Saturday, March 11, 2023

Gave myself a small treat yesterday because I'm now officially at my lowest weigh in the last 10 years!

Shared a bottle of wine with my mom 🥂

SW: 209lbs (95kg), CW: 187 lbs (85kg), GW: 163 lbs (74kg)

Before the pandemic i was 189 lbs (86kg) and that was the lowest I've been since i started checking my weight. The pandemic fucked me up physically and mentally. Staying at home was not good for me haha. I got used to eating a lot and also ordering food.

At one point i was 220+ lbs (101+ kg). I didn't even notice it because I was just sitting and sleeping and nothing else. After offices opened again it hit me. i was extremely out of shape. I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. I just felt like shit.

Last year since Jan I managed to get down to 209lbs / 95 kg by going on evening walks but i got really serious about weight loss since November last year and started with IF and exercise.

Now i look forward to Friday mornings because that's when i check my weight!

Thanks to this subreddit and also /r/progresspics both of which i check regularly for motivation and wholesomeness!

submitted by /u/AbandonedSupermarket
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to approach a 10 kg/22 lbs weighloss without counting calories

For context: I am 25F, I weight 75kg (165lbs), 1,70 height (5'7) . Based on that I understand I'm just slightly overweight, so it's not a huge problem in my life. The thing is since the pandemic I gained around 8 kg and I'm cotinuing to put on weight, slowly but surely. I would like to lose that weight, I guess the exact number of kg that I lose is not important, but at least 8 I think. I would also like to get my nutrition on check long term, as well as be more active to feel better in my body (I used to enjoy exercise). I had several attempts at weight loss, before and after the weight gain, but non stick. I tend to get obsesive about it and focus too much on the scale and on my apearence. I would like to avoid that and just focus on feeling better, but also make real and lasting changes. Counting calories doesn't really work for me.

My questions are: how do I approach this? What changes should I make? Should I try to avoid the scale altogether and just focus on food and exercise? Should I set a time frame for my goal? I don't know

submitted by /u/lu_mt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, March 10, 2023

Progress photos

I just want to start this post by thanking the lovely community here. You guys have helped me learn so much. There’s no way I could have gotten this far without the advice and motivation I’ve found here. This is the first time I’ve ever felt confident enough to post my progress pictures. I’m definitely a little nervous but excited to show everyone what I’ve been working on for the past 9 months. I started my weight loss journey in July of 2022. The first picture in the pair is from August 16th because I didn’t take a progress picture in July. The second is today. There is a difference of about 47 pounds between the two photos but I’ve lost 57 in total. Please don’t judge me for the wet hair or the dirty mirror. I always take my progress photos after I shower. Link To Progress Photos

submitted by /u/Just-Kiwi-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m tired of randoms telling me that XYZ fitness tracker, app, or even calorie information on packaging is incorrect

My whole weight loss journey people have gone out of their way to tell me that however I am tracking is incorrect.


My Garmin wear able isn’t accurate for calorie burn

My calorie tracking app is wrong.

The scale at my gym isn’t accurate.

Most recently someone told me that tracking calories by scanning packaging wasn’t accurate enough to give correct numbers.

I get that nothing is perfect, and even if we are working off of estimations at least it gives a reference to base everything off of.

And none of these people ever offer a different solution to the problem they are pointing out. If you aren’t going to offer a solution, why say anything at all? Who does it benefit?


submitted by /u/Ridethepig101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When you reduce your deficit but lose more weight anyway

So I was feeling kinda off this week. I was super tired and I just didn’t have the energy to do the workouts I usually do so I decided to increase my daily calorie intake by about 200 daily for the week and stop exercising to give my body a bit of a rest. I was expecting this to slow down my weight loss by around a half pound for the week and I was totally okay with that. I had been extremely regular in losing about 1.5 pounds a week for the last 3 months of my weight loss journey and I figured losing 1 pound instead of 1.5 was a totally fair trade off for letting my body have a bit of rest. I also ate more carbs then usual because I felt like my body was craving a low effort energy source. Well, I stepped on the scale today and mind you, I fully expecting that I may have gained from water weight because of the carbs. Guys… I dropped 2.2 pound this week. That’s the most I’ve dropped in months. I’m guessing it has something to do with cortisol causing me to hold some extra water, so I know it’s not technically all fat loss, but a win is a win.

submitted by /u/Just-Kiwi-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get people to stop commenting on my body?

So I gained about 60lbs during the pandemic. My parents died, I was very depressed and drinking a lot. I got help and got sober about six months ago. Since then, I’ve lost almost 40lbs and people are starting to notice. And comment. While it’s mostly positive, I really don’t enjoy it. Short of dressing in super baggy clothes for the rest of forever, how can I get people to stop commenting on my body? How do I (politely) shut down questions about weight loss strategies etc? The honest answer is that I’m no longer suicidal and actively trying to drink myself to death. But I don’t necessarily want to get into all that. I appreciate the support and concern, but I’m a pretty private person. Suggestions?

submitted by /u/kadora
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please help! Low calorie fried chicken alternatives?

Hi all, i've been doing pretty well with weight loss, but unfortunately i have an extremely large appetite for breaded/fried foods, specifically chicken. As far as I'm aware there aren't any low calorie chicken substitutes on the market, and most of the insanely low calorie swaps are mostly from sweet foods, which i don't crave at all.

Is there anything out there, lower calorie than tofu, that anyone recommends? when i search online, i can't find anything low calorie enough, that would have a portion to keep me satisfied. i don't have a monetary budget, i just want some help! Thank you!

submitted by /u/sajiao
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from loseit - Lose the Fat