Sunday, May 8, 2022

I hate that when I fall asleep on my side the fat on my stomach falls over due to gravity.

I lost 50 pounds a year ago and have slowly regained it all since then. I'm at my all time max of 230 pounds and ALL of it is on my stomach. I'm going through a stressful time in my life right now and I've gained 20 pounds in the last two months by eating my feelings away. Any time anything that is overwhelming to me happens I want to drive to the store and get ice cream, candy, pop, etc. I don't unhealthy while around people, but the moment I get home I find anything I can. I have a sugar addiction for sure.

Imo, the worst feeling out of all of this is every night I go to bed - after eating massive amount of ice cream, drinking pop - with the most terrible stomach ache ever. It was no wonder why I always felt like total shit. I like to sleep on my side, and I hate the fact that every time I do the large amount of fat on my stomach falls down due to gravity.

I'm capable of losing this weight, I just need to make the lifestyle change and keep it off. I haven't gone to the store for the last couple of days now, but I really want to, so I think I'll probably be going for therapy to help with the issues causing emotional eating.

Anyway! This is what I'm writing out right now to validate that I will not go to the store to get that really unhealthy food because it's bad for me. I hope you're all doing well in your weight loss.

submitted by /u/iwillloseweight123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help me lose 10kg by December 3, 2022 please! For my best friend’s wedding

I am 27 Female and was diagnosed with PCOS. I am taking birth control anti androgen pills and have since (last check up trans vaginal ultrasound) had the result of now normal ovaries!!!

I am 5ft (153cm) My weight last August 2021 was 74kg My weight now after 9 months is 67.3kg I need to be 57kg by december.

It may or may not be realistic because i am stressed at work and may eat junk food sometimes, but can you give me tips on how to do this weight loss more seriously in 8 months?

Thanks in advance!

Oh currently I eat 3 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. I dont eat too much but i know i do drink sweet drinks like pop and iced tea. I am in Asia and eat a lot of rice lol…

submitted by /u/ConfusedCapybara123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

exercise made me not want that pizza

Family ordered pizza and usually I’ll let myself have one slice or only the toppings but I didn’t touch it at all today. I had just finished a 2 hour workout which made me feel amazing. The high I got from the exercise made me not want that temporary dopamine hit from pizza. I worked so hard so I didn’t want to waste my efforts. I’ve also found that exercise is an appetite suppressant for me. I prefer having an empty stomach for hours afterwards. Any movement is good, walking is sufficient to have those physical and mental health benefits. People say exercise improves sleep too. I swear water is the tastiest right after a workout lol

I’ve been getting over 20k steps per day this past week and I feel really happy about it. Having fitness goals that you can actively work on while being patient with the weight loss process helps a lot.

submitted by /u/midnight_suns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a few questions I have regarding my recent progress

Hi, I hope I'm not breaching any rules here as I am fairly new to posting, but I've been a little conflicted with my recent progress and I wanted to get some thoughts from others. I have a few questions in general, but first my stats are 21M 5'11 252lb. I usually work out at least 3-4 times a week lifting weights and stay at least an hour or more per session. I do not do cardio at the gym but my job does have me on my feet for 8 hours a day (retail).

Lately I have been on a weight loss plateau for about a week, bouncing between 252 and 250lbs, no more, no less. I have plateau'd before but that was because I was not staying on track, this time I am and it's confusing me. I use the cronometer app to track my food and it seems I've been pretty consistent with eating 2500 cals a day from before April 15th down to 2100ish on average now and I don't cut anything out (& I weigh and measure everything I can). This past week I've been eating about 2200 cals per day. I have a few suspicions just from lurking and researching, and they are:
- Water retention? I have been massively sore from my high volume workouts this past week and still am
- Calories too low and my metabolism dropped? (Idk, I'm new to this stuff)
- Maybe I should eat more protein? I eat around 140g-ish on average daily

I feel like the obvious answer is to drop my calories more, but it doesn't sound right that someone my size should be eating below 2k calories a day to lose weight since my TDEE is 2.5k + exercise. I may be wrong though and feel free to correct me because I am still super new to the logic/science behind weightloss stuff and would love to learn more. I also understand that weightloss being 1-2lbs per week is pretty normal, but in my experience it's been a lot faster so I was pondering what might be the reasoning behind this stalling of progress.

Another thing is I've been wanting to make lifestyle changes that will help me keep the weight off in the future and I've been looking into mindful eating- so another question I have is should I eat if I'm not hungry even if my cals for the day would be like 1300?
I would like to mention that I am trying to build muscle while losing weight at the same time, or at least that is what my trainer has in mind, which is why I was wondering whether it's okay to drop calories even further if I want to gain muscle? Will my hunger balance out the calories naturally?

Sorry for the big post, my lack of knowledge, and the disorganized clutter of text, but thank you to anyone reading through and leaving a reply. I really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/Fit_Style_1684
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, May 7, 2022


Hi, i need some advices for weight loss. Im male, 18 years old.

My weight is about 105kg, about 175cm tall, obviously i am obese, my goal is 80kg, so what to do, what to eat. I never worked out, or do some exercises. Sometimes i drive bicycle, about 30km. I only can do push ups, about 20 in 1 series. I cant run too far, maybe 200 meters in one run. Im disgusted of my body, sometimes people in school insult me, bcs of my weight. Now i want to change that, to turn new page in my life

Sory, maybe in sentence is something wrong, english is not my first language

submitted by /u/Practical_Finance_80
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m sad and tired - how do I get motivated?

A couple of years ago I lost 50 lbs. Was still overweight and could have done another 20. Then bought a new house, longer commute, MIL moved in, COVID, etc and I’ve gained 40 of it back. Add that the last 3 months have been complete disarray due to spouse’s mental illness. I’m getting therapy, and have a doctor appointment next week. I’m really struggling to care at all about working on health and weight loss. I know what to do, I’ve done it before… I just don’t seem to be able to get myself to start anything.

submitted by /u/LZbite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Obesity & sex drive advice (hetero men)

Hi guys,

I'm 29 and I've been obese all of my life. Always had confidence issues, coming from a toxic home and no male role model.

I've had a single, long-term relationship which started when I had a BMI of 37 , and already back then I felt I was doing just ok in terms of sex "performance".

I've grown to 48 BMI, and I'm now unable to perform, I have destroyed confidence & sex drive .

I'm on a weight loss journey which is going great, but I wanted to check with others: Does the sex drive come back after a big weight loss?

Also, did any of you also have issues at 37 BMI, or do you think it's something else (psychological, hormones)?

It's discouraging to think of all the effort I'll have to make to reach 37 BMI again (and beyond), only to go back to feeling "average" at best (besides the obvious health benefits). Do you think it will further improve going lower than 37?


submitted by /u/lazy_banker
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