Since, I graduated High School, my weight has been a slow steady increase from 160 to 232. Over the last four months, I have lost 8 years of weight gain. I am very happy.

My question is about waist size. My hips are now 38 inches and none of my pants fit anymore. My waist goes between 42-44 inches. My BMI is no longer obese, but the AHA and IDF defines obesity by waist size, 40 in and 35.5 in. The WHO uses waist to hip ratio of <0.9. So by all three of those metrics, I am still obese.

What can I expect regarding my waist size shrinking? My goal is to shrink my hips by another four inches, but I need to lose at least a foot off my waist. Is it possible that my hips will reach their goal and I will just have to wait for my waist to catch up?

Sorry if this is whiny. Just questions that come to me as I am doing all of these measurements. I have never made it this far and I do not know what to expect.

submitted by /u/Heavy-Abbreviations8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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