Friday, March 10, 2023

How to get people to stop commenting on my body?

So I gained about 60lbs during the pandemic. My parents died, I was very depressed and drinking a lot. I got help and got sober about six months ago. Since then, I’ve lost almost 40lbs and people are starting to notice. And comment. While it’s mostly positive, I really don’t enjoy it. Short of dressing in super baggy clothes for the rest of forever, how can I get people to stop commenting on my body? How do I (politely) shut down questions about weight loss strategies etc? The honest answer is that I’m no longer suicidal and actively trying to drink myself to death. But I don’t necessarily want to get into all that. I appreciate the support and concern, but I’m a pretty private person. Suggestions?

submitted by /u/kadora
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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